Laserfibre MS200DX


New User
I purchased this stringer approx 2+ years ago. This was my first machine, and having absolutely no knowledge of stringing beforehand, I undertook the task of learning to string via a single phone call with one of the gentlemen at Laserfibre - I think his name may have been Tim.

I think I strung maybe a grand total of 1 racquet, before an injury forced me to take a break from tennis. During the time that I was out, my stringer served the occasional purpose as a clothes hanger, and nothing more!

Now I'm back in the game & rearing to go. Only problem is that I've completely forgotten how to string. So my question is:

Are there any video tutorials for how to string on a Laserfibre MS200DX? I've done a search, & there seem to be a few videos out there, but none for a Laserfiber - far less, an MS200DX.

Can anyone help me out?


Click my name on the left and send me an email.

I will send you an electronic copy of the manual.

If you can't access my email (maybe new users are not allowed that function), then post your email here.


New User
Click my name on the left and send me an email.

I will send you an electronic copy of the manual.

If you can't access my email (maybe new users are not allowed that function), then post your email here.

I went to your public profile & saw the message that you have "no contact information". So I guess, it's not working since I'm a n00b!

My email address is

TYIA! Cheers!

Deleted member 59693

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Hall of Fame
Why don't you just watch yulitle's vids on youtube, I did that and learned to string on my Stringway ML100, which is basically the same stringer as yours (Mines a tabletop, but I have it attached to a stand)...

The ML100 is not the same as the MS200DX because it's a drop weight while the MS200DX is spring-based and foot-operated. The tension setting is done completely differently between the 2 models, but the mount is the same.

The tension setting for the ML100 drop weight is much simpler because you just slide the weight to the desired position. The tension setting for the MS200DX is a little bit trickier although not difficult. It's just that if you haven't used it for 2 years and don't have a manual, it's not easy to remember all the steps.

I assume the OP asked for the MS200DX manual because he needs to remember how to operate the machine. Now remembering how to string is entirely different and that's where YUlitle's videos will come in handy.

Deleted member 59693

Have you tried asking them for a manual
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Hall of Fame
Yeah my bad, I was thinking of the MS200tt, Have you tried contacting Laserfibre again and asking them for a manual?

Don't worry about it. I have an MS200DX myself so that's why I wanted to clarify this detail. I do have the manual myself. It's the OP who doesn't. But Scotus already emailed him an electronic copy, so all's good.


Don't worry about it. I have an MS200DX myself so that's why I wanted to clarify this detail. I do have the manual myself. It's the OP who doesn't. But Scotus already emailed him an electronic copy, so all's good.

Thanks for this post.

I had sent him a manual for the Stringway ML100. Upon seeing your post and realizing I sent him the wrong one, I emailed him the manual for the ML200, which is the foot-operated spring-loaded one.