Lighter racket - Elbow pain


So I for the past 5 years or so ive been playing with the Wilson Ncode Six one 95, which weights 333 grams.
Right before the summer i hurt my wrist, and took all summer to heal, after that i was playing at after long days i could feel it starting hurt again.
Not to get injured again, I decided to try playing with a lighter racket, the Head Radical Microrgel Mid plus, which is around 295 grams or something like that.

My wrist been great since the switch, dont feel a thing, but my elbow start hurting quite a bit, i think it is racket related, but cant say it for sure.

I figure the Radical is lighter and softer than the Six One, but could it be the reason of my elbow pain?


New User
have you tried any of the Volkl's. The V1MP Organix just had a price drop. I demoed it and its my favorite. I am waiting to see if it drops some more when the 2013 racquets debut.

Steve Huff

Heavy rackets to decrease elbow pain.
Light rackets to decrease shoulder pain. Not sure about wrist pain.

Poly strings increase pain in all areas.


As far as strings Ive always used a full bed of Poly.
Around 55lb on the Wilson, and 58lb on the Head.

Because of the elbow pain, i did string one of the rackets with a full bed of synthetic gut, but had no luck with it, same pain, a lot less spin.

I was thinking of either try softer strings on the Wilson (which i really dont like since i am a big fan of poly(
Or add some weight to the Head, lead on the head, and silicone on the handle (which could help with vibrations from what ive read).


58lb on the Rad MP is way too tight with poly. Most people are down around 50 to 52 with cross 2lb lower and they get a much better response from the racquet.

If you can't handle the poly, go a 17g multi such as x-one biphase or nxt tour is very good as well.

Hi I'm Ray

So I for the past 5 years or so ive been playing with the Wilson Ncode Six one 95, which weights 333 grams.
Right before the summer i hurt my wrist, and took all summer to heal, after that i was playing at after long days i could feel it starting hurt again.
Not to get injured again, I decided to try playing with a lighter racket, the Head Radical Microrgel Mid plus, which is around 295 grams or something like that.

My wrist been great since the switch, dont feel a thing, but my elbow start hurting quite a bit, i think it is racket related, but cant say it for sure.

I figure the Radical is lighter and softer than the Six One, but could it be the reason of my elbow pain?

Are you swinging the Rad differently than with the 6.1? Are you trying to swing it faster and using your arm more than you did before?

58lbs is way too high for full poly, especially on a dense pattern. I'd string a Radical up @ 50lbs or lower for full poly.


You might try a hybrid, too. I use a syn gut cross with poly and maintain just as much spin, but with a softer bed. I was having arm issues, too, but I went the other way--heavier racquet. I now used a modded PK 7G along with a Flexbar and don't have any problems. The Flexbar is really cool because it starts working very quickly. I think it stretches your forearm properly which relieves the tendon/muscle strain. Whatever the bar does, it plus the 7G strung with a hybrid works for me.


I doubt the problem is the Poly.
I did think it was the problem, but like i said, I used a full bed of Syn Gut and didnt help either.

I dont think i changed anything on my strokes, but maybe it happened without me trying?


Now that your wrist is okay, have you tried going back to your Wilson? Have you figured out what caused the wrist pain in the first place? When my wrist was hurting, it was because I was trying to impart more topspin on my forhand by snapping my wrist through ball contact. I was using a 12.9 oz. racquet at the time. Now I flip the racquet over the ball at contact and my wrist is better.


Now that your wrist is okay, have you tried going back to your Wilson? Have you figured out what caused the wrist pain in the first place? When my wrist was hurting, it was because I was trying to impart more topspin on my forhand by snapping my wrist through ball contact. I was using a 12.9 oz. racquet at the time. Now I flip the racquet over the ball at contact and my wrist is better.

Yeah, I think i will try the wilson next time I play.


New User
So I for the past 5 years or so ive been playing with the Wilson Ncode Six one 95, which weights 333 grams.
Right before the summer i hurt my wrist, and took all summer to heal, after that i was playing at after long days i could feel it starting hurt again.
Not to get injured again, I decided to try playing with a lighter racket, the Head Radical Microrgel Mid plus, which is around 295 grams or something like that.

My wrist been great since the switch, dont feel a thing, but my elbow start hurting quite a bit, i think it is racket related, but cant say it for sure.

I figure the Radical is lighter and softer than the Six One, but could it be the reason of my elbow pain?

Besides the equipment and your swing style causes, maybe you should also find the exercise to work out extensor tendon of forearm and related shoulder/wrist tendons. It will build up endurance to prevent injury.

The arm/elbow problem is closely related to wrist and shoulder. Since you had injured your wrist before, there may be degeneration or micro injuries in the elbow. Exercise regularly is a good idea.