New User
Hey everyone new to the site and glad I have found it seems great,
A little intro first i have been playing tennis since I was 10 now im 22 so 12 years and still going.Have played state tennis and was very close to playing for my country (Australia) I have also just started coaching. Anyone that needs help feel free to ask and I will do my best , but at this time I have 2 questions.
To begin I have a student I coach who is 18 and was taught to play when he was younger then stopped for years now Im coaching him. He is very rusty so Im focusing on developing solid fundementals as we makes lots of mistakes. the reason for his mistakes are that he always wants to hit the ball too hard even when he is in defensive positions. I believe this is because he sees other people his age hitting the ball hard constantly and he is being influenced by that. I have done everything i can to teach him to stay in the point and to elimate his errors he wont listen. For example the other night I saw him playing a comp and he hit 6 double faults in a row i explained to him to take the pace of the ball and add more spin. he didnt listen and said he couldnt. Any help would be appreciated
Very quickly second question I just got my hands on the inner game of tennis and loved it. If there is any coaches here that use this natural method of learning through observation, feel, non judgement how do they go about it and incoporate it there lessons. Very interested in this and want to apply natural learning using self 2.
Cheers to anyone that responds and Federer here I come
A little intro first i have been playing tennis since I was 10 now im 22 so 12 years and still going.Have played state tennis and was very close to playing for my country (Australia) I have also just started coaching. Anyone that needs help feel free to ask and I will do my best , but at this time I have 2 questions.
To begin I have a student I coach who is 18 and was taught to play when he was younger then stopped for years now Im coaching him. He is very rusty so Im focusing on developing solid fundementals as we makes lots of mistakes. the reason for his mistakes are that he always wants to hit the ball too hard even when he is in defensive positions. I believe this is because he sees other people his age hitting the ball hard constantly and he is being influenced by that. I have done everything i can to teach him to stay in the point and to elimate his errors he wont listen. For example the other night I saw him playing a comp and he hit 6 double faults in a row i explained to him to take the pace of the ball and add more spin. he didnt listen and said he couldnt. Any help would be appreciated
Very quickly second question I just got my hands on the inner game of tennis and loved it. If there is any coaches here that use this natural method of learning through observation, feel, non judgement how do they go about it and incoporate it there lessons. Very interested in this and want to apply natural learning using self 2.
Cheers to anyone that responds and Federer here I come