Learning How To Play Mushin Tennis

thomas daniels

A few readers asked me about warrior meditation, in the other post and what it was about.


Warrior meditation is based on Mushin Tennis.

Which is... all about freeing yourself from thought and playing in the moment on every point, in your tennis matches.

The first thing you will have to do is develop a Mushin Mindset.

Then after you do that.

Just transfer that concept into your tennis matches.

What makes Mushin Tennis so poweful?

Once you learn and develop it.

You will start winning more matches without even trying to!!

Imagine that?

It makes sense too, because the reason why most players struggle in competition, is by being too emotionally attached to the outcome.


With Mushin Tennis you are releasing all attachment to the outcome and going with the flow, with whatever happens out there.


Here is a quick introduction to it.

Find a quiet place.

Focus on your breath and allow your thoughts to come and go as they please... notice how I say ALLOW here.

Never resist any thought. (this is were many players struggle with warrior meditation).

They try it, and then they resist a thought and the same thought keeps going back, meaning, what you resist, will persist!!

The good thing about doing this is, if you keep letting the thought fly by and go back to the breath.

They will eventually stop on their own... this is Mushin Training.

When they do stop coming back.

Start in on your warrior meditation.

Recall one of your best past performances in a match and play that mental movie over and over again in your mind for 10 minutes straight. Really emotionalize it and create that feeling in your body that you felt that day on the court.

If you can't recall one, make ONE up, because your subconscious mind doesn't know if the mental picture you are giving it, is real or unreal.

By the way.

This mushin training/warrior meditation, should take about 20 minutes.

Last thing.

You must do this for 21 days too or you will be wasting your time.

The one thing that you must realize is that... learning how to Play Mushin Tennis, can be the game changer for your career.

And it will help you transform your mental game in months!!


My first thought was how the fvck does Mushu play tennis?

thomas daniels

I am learning much about Mushin. By the way, what does the word 'Mushin' mean?

What if I can only do it 19 days? 20 days? Should I just not do it at all?
As you should know, and as it is written and proven that, it takes 21 days to develop any habit or skill or mindset... so does that answer your question?


Absolutely not true
while i hate agreeing with him... i think he's referring to mind set changes (eg. 21-30d of continually going to the gym daily, before "going the gym" is a habit)
but obviously doesn't apply if you're saying switching from an eastern grip fh to a western grip fh (or vice versa).


^^^ It's like the "10,000 hour rule" - just because it gets said a lot, doesn't make it a universal truth :)

It is of course entirely possible to change a habit or adopt a new mindset or change a skill in less than 21 days (although how you chosse to define habit will have a bearing also)


^^^ It's like the "10,000 hour rule" - just because it gets said a lot, doesn't make it a universal truth :)

It is of course entirely possible to change a habit or adopt a new mindset or change a skill in less than 21 days (although how you chosse to define habit will have a bearing also)
hehe, true... but i have read a couple books/studies/references from folks about 21-30d to the sweet spot of daily <fill in habit you're trying to adopt>... but yeah, like the 10,000 hour study, it's just a figurative #, as folks will achieve mastery in more or less, etc...

anywho, the meditation idea is a good one. don't know if warranted a informercial type thread/book excerpt though :p


Here's a quick guide on what exactly mushin technique is and how to practice it.

I found this several years ago. I've worked it into my game. I use it primarily with return of serve and volleying.

I don't want to claim its special or better or anything. I don't teach it to my students. But I do personally quite like how I play when I use it.


Bionic Poster
Wasn't taking this too seriously when I read this as MUSH-in tennis. But giving it more consideration as moo-shin (or moo-sheen).
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