lol USA today wrote about my letter to Federer


Talk Tennis Guru
The world is going cricket barmy, I cant go anywhere without people going on and on about it


For a start the OP's letter is beyond ludicrous - if it wasn't pure satire then he needs some psychological help to put the world in perspective.

I call horseshit on this claim unless they are non-NZers living there. NZers, other than people of equivalent fanboyism, couldn't care less which rugby team Federer supported and they have none of the Central Asia/Middle East perpetually acrimonious religion-dominated mindset which seems to get applied to everything no matter how unrelated.

Your entire view seems to be: Federer has shown some support for a country which your home country is in almost permanent conflict with on every matter which arises between them be it land, religion, politics, trade, culture, sport. Therefore you cannot bring yourself to support him anymore. Boo ****ing hoo.

Is Federer not even allowed to choose to support a country in another sport? You suggest he is a sellout? How does picking a country to support make him a sellout? That doesn't even make sense. Is anyone (who is an outsider) who shows support for India automatically making a stance against Pakistan? No. Get a grip, seriously.

If all it takes for a Pakistani tennis follower to make them go from loving to loathing Federer is him showing a bit of support for India then it says a lot about the intelligence and mindset of those people. A bit of global perspective might be in order.

If you took off your tinted glasses you might realise just how laughable the stance is - one so deeply rooted that you even admitted going through your facebook feed deleting over 100 posts about Federer. Seriously?

Federer is the same guy he was yesterday. I bet he eats pork, and possibly even comes from a historically catholic family. If so, I've just given you reason to write two more letters about him right there.

+ Eleventy Billion. I could not agree more. It's this puerile mindset that keeps that region of the world in its current condition.


Bionic Poster
I'm not worried about the optical illusion? Where are the darned bails? lol
He can't have got bowled - he wouldn't be looking that happy.

On another note, did you guys ever hear about Usain Bolt returning home from the Olympics, going and playing a game of cricket, and got - run out :D

That is really funny LOL



I have read a bunch of the responses on the thread. I'm writing this post in response to those few people who managed to make some interesting points without being openly hostile and insulting. Thanks for that. I will try and address some of the issues raised.

I recognize that writing this post is almost by definition a futile exercise. Arguing with the internet is no more effective than a lone wolf howling at the ocean trying to get the tides to recede.

(The rest of you. Feel free to carry on with the insults and the ad hominem attacks. Every now and then some vindictive *****hole comes up with a hilarious gem!)


1) First, a clarification. My issue with federer is not that he "held up the India shirt" as the USA today article suggests. Rather, that he made a public show of support for India over Pakistan in a high voltage match.

The USA today article says Federer creates issue by "wearing Indian shirt" This was just lazy journalism.

I quote from my letter:

"it’s completely understandable that you would want to root for India. They are an incredible side. You’ve personally met the legend Sachin Tendulkar. It’s a very welcoming country and you were given an adoring welcome, I’m not upset that you chose to support India over Pakistan. I’m upset that you chose to support India over Pakistan, publicly."

So the issue was not that he held the India shirt. It was that he basically came out and said "I support India over Pakistan" during the most high profile high voltage game they will play for the next 4 years.

a lot of people may not see the difference. but there is a difference. and this difference matters to people who are crazy about sports. which brings us to the next question...

2. Why, in the first place, am I or other people upset that Federer decided to support India openly?

This is a fair question.

One of the things I left out of the letter, and in retrospect, this was a mistake, was how much of a cricket fan I am. On balance I would say I am probably a bigger fan of cricket than I am of tennis.

Roger is the single sportsman I have loved more than any other. More than any individual cricket player to have represented Pakistan. Much more. But the sporting entity that I have supported from time I was 6 and will support to the exclusion of all other sporting entities till I die, is the Pakistan cricket team.

I would probably have agreed to live on bread and water for the next 6 months if it meant Roger would win another channel slam. But I would have taken a Pakistan world cup win over Roger winning the next 5 slams, Rome, Monte Carlo and Olympic singles Gold. If you toss in a couple of dominant wins over Rafa at Roland Garros it starts to get close.

