I recently moved from a lockout to a Wise, and I've found that the type of string you're working with is the largest factor in determining how much tension should be adjusted.
In my experience, the more a string stretches as its being pulled to tension, the less of an adjustment you need to make. Multifilaments and most synthetic guts pull to tension and more or less stay at tension.
Co-polys, in contrast, stretch much more slowly, so it's common for a lockout machine to hit tension and lock while the string is still elongating. I did some science and found that when I pulled ISO Speed Baseline 16 (overly) quickly on my lockout, it lost ~10% of its tension over the next five seconds. Most co-poly strings exhibit the same behavior, but less dramatically.
It's possible to try and emulate a constant pull machine by cranking more slowly, but I found it hard to be consistent doing that. That was one of the factors that motivated me to buy the Wise.
Because strings differ so much, there's no way to come up with an accurate rule of thumb. Experiment with different settings and find one that works for you.
Also, FWIW, my Wise has been absolutely dreamy through a few dozen stringings over the past two months. Time will tell if it holds up.