Lead on Pure Drive Team


I have a Pure Drive Team + and I've been wondering about lead tape. I used to have 2 pieces of lead tape at the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock position and 4 pieces at the 12 o'clock.

I stuck with that for 2 months then took it off and now I'm back to thinking if I should put lead tape on. The results weren't extremely clear so I don't know. As of now I have the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock ones on but not the 12 o'clock.

If any of you have a Pure Drive or Pure Drive Team, could you tell me where you put your lead tape?


Bottle Rocket

Hall of Fame
Anyone can tell you where they have put lead, but it will be completely worthles information to you.

You haven't said anything about WHY you want to add lead and what results you're looking for. What do you like about your racket? What do you dislike? What are you trying to change?

That's like asking for racket suggestions by just finding out what everyone else uses.


Eh, Well I just wanted to see where other people put theirs.

Anyways, I wanted the racket to be a little heavier and add topspin. My serve was fine with and without but it was probably a little faster with the lead tape. I don't want so much as to have trouble swinging the racket. The sweetspot stretching doesn't really matter.


Oh, I'm an all court player really. I like doing everything really, but my serve might be the weakest of all. However, if my serve is really on and I can serve 100 mph consistently then I will serve and volley.

Ross K

I'm probably in a minority on this lead-loving forum, but, certainly as regards the PD+, my view of lead tape is that it is a very tricky business indeed - and one best left avoided if possible.

Considering this is such a powerful and stiff racquet - one that an enormous amount of people have great difficulty controlling in stock form alone, quite why folks are so eager to add the lead tape to it, I don't quite understand.

I, myself, once added only a small amount. Result: a 2hbh of unbelievable, awesome, Agassi-like power (all right, that's a slight exaggeration - but it was pretty amazing!) And a bionic trampoline for every other aspect of my game! I confess it was months of tinkering around with the lead before I faced facts and stripped it off entirely.

Nowdays - (although if truth be told I plan on investing in a new racquet by the end of the summer) -, at least I'm now relatively settled and steady with the stick... which is more than can be said for the days of lead tape and my rocket launcher of a PD+!


I put lead at 12' on my PD+. No more vibrations and arm pains after that.

When I was putting it at 3&9 the elbow pain was a lot higher


ok, so when I was playing with no lead, I had the worst elbow pain, and racquet vibrates so much with poly at 60 (but soft poly, Polyfibre TCS).

I then put 4 grams at 3&9, man, that hurt, the tip of the racquet vibrated as hell.

So I resorted to the last ideea I had, some 3 grams at 12. Guess what? No vibration, more weight on the ball, SW just a tad higher and NO MORE ELBOW PAIN!

I have to thank Travlerajm, he was the one that said you should put lead at 12 to minimize the increase in swingweight, increase spin and power. He was entirely right!

I didn't put any lead on the handle because I wear an overgrip, so they balance each other out.
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