Between 1996 and 2007 I attended each and every world cup final, in the hopes that I would watch Pakistan win. (Back in the days when Pakistan had a better side.) 1996: in lahore 1999: in London 2003: in Joburg 2007: in Barbados

why each final? i figured if there's one experience I should have in my life it's to watch Pakistan win the world cup. going to the final would give a shot, however small. going to any other match would give me no chance.

And I'm not even close to the biggest cricket fan I know. I mean there are people out there who are seriously crazy.

You have crazy sportsfans in all parts of the world. But in Pakistan, supporting cricket means something else as well. For the last 15 years we have watched our image in the world slowly deteriorate. No point having the discussion why - it's a combination of internal ineptitude and foreign circumstances. All that matters is that it isn't directly the fault of joe citizen. But joe citizen still has to live with the consequences. Our cricket team therefore, is not just a sporting unit, but our chance to show the world we are the best at something. And we don't get those chances often.

This is a great quote. As a Pakistani, the national cricket team is much more to you than, say, the Boston Red Sox are to a New Englander. You can feel free to judge this. And call it pathetic. And condescend to it. And liken it to religion. But the reality is what it is. For a lot of people, our very sense of national identity and pride is inextricably linked to the cricket teams fortunes.

So when Roger said, on the day of our biggest game in 4 years, that he would support our biggest rivals against us, THERE WERE ALWAYS GOING TO BE PEOPLE IT DIDN'T SIT WELL WITH.

and then there was the additional logic about china that I laid out in my letter, which just throws salt on the wounds. I mean let's be clear. I GET THAT NIKE MADE HIM DO IT. But as I argued in my letter: would Nike make him do this against china? not a chance

implication: pakistan is small enough not to worry about. And the sad part is that this is conclusion is totally, completely, 100% true! As I say in the letter:

And the truth is, in tennis economic terms, compared to Indian fans, we Pakistani fans are indeed expendable. But hearing that truth spelled out publicly, and almost directly, by you, hurts like hell.

Why does it hurt do you ask? Well it's back to the point about national identity. Look it's really hard for someone from a first world economy, or even golden-boy-of-western-world-India to understand where we are coming from. Pakistan is insulted enough in the world media for such an implication to hurt.

(Queue dozens of poasters from the US, UK, India, Australia, who have no idea what this feels like, fire off howls of reductive, simplistic condescension. Bring it on trolls!)

3. Why am I singling out India?

people keep asking why I am so obsessed with India. And would I have reacted this way if he were holding an England jersey.

Simple. They are our sporting rivals. Look around you. At this place I mean. Why are Fed fans obsessed with Nadal and vice versa? It's a sporting rivalry!! I've been to India - and loved it! I have tons of close indian friends. And that's not just lip service. Like really close friends, who came to Pakistan for my wedding, and whose weddings I attended in India. And I appreciate India's genius batsmen!

But. India. Are. Our. Sporting. Rivals.

it has nothing to do with war. And nukes. And stupid political stuff like that. I couldn't care less about who did what to whom when. I am a sports fan, and I know whom my guys HAVE TO BEAT, or I'll get depressed for days.

There is a spectrum of actions Federer could have taken, which would upset a Pakistani person to varying degrees. Merely holding an Indian shirt would not be as upsetting. Holding an England shirt and pledging his undying support would not be as upsetting. But holding an Indian shirt and pledging his support was the most upsetting of the three.

4. Why would I stop being a fan, instead of just getting over it? why such an extreme reaction

I get that it is extremely difficult to be a international sports star. You have to somehow manage being the best or second best at what you do, along with all the ridiculous commitments about marketing media branding etc. I mean, one of the reasons I loved Federer was the effortless way he did all of this perfectly.

