Life after Srsh Thread


"There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom: An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Physics" was a lecture given by physicist Richard Feynman at the annual American Physical Society meeting at Caltech on December 29, 1959.[1] Feynman considered the possibility of direct manipulation of individual atoms as a more robust form of synthetic chemistry than those used at the time. Although versions of the talk were reprinted in a few popular magazines, it went largely unnoticed until the 1980s.
If Feynman is saying that I'd believe it totally. In particle physics, he is what Srsh is to tennis.


Talk Tennis Guru
Watching the top 3.5 player in Hackeysack NJ in a league match now.

This guy can barely serve.

He needs major STC secret guidance that is affordable and drug/disease free.


Bionic Poster
Watching the top 3.5 player in Hackeysack NJ in a league match now.

This guy can barely serve.

He needs major STC secret guidance that is affordable and drug/disease free.
3.5 players have serious stroke technique limitations. The top 3.5 are a bit better, but with the same limitations.
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Bionic Poster
Some people are finding harder to believe in Srsh every day considering the most recent revelations about his persona, but they stay course at the STC because it’s the only place in which they grew up and could relate to in their (w)hole lives.
Other valuable users have abandoned Srsh and TTW as a whole, which is more or less the same.
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Talk Tennis Guru
Srshr inspires ColoGuard players to submit their samples with confidence and without fear that the parcel will reach the Bombay lab for testing and tennis advise gauging potential for reaching 4.0 flex league qualifier rounds.


I showed srsh's post making fun of a tennis coach who had an amputation due to diabetes to the bikini baristas that he berated. Nichole responded, "Not only is he some random dirty old man on the Internet, he is an insensitive louse with no self-awareness. He needs to be canceled."

I can't say I disagree.


Talk Tennis Guru
We can't say this tribute thread shows 100% inconditional support to Srsh. This is what I call democracy.
G-Resh offers affordable Tennis and Seckshul advise to players of all levels.

The Badminton is moar popular now in the barios across the Punjabbar peninsula than ever before.
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Talk Tennis Guru
I’m on a nationwide outage call for a government entity and I accidentally shared the Srsher forehand winner video instead of my work laptop screen and everyone on the call asked who is that and could they get a copy.

Everyone’s attention has shifted from the outage to watching Srsherer dominate the Raquet spoarts through sheer athleticism and raw Indian scented talent.

This is powerful stuff.
You have to cut a lot of slack for the srshs for his eggregious mistakes with humor and the pf changs cleanouts. These are tame when compared to trumpresh quotes on record at stc, and look at where the people vaulted him up to.


Talk Tennis Guru
Srshersz studemts want to feel what he feels.

Some 3.5 players just want to “cop a feel” and don’t care about The Tennis.

Serious top 4.0 players want a “real feel” straight from Srshersz curry scented blast site.

Amateur players just want to win a Championship and feel important and loved like K-Resh.



Talk Tennis Guru
Moast casual Craigslist players will never win The Tennis but they can dream and melt away in Srshesz womb and feel a warm championship brewing in his mortal coil.

Larry Duff

When my BlackBerry sounded today it was my barista Solly Dibbs informing me that he was going on an STC retreat this weekend in the hills of Escondido.


Talk Tennis Guru
Have you seen the cricket recipes? Soupfresh is serving wonders. His tip leaves everyone wanting moar of the indian scented schefs hot kim kurries with toppings of crickets smoaked over natural mesquite from the rich punjabbar forestial soils in the napa valley.
Either u can see The Tennis or u can’t.

If your entire life is spent online how can u perform Tennis?

Does anyone here remember The Tennis?


Please send a revert to my DM account for a quicker revert.
Next gen star Srshamadovic after his epic win today over arturos fils in the deserted land battles acknowledged the tip and abundance of pterodactyls as the drivers behind his hammer of a serve.


Talk Tennis Guru
Next gen star Srshamadovic after his epic win today over arturos fils in the deserted land battles acknowledged the tip and abundance of pterodactyls as the drivers behind his hammer of a serve.
I sent this Tweet to an Olde English professora in my section and she could not make sense of it and suggested I repoart it to a legislative body in my district for a fair resolution and immediate remediation.

Wow. Wait.


Talk Tennis Guru
The sureshs is the future of the racket sports.
I never caired about The Badminton evar but Srshe is what they call an influencer so I now follow high level Internet Badminton 2 or 3 hours a day and I derive moar joy from that than spending time feeding birds or rehabilitating tigers.

I’m feeling ready for a Badminton Championship Challenge.
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I sent this Tweet to an Olde English professora in my section and she could not make sense of it and suggested I repoart it to a legislative body in my district for a fair resolution and immediate remediation.

Wow. Wait.
You need to stop consulting the motley crew who are unable to help and leave you confused. Instead seek the stcs expert guidance at very low cost payable in bitcoin.


Talk Tennis Guru
The srshs controversial but highly effective pf changs bathroom break strategy is becoming rampantly adapted on the court across the atp.
The Punjabbi National Ping Pong team does not eat PF Changs or destroy bathrooms with defiled clustered clumps of wretched curry chaos.

Larry Duff

last night my Uber driver, Patrick, was dropping me off and he stated the sky was very clear. I said, "yes, we can almost see Uranus. He drove away quite quickly but I bet he was laughing at the great humor.


Talk Tennis Guru
The top 8.0 mixed team is playing a match now and both teams head to their iPhones on changeovers quickly checking for notifications from SrshAssist web Java tip NNTP feed.
last night my Uber driver, Patrick, was dropping me off and he stated the sky was very clear. I said, "yes, we can almost see Uranus. He drove away quite quickly but I bet he was laughing at the great humor.
While uber drivers find the drop volley video bemusing, the uber eats delivery guys repoart the srshs multiple times every week for the pending tip.

The Sureshs™ is not the tennis hero we had hoped for. He is one of questionable character.
Stc is noting the trend of a few turning heel on the srshs. It is checking with tawpe ad agencies for positive spins to put in commercial campaigns at the asia pacific open dessert warmups and uplift the image. You can contribute by digging deep then securely and anonymously posting in this threat any good traits you can recall.


Talk Tennis Guru
While uber drivers find the drop volley video bemusing, the uber eats delivery guys repoart the srshs multiple times every week for the pending tip.

Stc is noting the trend of a few turning heel on the srshs. It is checking with tawpe ad agencies for positive spins to put in commercial campaigns at the asia pacific open dessert warmups and uplift the image. You can contribute by digging deep then securely and anonymously posting in this threat any good traits you can recall.
I have seen mens B singles champions who will nevar reach A singles level without STC guidance and strategic advise from Indian coaches and experts from the golden fields of eastern Chennai.