LiquidMetal vs Flexpoint vs MicroGel Radical


New User
Looking for a new stick. I've always played with a Head Radical Oversize, and I want to stay with that frame - it just works for me.

So I went to a local tennis shop and they have the Youtek (a bit pricey right now), but they also have a few older (new) Radicals also:

LiquidMetal Radical OS - $80 (pre-strung)
Flexpoint Radical OS - $100
MicroGel Radical OS - $120

I can demo the MicroGel, but the other two are the only frames they have, so I can't demo those.

Has anyone played with these different versions of the Radical, and if so, are they similar or real different.

If it helps, my favorite Radical I've played was the Radical Tour TwinTube (zebra) version, I realize none of the newer Radicals are exactly the same, but what is the overall feelings about the newer Rads?



I have both the Flexpoint and the MG

I have both the Flexpoint and the MG Radical OS and I have found that I prefer the MG.

The Flexpoint feels like it has ... well ... more flex on contact and and it seems to be able to produce a lot of spin and touch. My volleys seemed to be a little better too. However, I had trouble generating depth and pace on my ground strokes from the baseline. So I ended up with a lot of ground strokes falling in around the service line. I added a small amount (4 grams) of lead at 10 and 2, but I still couldn't generate the depth I wanted. I have a fast swing, so I can generate my own power. But I never was quite happy with the flexpoint.

I tried out the MG and it was a better fit for me. I have a little less control on my volleys, but I can generate considerably more pace and depth on my groundstrokes from the baseline. I also still use my backhand slice to pretty good effect, so the drop off in control is not that great. Both of these racquets would still be considered low powered control sticks, but between the two the MG seems to have a little more stability and power.

I string with a synthetic gut and multi hybrid at 57lbs. Seems to work well for me.

I haven't ever hit with a LM Radical OS, but there are lots of good reviews from people that use them. I think some of it is going to be what you are using now and what you are use to hitting.

Lee James

I'm currently using the liquid metal radical mp, and have hit with both the flexpoint (albeit a few years ago) and the microgel radical. My radical roots go back to the Ti Radical which I used in the OS form as a junior. I find the lm rad to be the best of the three. It's incredibly stable, has a lot of feel, good control, and also a lot of pop when you really need it. Serving with it is almost dream-like for me. The only thing I'd probably suggest would be to add some weight to it. But definitely the lm radical is a great stick to play and tinker with. I wasn't as much of a fan of the MG radical. This could have possibly been a result of the string the demo was strung with, but I found it to feel stiffer than the lm rad, and much lowered in terms of power. The flexpoint I felt was middle of the road between the two, not as great of a feel to me as the lm radical, but slightly better than the mg demo I used.


In my opinion all the LM series were good rackets. They are so inexpensive now and if money is at all a factor for you, I'd give the LM a try.


Hmmmm . . . think I may try out a LM Rad too

Considering how cheap they have gotten, I think I may pick up a LM Rad OS too to expand my collection. If it really has more power than the MG and still has a similar amount of control and touch, that would be a pretty sweet combonation. I would likely put some weight on the handle (or at least a couple overgrips) to increase how head light it is, but that is the only thing I have done to my current MG and I seem to like it pretty well.

Only thing is that I have a pretty tender elbow at times, any comparisions between the MG and the LM in terms of being arm friendly? Are they similar or is one considered to be more arm friendly that the other?

I use a Head hybrid string set up of synthetic gut (PPPS 17) and FXP Power 17 at 57 lbs, which is pretty arm friendly. So the racquet stiffness would likely be the only change.
Considering how cheap they have gotten, I think I may pick up a LM Rad OS too to expand my collection. If it really has more power than the MG and still has a similar amount of control and touch, that would be a pretty sweet combonation. I would likely put some weight on the handle (or at least a couple overgrips) to increase how head light it is, but that is the only thing I have done to my current MG and I seem to like it pretty well.

Only thing is that I have a pretty tender elbow at times, any comparisions between the MG and the LM in terms of being arm friendly? Are they similar or is one considered to be more arm friendly that the other?

I use a Head hybrid string set up of synthetic gut (PPPS 17) and FXP Power 17 at 57 lbs, which is pretty arm friendly. So the racquet stiffness would likely be the only change.
the lm is definitely going to give you more power, but i think you'll sacrifice touch and feel especially if you're used to the mg version. the mg's soft cushioned feel cups the ball really well while the lm has a stiff upper hoop and really whacks the ball. which feels better will come to preference.

i didn't have any arm problems with the lm radical, while stiff it has a noticeable flex in the yoke on hard shots.

coming from a mp user... good luck.


Question: Why are you changing rackets? the zebra is a nice racket. Just wondering, not badgering. I would recommend the LM Rad.
I've always liked the LM Radicals... something about them that the fxp and MG Rads didn't have - they seem t be getting lighter and the swingweights seems to be going down as well which isn't necessarily a good thing IMO. I'm considering going back to them LM Rad OS as my main stick- easy to stockpile at this price too.


Hall of Fame
I really liked my friend's MG radical. I've never played with the liquidmetal one but I can say I hate the flexponit technology.