If I were to apply the rational part of my mind, I can totally see how he would make a small slip up and offend a niche of cricket crazy pakistanis. And how one of them who is also crazy about him might not be able to love him the same way any more.

But that's the cost of doing business in the modern world. I get that. I have no hard feelings about it.

The rational parts of our minds can decide to do things like control hate or vitriolic speech. Give people respect. Let go of anger. But sporting love comes from a part of the mind, or soul, or whatever, which is completely irrational and impervious to reason.

Why should the fortunes of a tennis player, who shares neither country nor race with me, and who doesn't know I exist, make such a difference to my life that I would be willing to give up all food but bread for 6 months for him to succeed? It's just not rational.

People keep asking me how I can choose to stop supporting Federer. IT'S NOT A CHOICE. I can choose to respect him, and hold him in high esteem and say nice things about him. AND I'VE DONE ALL OF THE ABOVE IN MY LETTER. But I cannot CHOOSE to love him to AN IRRATIONAL DEGREE!

At the end of the day, I can no longer support Federer the way I did because he supports the biggest rival of the Pakistan cricket team, and he indirectly implied that Pakistani fans don't matter to him. And I wrote a letter. Fans do far worse things for sport. It's not that big a deal.

So, dear internet, get over yourself.

And that's where you contradict yourself. You claim it's only to do with sports and nothing to do with a sense of nationalism or politics but then you go on to say that Fed disrespects Pakistani fans by picking India. If it has nothing to do with politics then why does his support matter? So you're telling me I can't like Ben Stiller as an actor because he supports Nadal?
^Oh, he has got to be loving this attention!^

Get this...
I just got back from Chicago. The top brass at wilson read the usa today piece and have diligently pored through this entire thread.

Serious in their effort to appease the OP, they have assembled a crack team of racket scientists to begin design and production of the wilson falstaff78.

The frame's revolutionary green and white cosmetics will honor the national flag of Pakistan. The new wilson falstaff's 78 square inch head will boast exquisite self-control, and be inflexible enough to satisfy even the most sensitive and emotional users. Engineers are beta-testing an associated marital counseling component in the form of a mobile app. Expected sales are in the billions in key markets from Karachi to Londonistan and Edinborabad.

Quick to make amends to mr. falstaff78 and the UK pakistani cricket community, Nike is planning a new green and white RF hybrid cap, only the RF will be replaced by a new logo, bearing a cricket bowler resembling a crescent moon and a star representing falstaff's writing and reasoning skillz.

Fifth Set

^Oh, he has got to be loving this attention!^

Get this...
I just got back from Chicago. The top brass at wilson read the usa today piece and have diligently pored through this entire thread.

Serious in their effort to appease the OP, they have assembled a crack team of racket scientists to begin design and production of the wilson falstaff78.

The frame's revolutionary green and white cosmetics will honor the national flag of Pakistan. The new wilson falstaff's 78 square inch head will boast exquisite self-control, and be inflexible enough to satisfy even the most sensitive and emotional users. Engineers are beta-testing an associated marital counseling component in the form of a mobile app. Expected sales are in the billions in key markets from Karachi to Londonistan and Edinborabad.

Quick to make amends to mr. falstaff78 and the UK pakistani cricket community, Nike is planning a new green and white RF hybrid cap, only the RF will be replaced by a new logo, bearing a cricket bowler resembling a crescent moon and a star representing falstaff's writing and reasoning skillz.

Lol, beyond epic.

OP, this is what is known as intentional satire. Your letter was unintentional satire. It's STILL hard to believe that you were serious!


Bionic Poster
As a Nadal fan, I stopped eating chocolate once I learnt that Lindt sponsors Federer.

As a Federer fan, I stooped wearing undies once I learnt that Hilfiger sponsors Nadal.


Hall of Fame
Of course the political tension plays a major role. If not directly in his thinking, then indirectly in the fact that it inevitably plays a major role in the sporting rivalry being so intense.

Surely any American would understand that. Consider the USA v USSR international rivalry. It's more or less non-existent now, but at one time it was extremely heated and intense. Why? The Cold War.

