**Live talk spoiler**Wimbledon!



the IBM On Demand Scoreboard is where it's at. it has a shot tracker that shows you the path of the ball during each point. couple that with radio wimbledon and it's pretty acceptable for those of us without access to tv coverage.


Hall of Fame
yes i know but you need to have all the aplications required like : Flash player, and java enabled so people can just come in here and talk about amazing point they just saw! like now! im watching rafael has this strategy on letting a unknown player he hasnt played before make the first game!


Hall of Fame
roger was wanting to win this second set better than the first! but now mianr is 4 and roger 5 so it will be another 6 4 and well see what will happen on the next set


Hall of Fame
marat safin won the last set at 64 it was a tough match for him!
M.Philippoussis 4 00 64 64

M.Safin (5) 6 00 77 77


Hall of Fame
as always.....the big tennis players are kicking buts...roger federer. marat safir, juan carlos ferrero, grosjean, lopez, gonzales, dent, and hewitt is winiong for now! im getting bored of always all the same players get to the finals!


Hall of Fame
lleyton hewitt just wan his match against this guy
Lleyton Hewitt AUS (3) 0 0 6 7 3 6

Jan Hernych CZE * 0 0 2 5 6 3


Hall of Fame
Sounds like he's doing ok to me. He's not losing, is he?
This is Greg, on Wimbledon Centre Court. Not an easy problem.


Hall of Fame
heman...nadal....and coria playing!
nada not too good he lost first set against muller 6 to 4
henman needs to win this set to win the match its 6 3 2 6 6 3 and 1 to 2 the 4th set!
coria is losiong 1 to 3 the first set!


henman, nadal out!!!!!!! stepanek is about to be out soom tooo....
Tursunov d Henman: 3-6 6-2 3-6 6-3 8-6
Muller d Nadal: 6-4 4-6 6-3 6-4
Stepanek - Murray: 4-6 4-6 2-3


Hall of Fame
hey this muller guy is kicking off some buts...he defeated agassi once and now puerta and then nadal the 2 french open finalists! he seems to be great on grass


Hall of Fame
well nadal is another word for clay....as soos as i think nadal i think in clay cause he is no better in ohter sirfaces but will he pplay the US open?