Laserfibre questions


I am considering purchasing a stringing machine, and like others on the board, am looking at the laserfibre ms200 and the alpha revo4000, and similar gamma model.

I read the thread about strining polys on a dropweight, and am wondering if it would be any harder to string a poly on the laserfibre than say the revo4000?

Also, can anyone comment on the flying clamps on the laserfibre(speed, but most importantly "accuracy".)

Finally, what are the prices on the laserfibre machines(flying and fixed clamps). Correct me if i'm wrong the the gamma and revo4000 machines can be had for 550-600. Are the resale values on each comparable(say after 5 years)


mr. stevo

i ordered an ms200TT not too long ago and i got some prices,
ms200eco 399USD (flyingclamps)
ms200eco 599USD (Fixed)
ms200TT 699USD (Double act. Fixed)
ms200TT 799USD (Double act. Fixed)

and add 80 dollars to each of those machines, because the prices has 'actually' increased but it is treated as a 80 dollar rebate on strings. Don't quote me exactly, your best bet is to contact each machines sale department and talk with them. I have not yet received my machine yet so i cannot say anything about the clamps but i beleive that the resale value of all the machines are quite reasonably good. Problem is that... it's darn hard to find one for sale. Most users that buy either brand of machines are really satisfied for the most part, unless they have more business that the machine can come to.

Power Game

I own a revo 4000 and i can vouch for it, it is really a great machine.

Stringers go for alot on ****, i've seen Neos' go for 800-900, Gamma 4000s for about 500-600


Thanks for all of your replies!

I don't want to rehash the revo4000 vs. laserfibre debate that several posts have already delt with. However, any additional comments are welcome.

Maybe i am stubborn, but i have only strung on a crank styled machine. Any negative things to say about the laserfibre eco(in terms of mounting and the accuracy of tensioning).

Also, I am interested if there are any shortfalls stringing less elastic strings like polys.

Finally what would you pay for say a 3-4 year old
1)Laserfibre Eco with fixed clamps.
2)Alpha Revo4000.


mr. stevo

i don't think there is anything wrong with either machines, for your case i think the revo would be the best choice... why go with something else you are not comfortable with? and if you have experience with crank go for it. You might be wasting valuable time and money if you get the laserfibre eco and you find out you don't like it.

There was a chance for me to buy a ms200 ECO and i was willing to pay around 499 shipped but i live in canada. so it might be even cheaper for usa residents. I choose the ms200TT for it's compactness, portability (i will be moving it around my room alot) and the part where gravity initiates the pulling instead of cranking.

well that's my 2 cents. good luck!


thanks for all replies

Can anyone comment on the accuracy of the laserfibre vs. a crank machine like the revo4000. Klippermate claims to be within +- 1 pound, but it seems otherwise. My friends who have them say they are quite inaccurate.

Is there anything bad about the laserfibre machines, i have only heard good things. Same for the revo4000, what are the downsides?

Gaines Hillix

Hall of Fame
I believe the MS200TT and Revo 4000 are both accurate. Since the Laserfibre machine is constant pull it will create a stringbed that is about 10% tighter than the Alpha machine, which is a spring tension/crank machine. Most pro shops and all of the major tournaments use electronic constant pull machines. You can easily compensate for this difference on a crank machine by raising the reference tension if you feel the need to. They both are good quality machines. You can get a stand mounted Alpha Axis Pro or equivelant Gamma machine for the same price as the MS200TT. That would be my preference, but that is personal opinion. There are tons of Laserfibre fans out there.


gaines, i read that you bought wider mounts(prince) at 6 and 12. Can these be put on a revo4000? Where can they be purchased? And do they make a significant difference?

Gaines Hillix

Hall of Fame
thebeast, I got what are called frame adapaters that go between the mounting posts at 6/12 on a 6-point system. They are the green plastic variety that Prince makes. I got them free from the USRSA(one of the benefits of membership, I guess). They help spread the load on the frame at those points. I think they hold the frame more securely and more gently, if you will, then the standard posts. They would work fine on a Revo 4000.


I looked some, but couldn't find them. Do you have a link where i could purchase them, or know who to get in contact with?