So, stop for a second, those who are old enough and American enough, and imagine a similar scenario in 1980. Roger Federer dons a Russian hockey jersey prior to the Olympics...I guarantee the reaction would be virtually the same.

You cannot separate the political tension from any aspect of Indian and Pakistani relations. It bleeds into everything, and is the primary reason for how they have reacted, whether they want to admit it or not.


Federer making amends in the next Pak match.



How come Sri Lanka, island of teas (Ceylon) and Bangladesh is quiet ? They must be sitting on the fence or Meditating (do not disturb sign out). They play cricket as well.

3Fees :)
Federer making amends in the next Pak match.


I just love the beard.

Uh oh, this just in?...
With his new beard, our favorite Kosher and halaal GOAT has alienated the hipsters and the highly influential pseudo-Christian population.

What happened to just being a nice, polite, neutral Swissy?

We need to buy Feddy a nice plot of land between india and pakistan. Let him retire there. Is the name Rogerstan already taken?


Talk Tennis Guru
lol.....just lol. How hollow can you be?

So Federer cheering for India is such a big deal. Whiny fans trying to impose their own views.

I get it if Federer was like Tiger Woods....cheating on his wife. Morallly wrong, probably many won't support him.

How is it wrong to cheer for a country even publicly? Isn't Roger a fan of cricket, played it himself.
falstaff78 said:
I recognize that writing this post is almost by definition a futile exercise. Arguing with the internet is no more effective than a lone wolf howling at the ocean trying to get the tides to recede.

(The rest of you. Feel free to carry on with the insults and the ad hominem attacks. Every now and then some vindictive *****hole comes up with a hilarious gem!)

hurts like hell.
...I am a sports fan, and I know whom my guys HAVE TO BEAT, or I'll get depressed for days.
But that's the cost of doing business in the modern world. I get that. I have no hard feelings about it....

But sporting love comes from a part of the mind, or soul, or whatever, which is completely irrational and impervious to reason.
Smart guy, op. Well put.
It is going to be ok, man. Stiff upper lip. Life goes on.
Fabboyism will fade. Or not.
Fedfans will miss you. Roger federer's career will decline. But it would have declined anyway.
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Lol, beyond epic.

OP, this is what is known as intentional satire. Your letter was unintentional satire. It's STILL hard to believe that you were serious!

Haha, thanks for reading that post, fifth set. I had fun writing it, but... I really did just get back from Chicago and I cannot wait to try the falstaff78.


What happens if one of your family/friend were to support the Pakistan team? Is this how you would treat them as well


Talk Tennis Guru
^Oh, he has got to be loving this attention!^

Get this...
I just got back from Chicago. The top brass at wilson read the usa today piece and have diligently pored through this entire thread.

Serious in their effort to appease the OP, they have assembled a crack team of racket scientists to begin design and production of the wilson falstaff78.

The frame's revolutionary green and white cosmetics will honor the national flag of Pakistan. The new wilson falstaff's 78 square inch head will boast exquisite self-control, and be inflexible enough to satisfy even the most sensitive and emotional users. Engineers are beta-testing an associated marital counseling component in the form of a mobile app. Expected sales are in the billions in key markets from Karachi to Londonistan and Edinborabad.

Quick to make amends to mr. falstaff78 and the UK pakistani cricket community, Nike is planning a new green and white RF hybrid cap, only the RF will be replaced by a new logo, bearing a cricket bowler resembling a crescent moon and a star representing falstaff's writing and reasoning skillz.

Another gem from you! :lol:


Talk Tennis Guru
Of course the political tension plays a major role. If not directly in his thinking, then indirectly in the fact that it inevitably plays a major role in the sporting rivalry being so intense.

Surely any American would understand that. Consider the USA v USSR international rivalry. It's more or less non-existent now, but at one time it was extremely heated and intense. Why? The Cold War.

