Looking for a New Racquet need some help


Been playing with the Yonex Vcore Tour 89 for a long time now. Really love the pinpoint accuracy with access to spin and pop the frame offers. I especially love the 16x20 string pattern. It gives me tons of spin without losing any control.

Unfortunately due to injury (not from tennis) Im looking for something with a bigger head just to give me more margin for error but still provides what yonex Vcore Tour 89 offers.

I'm an all court aggressive style player with one handed backhand with eastern grip and strong eastern forehand. I like to attack as soon as the point begins. I'm relatively a flatter hitter but can add spin for those angle fh & bh.

My go 2 string is Tourna Blackzone 18g 44/40lbs will definitely go up in tension since I'm going bigger in headsize.

I have picked out 8 racquets so far that i wish to try. Is there any other frames you'd guys recommend before i make a decision on what will be the successor?

Here is the list so far
Babolat Pure Aero 98
Diadem Elevate 98 V3
Nordicdots Model 99
Yonex Vcore 95
Angell K Seven 98
Wilson Shift 99
Babolat Pure Strike 100 16x20
Babolat Pure Strike 97


You chose mostly baseline grinder racquets for the test. Typically, your game style calls for "beefy" attacking frames like T-Fight ISO 305, Blade Pro, Radical Pro, ProStaff 97, Pure Strike 98, Angell TC. These racquets sacrifize some maneuvrability and spin in favor of stability and plough. I do not really see such a frame in current Yonex line-up, they used to have the legendary DR.

The new RF01 series is inteded precisely for your player profile, but gets mixed reviews. The Shift line also gets polarizing reviews.

I would keep two raquets from your test list, and add a few more:

Babolat Pure Aero 98
Diadem Elevate 98 V3
T-Fight ISO 305 (with racquet matching for lower swingweight)
Pure Strike 98 16x19 Gen 4.
Price ATS Tour 98
Solinco Whiteout 98 16x19


Been playing with the Yonex Vcore Tour 89 for a long time now. Really love the pinpoint accuracy with access to spin and pop the frame offers. I especially love the 16x20 string pattern. It gives me tons of spin without losing any control.

Unfortunately due to injury (not from tennis) Im looking for something with a bigger head just to give me more margin for error but still provides what yonex Vcore Tour 89 offers.

I'm an all court aggressive style player with one handed backhand with eastern grip and strong eastern forehand. I like to attack as soon as the point begins. I'm relatively a flatter hitter but can add spin for those angle fh & bh.

My go 2 string is Tourna Blackzone 18g 44/40lbs will definitely go up in tension since I'm going bigger in headsize.

I have picked out 8 racquets so far that i wish to try. Is there any other frames you'd guys recommend before i make a decision on what will be the successor?

Here is the list so far
Babolat Pure Aero 98
Diadem Elevate 98 V3
Nordicdots Model 99
Yonex Vcore 95
Angell K Seven 98
Wilson Shift 99
Babolat Pure Strike 100 16x20
Babolat Pure Strike 97
Vcore tour 89 is listed with 335 swingweight. The simplest solution is to match that spec on a racket with a wider hoop for more forgiveness.


Vcore tour 89 is listed with 335 swingweight. The simplest solution is to match that spec on a racket with a wider hoop for more forgiveness.
For me the reason why i chose these frames is because they have the same string pattern as the vcore tour


You chose mostly baseline grinder racquets for the test. Typically, your game style calls for "beefy" attacking frames like T-Fight ISO 305, Blade Pro, Radical Pro, ProStaff 97, Pure Strike 98, Angell TC. These racquets sacrifize some maneuvrability and spin in favor of stability and plough. I do not really see such a frame in current Yonex line-up, they used to have the legendary DR.

The new RF01 series is inteded precisely for your player profile, but gets mixed reviews. The Shift line also gets polarizing reviews.

