I am a right hander playing as a leftie, everything except the serve. Now I plan to learn the left handed serve from scratch!
I trained it now for about 10 hours and I can do a beginners spin serve but not with the full motion. I am curious about how long would it take to develop a good throwing motion with my left hand that would be on paar with my right hand?
I found out also something very exciting. While my right hand delivers the power and I was always learning to add a ton of spin to my serve - now when learning the left handed serve the learning experience is the opposite!! Now I am learning to put power to spin as I can feel the spin as crazy with my left hand and I will trade consistency for speed at any time since i am not an advanced player - we are talking about a 4.0 player here and I will play with such players in next 5 years so I have time. This is also the same with the forehand - there is so much spin - I sometimes cant believe how much (because there is not a lot of power but the spin is huge) - look at this from this perspective - when you playing with your dominant hand its more difficult to feel\separate spin at power - with the non dominant you have the spin but you are the nadding power - i cant really describe it - you must try it for yourself.
You will for sure ask why I play leftie - but please dont as I will not change my mind.
you will sure ask why I dont keep my rightie serve. ecause its ****** unreliable! I have a decent first serve but my second serve sucks and I t hink if I put another 50 hours in my leftie spin serve it will be better as my right second serve. Why? I dont know - but I feel the "adding spin" with my left hand more. Just... I know to do a full leftie service motion will be awkward for some time--- but how long if I will train hard?
I am throwing balls, thinking about buying something heavier to train my throwing motion with my left hand.
But when I start in an "abbreviated" serve position - like for example this guy (Jay Berger) I have absolutely not problems with the hitting.. For the first time ever I like to learn a serve..:
Give me an honest opinion please. One year? Two? I dont need the fastest serve - I want reliable serves.
And who should I emulate? Nadal? Ivanisevic?
I have the time and will - it will be hard but I think I can bring it to a higher level than my right hand.
I am already playing against righties but I am am still shy with my left handed forehand and sometimes I just use my two handed forehand because I am still not confident enough. But soon my fh will be ready to launch.
I trained it now for about 10 hours and I can do a beginners spin serve but not with the full motion. I am curious about how long would it take to develop a good throwing motion with my left hand that would be on paar with my right hand?
I found out also something very exciting. While my right hand delivers the power and I was always learning to add a ton of spin to my serve - now when learning the left handed serve the learning experience is the opposite!! Now I am learning to put power to spin as I can feel the spin as crazy with my left hand and I will trade consistency for speed at any time since i am not an advanced player - we are talking about a 4.0 player here and I will play with such players in next 5 years so I have time. This is also the same with the forehand - there is so much spin - I sometimes cant believe how much (because there is not a lot of power but the spin is huge) - look at this from this perspective - when you playing with your dominant hand its more difficult to feel\separate spin at power - with the non dominant you have the spin but you are the nadding power - i cant really describe it - you must try it for yourself.
You will for sure ask why I play leftie - but please dont as I will not change my mind.
you will sure ask why I dont keep my rightie serve. ecause its ****** unreliable! I have a decent first serve but my second serve sucks and I t hink if I put another 50 hours in my leftie spin serve it will be better as my right second serve. Why? I dont know - but I feel the "adding spin" with my left hand more. Just... I know to do a full leftie service motion will be awkward for some time--- but how long if I will train hard?
I am throwing balls, thinking about buying something heavier to train my throwing motion with my left hand.
But when I start in an "abbreviated" serve position - like for example this guy (Jay Berger) I have absolutely not problems with the hitting.. For the first time ever I like to learn a serve..:
Give me an honest opinion please. One year? Two? I dont need the fastest serve - I want reliable serves.
And who should I emulate? Nadal? Ivanisevic?
I have the time and will - it will be hard but I think I can bring it to a higher level than my right hand.
I am already playing against righties but I am am still shy with my left handed forehand and sometimes I just use my two handed forehand because I am still not confident enough. But soon my fh will be ready to launch.