So, stop for a second, those who are old enough and American enough, and imagine a similar scenario in 1980. Roger Federer dons a Russian hockey jersey prior to the Olympics...I guarantee the reaction would be virtually the same.

You cannot separate the political tension from any aspect of Indian and Pakistani relations. It bleeds into everything, and is the primary reason for how they have reacted, whether they want to admit it or not.

Please do not compare the situation there to the cold war where the fear of a WWIII was very real.

Seriously, the situation between the nations is not that bad that it justifies this reaction.

The Green Mile

Bionic Poster
As a Nadal fan, I stopped eating chocolate once I learnt that Lindt sponsors Federer.

As a Federer fan, I stooped wearing undies once I learnt that Hilfiger sponsors Nadal.

A certain Nadal fan on here doesn't eat Lindt chocolates, because they sponsor Federer.


Hall of Fame
Please do not compare the situation there to the cold war where the fear of a WWIII was very real.

Seriously, the situation between the nations is not that bad that it justifies this reaction.

Not debating which is worse, simply the added element of political tension related to sporting rivalries.

It changes the dynamic and makes the rivalry "different" than just a typical one. But, you're free to disagree. I don't claim to be an expert on the India/Pakistan relations. All I know is that there is some tension there beyond what is normal for many "rival" nations. But, certainly, they are not alone in the world in that.


Talk Tennis Guru
Similar but different, Murray has had to deal with all this bs too from rabid English who struggle to understand why he wants them to lose at football.
Not debating which is worse, simply the added element of political tension related to sporting rivalries.

It changes the dynamic and makes the rivalry "different" than just a typical one. But, you're free to disagree. I don't claim to be an expert on the India/Pakistan relations. All I know is that there is some tension there beyond what is normal for many "rival" nations. But, certainly, they are not alone in the world in that.
I appreciate that, but let's be honest... Us-russia is not quite as good an example as brazil/argentina.

Spin to win, glad you got a laugh about the forthcoming wilson falstaff78. I can hardly wait to demo it? maybe TW europe can bring a few into the us for me. Either size four or five grip, please.

Hey, i see this thread as a fun way to decry fanboyism. I'm talking to you, falstaff!

I say this as one of my daughter's friends recently quit soccer and tennis in favor of following something called magcon around. It is tween and early teen girls attending conventions with appearances by social media sensations who happen to be teen boys. Beatlesque hysteria.

When asked about quitting soccer and tennis, my daughter's boycrazy friend glibly replied, "so like, FANGURLING is a full-time sport". Big fan of one direction, beyonce, jay z, marooned 5, katy perry, kesha and whatever else The man tells her to like, like.


Hall of Fame
I appreciate that, but let's be honest... Us-russia is not quite as good an example as brazil/argentina.

Spin to win, glad you got a laugh about the forthcoming wilson falstaff78. I can hardly wait to demo it? maybe TW europe can bring a few into the us for me. Either size four or five grip, please.

Hey, i see this thread as a fun way to decry fanboyism. I'm talking to you, falstaff!

I say this as one of my daughter's friends recently quit soccer and tennis in favor of following something called magcon around. It is tween and early teen girls attending conventions with appearances by social media sensations who happen to be teen boys. Beatlesque hysteria.

When asked about quitting soccer and tennis, my daughter's boycrazy friend glibly replied, "so like, FANGURLING is a full-time sport". Big fan of one direction, beyonce, jay z, marooned 5, katy perry, kesha and whatever else The man tells her to like, like.

Like I said, not an expert on international politics. Just used the obvious one that came to mind.

Loved the falstaff78 satire.

And, the most "disturbing" aspect of the article was not the response to Federer flashing the India jersey. I get that, even if I do not believe I would respond the same way. A PhD student devoting a quarter or more of their time to hero worship is what I find disturbing.


Hall of Fame
Is this only a phenomenon that applies to cricket fans then?

I wonder if Barcelona fans dislike Rafa for publicly supporting Real Madrid.


