Go try Darling Tennis Center.I played a tourney in Vegas at Bally’s Resort on the strip 20+ years ago. Visiting this weekend and was looking for courts, and it looks like 2/3 of the resort property has been converted to pickle and the tennis courts look worn and neglected in the satellite photo.
I play only 2 Pickleball games in a sessionWhy aren’t you reporting the other 10 games you played?
Your son being denied his livelihood is a serious matter. He should collect evidence and file a complaint and a lawsuit against the relevant org. It is one thing to hassle a player another to prevent work.The pickle heads are driving me nuts in my town and have invaded the tennis courts. The old farts constantly show up and try to kick my son off a court when he is playing tennis or giving a lesson. Good thing he will have none of it.
When we play tennis next to the picklesters and our ball goes into their court especially behind them they tend to leave them. Meanwhile the wind will blow their whiffle balls onto our court in the middle of a point disrupting us.
If there is a tennis like game which is not pickle ball but actually requires some fitness and athleticism where I can invade their courts (which our city has as well) I will take up that sport my pals and I will pack up our coolers with beer and invade their courts for an afternoon of fun.
Lol tennis players also call Ball On and not let. Which world do you live in or has Pickle damaged you?When pickleball players ball goes on an adjoining court they yell “ball” instead of “let”.
Lol tennis players also call Ball On and not let. Which world do you live in or has Pickle damaged you?
Your son being denied his livelihood is a serious matter. He should collect evidence and file a complaint and a lawsuit against the relevant org. It is one thing to hassle a player another to prevent work.
And MedicareAren't all pickle ballers on a fixed income?
And Medicare
Uhc is my provider and charge me $40 copay per office visitAs I drive to Lifetime Pickleball funded by United Healthcare Medicare … I will smile thinking of you still working continuing to fund my retirement safety-net. I use the social security checks for paddles … so thanks for that also. Just think … if you are successful storming the Pickleball castle with touch tennis … I bet I get 10-15 years of United Healthcare funded touch tennis before you retire. That has to sting.
Uhc is my provider and charge me $40 copay per office visit
One Section has been trying to push touchtennis for almost a decade - USTA Southwest.Touch tennis can be played with shorter rackets (21 inch). The court is slightly smaller than a Pickleball court I believe, but it should not matter. The ball is not the same as the red foam tennis ball used in 10-and-under but close enough.
Let us buy a few red foam tennis balls and cheap 21-inch tennis rackets and start playing touch tennis on Pickleball courts.
Pickles have been taking over tennis courts and mutilating them with lines. We will not do any shortening of the Pickleball court because it is informally considered to be OK.
How do you think Pickles will react?
I predict that they will try to chase us away at first, but once they realize how good it feels to hit a soft ball, and make less noise, and do real overhand serves, they will embrace us.
Stringing cost is an issue but the foam ball should keep restringing needs minimal, maybe once a year.
Let us launch this movement right away. We will start with city rec centers and public parks, and eventually pitch the idea to private clubs as well.
Anyone who has contacts in the USTA please forward. Tell them they missed this opportunity a long time ago and should atone for it now.
ThanksYou guys are geniuses.
So how is this going? Updates?Touch tennis can be played with shorter rackets (21 inch). The court is slightly smaller than a Pickleball court I believe, but it should not matter. The ball is not the same as the red foam tennis ball used in 10-and-under but close enough.
Let us buy a few red foam tennis balls and cheap 21-inch tennis rackets and start playing touch tennis on Pickleball courts.
Pickles have been taking over tennis courts and mutilating them with lines. We will not do any shortening of the Pickleball court because it is informally considered to be OK.
How do you think Pickles will react?
I predict that they will try to chase us away at first, but once they realize how good it feels to hit a soft ball, and make less noise, and do real overhand serves, they will embrace us.
Stringing cost is an issue but the foam ball should keep restringing needs minimal, maybe once a year.
Let us launch this movement right away. We will start with city rec centers and public parks, and eventually pitch the idea to private clubs as well.
Anyone who has contacts in the USTA please forward. Tell them they missed this opportunity a long time ago and should atone for it now.
No interest from anyoneSo how is this going? Updates?
Buy it, frame it and hang it in the your humble abode.I just saw an ad for Pickleball art - paintings and so on.
Fortunately Pickle ball is not popular in the UK but Paddle is.
Why didnt Pickle just use the same lines as tennis as in the service box? The day any tennis club I'm a member of installs them I'll resign.
Jono - there are a whopping 5 indoor tennis facilities within a 150 mile radius of me. 3 of them have installed permanent pickleball lines on the courts....
I wish I could, but I have nowhere to go (The 2 that havent are 50 miles away and one is an expensive private club)
because pickleball is slower and lighter, they don't have safety in mindMain thing that annoys the hell out of me is pickleballers have absolutely no court etiquette. They routinely walk through my court during a point or rally. Either behind or through the middle between 2 courts. I always stop and just give them a death stare.
Pickled brass balls my change their mindsbecause pickleball is slower and lighter, they don't have safety in mind
Guess we’ll have to put them in some danger.because pickleball is slower and lighter, they don't have safety in mind
Also the Paddles for Paddle Tennis are similar to Beach Tennis which used a beach volleyball court but paddle is different in shape and design where a Beach one would hurt to play Paddle Tennis with because Beach Tennis is has a more open gap and uses a non pressurized Tennis ball same size as a regular tennis ball but no pressure and often all orange or orange and standard to stand out better on the beach, though in beach tennis you could use the old wood paddles that look like oversized wood faced table tennis paddles as some companies started making the original Beach Tennis in very late 2000's seeing Beach Tennis take off with new tech and other companies copying original paddles in 2010's.Fortunately Pickle ball is not popular in the UK but Paddle is.
Why didnt Pickle just use the same lines as tennis as in the service box? The day any tennis club I'm a member of installs them I'll resign.