Life after Srsh Thread


Bionic Poster
In ‘65 I was 17 and we had no idea who the top Indian player was.

We were forced to love The Laver butt we knew something was better around the corner.

Sure enough, Srshur was borne out of a Bangaloar wet lock tad pole market through a back channel and our world was transformed by levels not even The Borge had seen.


Bionic Poster
The top players in the world trust the algorithm that Latha has released into the cloud using her personal supply of password complexities.
The top players of the future who are not yet born are praying that Srsh retires in two decades, so that they can start winning slams twenty years after they are born.

Amaze. Unreal.


Talk Tennis Guru
Sentease failure as a Java interpreter is not Srsherersz fault.

The modern compiler that Sreshr wrote in the 90s is eschewed by Senti.





Talk Tennis Guru
The top players are reaching for new heights under the professional yet affordable guidance of Srshr Tennis Center.

Larry Duff

There is a sage from Sikkim telling his followers to head south then very west to learn the high backhand volley. He does not even have the internet access or the Stall#2 with a door.

Unbelievable times.


Talk Tennis Guru
Rafa Nagal lost in the final at Perugia last Sunday.

Srshez tip and guidance is watering the roots of Indian tennis players dreaming of a large, lucrative championship.

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

This is an extraordinarily egregious and sickening tort aimed at the Children of Bangaloar.

Maude is here.

Maude is watching us.

From a distance.

Maude is watching Senti.


Talk Tennis Guru
Everyone loves a snitch.

You must have been poplar in school in the '50s.
An attack on 1 is an attack on all.

Maude is watching us closely. Waiting for the Final ban hammer to be executed against anyone that disparages SRSHRTP championship level rating system.