Linear vs. Rotational grippers...


New User

I was wondering if anyone can give me insights on the pros and cons of each type of gripper? My experience thus far has been with linear grippers (Ektelon H, Prince P200 and Neos, Babolat Star III and WISE 2086). My main concern is ease of use and smoothness.

I'm looking at getting a new Eagnas Flex 840 w/a WISE 2086 tension head, but there are several rotational-type grippers out there that can be had for less...just not sure how I'll like that gripper! ;)

Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions!


David Pavlich

A linear gripper is quicker and requires less string. There is also less chance of kinking the string. However, the mechanical side of the rotational head is nearly bulletproof because of its simplicity and strength.

Having said that, I belive the machines that were used at the NASDAQ and at the Beijing Open are rotary heads similar to the Silent Partner Aria which is a rotary head but equipped with a linear gripper. I have an Aria and it works very well. It's not as quick as my Sensor, but it is a good machine and worth every penny.
