His dad was a former atp pro. Most players would kill to have a atp pro for a parent to coach and guide him/her.
He has all the ingredients to dominate the sport. If he can just put it all together. I would be happy if he hired Magnus Norman as his coach. He would see results immediately in my opinion.
I'm not speaking to his dad's skill or overall ability as a coach or former player. Probably if he was coaching someone who is NOT his son, he could have great coaching results. You see it all the time with people that are coached by family--they often throw temper tantrums and there is so much else going on there besides just pure coaching. While Sasha doesn't throw overt tantrums, I think because he has done so well at his young age and better than his older brother, I get the feeling he doesn't really listen to his dad much anymore, so more of a covert tantrum. IMO, you can see Sasha's overall attitude about believing he is better than his results always play out in the 'way' that he is angry and frustrated when he is losing and the way he comes out expecting to win (seemingly purely on ranking, i.e. he often underestimates other players). It totally makes sense in terms of birth order stuff that he would be more rebellious and his brother more absorbing of his dad's coaching. His brother on one hand has seemed to do the best with the skills and physicality he has whereas Sasha probably has more in terms of the raw physicality and perhaps skills but harnessing it is another story.
Unfortunately the parent relationship adds another layer no matter how talented his dad may be--it would hit a wall, IMO. One of my parents is a math genius--that didn't go over so well either, just saying ;-)
I agree that Magnus Norman would probably be a better match. I still think Sasha may have reached his best and it's not a coaching thing. I could totally be wrong about that though since he is young.