Or whether Argentinians dislike Roger for wearing a Brazil soccer jersey.


Fifth Set

It's very reassuring that OP probably has a like minded friend or relative who controls a red button for launching nukes at India.

If we can have WWIII breaking out over cartoons, why not have it go nuclear because of Fed's sacrilegious clothing blunder!


OP has issues. Seriously.

I'm not surprised that Roger's fans are so weak minded, how the hell can you stop supporting Roger just because he's supporting a different cricket side PUBLICLY.

What a joke.

If he had sided with Pakistan publicly, would you feel the same way?

Time to see a shrink buddy.


OP, you do have a pretty wife. So you got that going for you, which is nice. ;)
(Google search. You've gotten pretty famous after this letter)
Anyways, I miss your world class bowlers man. Wasim Akram, Waqar Younis, Saqlain Mushtaq et al were the match winners your team is lacking now.


Hall of Fame
falstaff78, first off let me personally commend you for taking on the internet with a smile(I hope).

Though I haven't had/paid even a fraction of as much exposure/attention to cricket compared to other Pakistani's, I can totally relate to what "caused" you to write that letter. I'm a Duke fan who ironically attends UNC(There's a lot of us just so everyone knows), and I live for the 2 days of the season when the Tarheels might get their derrieres handed to them once more by the Blue Devils. Does this mean I'm not a true Carolina Boy? Or that I'm not trying to get a ticket to every other game UNC plays that season? No, I enter the lottery every time there is one and even consider paying out of pocket sometimes, Imagine that!

Really great thread you started here btw.


Talk Tennis Guru
Nice satire bh! Made me laugh out loud, but then our son came inside the bathroom. Ruined the moment, I tell ya! :lol:

I am not looking to pull rank on y'all ... with my two semesters of undergrad psych...but i am definitely intrigued by falstaff. The man, not the racquet.

I am not saying he needs a shrink. I am just saying i would like to be that shrink.
Can you imagine sitting him down on a sofa under the cone of trust, asking him about his parents, his past relationships, his students and colleagues, and his kids?

I would give half my collection of vintage frames to play a few sets of singles with him and get an honest interview with his wife. clinically.

Mrs. must be reading this. If not, you are missing out, madame. If you have a tw account, please weigh in. Maybe you already have posted. If not, please give us your perspective on your husband's plunge into internet sensationdom.
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Bionic Poster
OP has issues. Seriously.

I'm not surprised that Roger's fans are so weak minded, how the hell can you stop supporting Roger just because he's supporting a different cricket side PUBLICLY.

What a joke.

If he had sided with Pakistan publicly, would you feel the same way?

Time to see a shrink buddy.

Wonder who needs to see a shrink when someone is generalizing a whole fan base because of one fan. Several Fed fans have condemned the OP and yet that has missed your eye .
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Wonder who needs to see a shrink when someone is generalizing a whole fan base because of one fan. Several Fed fans have condoned the OP and yet that has missed your eye .

Are you wanting to call him an idiot?

Deleted member 21996


I have read a bunch of the responses on the thread. I'm writing this post in response to those few people who managed to make some interesting points without being openly hostile and insulting. Thanks for that. I will try and address some of the issues raised.

I recognize that writing this post is almost by definition a futile exercise. Arguing with the internet is no more effective than a lone wolf howling at the ocean trying to get the tides to recede.

(The rest of you. Feel free to carry on with the insults and the ad hominem attacks. Every now and then some vindictive *****hole comes up with a hilarious gem!)


1) First, a clarification. My issue with federer is not that he "held up the India shirt" as the USA today article suggests. Rather, that he made a public show of support for India over Pakistan in a high voltage match.

The USA today article says Federer creates issue by "wearing Indian shirt" This was just lazy journalism.

I quote from my letter:

"it’s completely understandable that you would want to root for India. They are an incredible side. You’ve personally met the legend Sachin Tendulkar. It’s a very welcoming country and you were given an adoring welcome, I’m not upset that you chose to support India over Pakistan. I’m upset that you chose to support India over Pakistan, publicly."

So the issue was not that he held the India shirt. It was that he basically came out and said "I support India over Pakistan" during the most high profile high voltage game they will play for the next 4 years.

a lot of people may not see the difference. but there is a difference. and this difference matters to people who are crazy about sports. which brings us to the next question...

2. Why, in the first place, am I or other people upset that Federer decided to support India openly?

This is a fair question.

One of the things I left out of the letter, and in retrospect, this was a mistake, was how much of a cricket fan I am. On balance I would say I am probably a bigger fan of cricket than I am of tennis.

Roger is the single sportsman I have loved more than any other. More than any individual cricket player to have represented Pakistan. Much more. But the sporting entity that I have supported from time I was 6 and will support to the exclusion of all other sporting entities till I die, is the Pakistan cricket team.

I would probably have agreed to live on bread and water for the next 6 months if it meant Roger would win another channel slam. But I would have taken a Pakistan world cup win over Roger winning the next 5 slams, Rome, Monte Carlo and Olympic singles Gold. If you toss in a couple of dominant wins over Rafa at Roland Garros it starts to get close.

Between 1996 and 2007 I attended each and every world cup final, in the hopes that I would watch Pakistan win. (Back in the days when Pakistan had a better side.) 1996: in lahore 1999: in London 2003: in Joburg 2007: in Barbados

why each final? i figured if there's one experience I should have in my life it's to watch Pakistan win the world cup. going to the final would give a shot, however small. going to any other match would give me no chance.

And I'm not even close to the biggest cricket fan I know. I mean there are people out there who are seriously crazy.

You have crazy sportsfans in all parts of the world. But in Pakistan, supporting cricket means something else as well. For the last 15 years we have watched our image in the world slowly deteriorate. No point having the discussion why - it's a combination of internal ineptitude and foreign circumstances. All that matters is that it isn't directly the fault of joe citizen. But joe citizen still has to live with the consequences. Our cricket team therefore, is not just a sporting unit, but our chance to show the world we are the best at something. And we don't get those chances often.

This is a great quote. As a Pakistani, the national cricket team is much more to you than, say, the Boston Red Sox are to a New Englander. You can feel free to judge this. And call it pathetic. And condescend to it. And liken it to religion. But the reality is what it is. For a lot of people, our very sense of national identity and pride is inextricably linked to the cricket teams fortunes.

So when Roger said, on the day of our biggest game in 4 years, that he would support our biggest rivals against us, THERE WERE ALWAYS GOING TO BE PEOPLE IT DIDN'T SIT WELL WITH.

and then there was the additional logic about china that I laid out in my letter, which just throws salt on the wounds. I mean let's be clear. I GET THAT NIKE MADE HIM DO IT. But as I argued in my letter: would Nike make him do this against china? not a chance

implication: pakistan is small enough not to worry about. And the sad part is that this is conclusion is totally, completely, 100% true! As I say in the letter:

And the truth is, in tennis economic terms, compared to Indian fans, we Pakistani fans are indeed expendable. But hearing that truth spelled out publicly, and almost directly, by you, hurts like hell.

Why does it hurt do you ask? Well it's back to the point about national identity. Look it's really hard for someone from a first world economy, or even golden-boy-of-western-world-India to understand where we are coming from. Pakistan is insulted enough in the world media for such an implication to hurt.

(Queue dozens of poasters from the US, UK, India, Australia, who have no idea what this feels like, fire off howls of reductive, simplistic condescension. Bring it on trolls!)

3. Why am I singling out India?

people keep asking why I am so obsessed with India. And would I have reacted this way if he were holding an England jersey.

Simple. They are our sporting rivals. Look around you. At this place I mean. Why are Fed fans obsessed with Nadal and vice versa? It's a sporting rivalry!! I've been to India - and loved it! I have tons of close indian friends. And that's not just lip service. Like really close friends, who came to Pakistan for my wedding, and whose weddings I attended in India. And I appreciate India's genius batsmen!

But. India. Are. Our. Sporting. Rivals.

it has nothing to do with war. And nukes. And stupid political stuff like that. I couldn't care less about who did what to whom when. I am a sports fan, and I know whom my guys HAVE TO BEAT, or I'll get depressed for days.

There is a spectrum of actions Federer could have taken, which would upset a Pakistani person to varying degrees. Merely holding an Indian shirt would not be as upsetting. Holding an England shirt and pledging his undying support would not be as upsetting. But holding an Indian shirt and pledging his support was the most upsetting of the three.

4. Why would I stop being a fan, instead of just getting over it? why such an extreme reaction

I get that it is extremely difficult to be a international sports star. You have to somehow manage being the best or second best at what you do, along with all the ridiculous commitments about marketing media branding etc. I mean, one of the reasons I loved Federer was the effortless way he did all of this perfectly.

If I were to apply the rational part of my mind, I can totally see how he would make a small slip up and offend a niche of cricket crazy pakistanis. And how one of them who is also crazy about him might not be able to love him the same way any more.

But that's the cost of doing business in the modern world. I get that. I have no hard feelings about it.

The rational parts of our minds can decide to do things like control hate or vitriolic speech. Give people respect. Let go of anger. But sporting love comes from a part of the mind, or soul, or whatever, which is completely irrational and impervious to reason.

Why should the fortunes of a tennis player, who shares neither country nor race with me, and who doesn't know I exist, make such a difference to my life that I would be willing to give up all food but bread for 6 months for him to succeed? It's just not rational.

People keep asking me how I can choose to stop supporting Federer. IT'S NOT A CHOICE. I can choose to respect him, and hold him in high esteem and say nice things about him. AND I'VE DONE ALL OF THE ABOVE IN MY LETTER. But I cannot CHOOSE to love him to AN IRRATIONAL DEGREE!

At the end of the day, I can no longer support Federer the way I did because he supports the biggest rival of the Pakistan cricket team, and he indirectly implied that Pakistani fans don't matter to him. And I wrote a letter. Fans do far worse things for sport. It's not that big a deal.

So, dear internet, get over yourself.

a guy who writes an extensive letter on his pathetic jingoism and then after the storm come and writes another testament to his sillyness and his indefensable clownage ideas...

yeah... internets... get over it!!! :twisted:


Talk Tennis Guru
Wonder who needs to see a shrink when someone is generalizing a whole fan base because of one fan. Several Fed fans have condoned the OP and yet that has missed your eye .

Just FYI. You might want to change the bold word. I think the word you're looking for is condemned. Condoned means you're in support of something. :)


Wonder who needs to see a shrink when someone is generalizing a whole fan base because of one fan. Several Fed fans have condemned the OP and yet that has missed your eye .

There are many Roger fans who are true fans and do not sulk over every little thing. OP is not one of them.

There are more of them that are over sensitive who will cry over just about anything. OP is one of them.


Bionic Poster
^Oh, he has got to be loving this attention!^

Get this...
I just got back from Chicago. The top brass at wilson read the usa today piece and have diligently pored through this entire thread.

Serious in their effort to appease the OP, they have assembled a crack team of racket scientists to begin design and production of the wilson falstaff78.

The frame's revolutionary green and white cosmetics will honor the national flag of Pakistan. The new wilson falstaff's 78 square inch head will boast exquisite self-control, and be inflexible enough to satisfy even the most sensitive and emotional users. Engineers are beta-testing an associated marital counseling component in the form of a mobile app. Expected sales are in the billions in key markets from Karachi to Londonistan and Edinborabad.

Quick to make amends to mr. falstaff78 and the UK pakistani cricket community, Nike is planning a new green and white RF hybrid cap, only the RF will be replaced by a new logo, bearing a cricket bowler resembling a crescent moon and a star representing falstaff's writing and reasoning skillz.
lol, epick poast.