I would keep two raquets from your test list, and add a few more:

Babolat Pure Aero 98
Diadem Elevate 98 V3
T-Fight ISO 305 (with racquet matching for lower swingweight)
Pure Strike 98 16x19 Gen 4.
Price ATS Tour 98
Solinco Whiteout 98 16x19
Loved the dr when it came out. The reason i selected these frames is mainly because of the string pattern. I've tried rf, Tfight and prince. 16x19 just don't seem to work for me unless i string them really tight. I don't know y that is. It's made the selection process for me a nightmare


Loved the dr when it came out. The reason i selected these frames is mainly because of the string pattern. I've tried rf, Tfight and prince. 16x19 just don't seem to work for me unless i string them really tight. I don't know y that is. It's made the selection process for me a nightmare

T-Fight ISO 305 is 18x19 and has unique combination of control, power and spin. Then, there is also Solinco Whiteout 18x20 that provides a lot of spin. Angell React 99 18x19 may work for you. Then, perhaps Head Prestige MP in 18x19?


IMO, Diadem Elevate v3 is really spinny. Mains are super far apart. I think you’d benefit most from an 18x19/20 string pattern. Wilson Blade Pro 18x20 might be a fun choice, I like the T-Fight ISO 305 idea (also on sale). I’d look at anything with a good 320+ SW, 97-99 head size, 18 main string pattern.

P.S. The issue with 16x19 for you might just be the lack of control. Higher tension, more control.


T-Fight ISO 305 is 18x19 and has unique combination of control, power and spin. Then, there is also Solinco Whiteout 18x20 that provides a lot of spin. Angell React 99 18x19 may work for you. Then, perhaps Head Prestige MP in 18x19?
Definitely will give those a try was kinda hoping angell tc99 would have 16x20 pattern but not yet hopefully with v6 they do


For me the reason why i chose these frames is because they have the same string pattern as the vcore tour
Been playing with the Yonex Vcore Tour 89 for a long time now. Really love the pinpoint accuracy with access to spin and pop the frame offers. I especially love the 16x20 string pattern. It gives me tons of spin without losing any control.

Unfortunately due to injury (not from tennis) Im looking for something with a bigger head just to give me more margin for error but still provides what yonex Vcore Tour 89 offers.

I'm an all court aggressive style player with one handed backhand with eastern grip and strong eastern forehand. I like to attack as soon as the point begins. I'm relatively a flatter hitter but can add spin for those angle fh & bh.

My go 2 string is Tourna Blackzone 18g 44/40lbs will definitely go up in tension since I'm going bigger in headsize.

I have picked out 8 racquets so far that i wish to try. Is there any other frames you'd guys recommend before i make a decision on what will be the successor?

Here is the list so far
Babolat Pure Aero 98
Diadem Elevate 98 V3
Nordicdots Model 99
Yonex Vcore 95
Angell K Seven 98
Wilson Shift 99
Babolat Pure Strike 100 16x20
Babolat Pure Strike 97

16x20 in 89 is like 18x20 in 97/98 - string bed density wise. The RF & Princes have very open 16x19 and 16x18 respectively so I am not surprised you struggled. Never tried a TF 16m. Not all 16x19s have poor control that you are experiencing. The Ezone 98 for examples has 18x20 control despite the 16x19 pattern since its tighter than you would except. I moved from a tight pattern 20mm low flex 18x20 and never experienced any lack of control and I really really suck with most 16x19s. Also I would upgrade string gauge to 17 or 16Lg - 18g for me just loses tension too quick to be useful in 97+

Ezone 98: My choice.
Yonex Vcore 95 : You will enjoy this one and mentally an easy switch (for me if I was forced to)
Babolat Pure Aero 98 : Can work I guess but didnt enjoy it like the EZ98 or VC95
Diadem Elevate 98 V3 : Super Open String Pattern - You will struggle - STAY AWAY!!
Wilson Shift 99 : I found FLAT KILL shot control lacking due my technique
Rest : No idea.
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By the time you done demoing, T-Fight update will be available featuring lower SW for the 305: you can wait for that or grab an ISO at a discount.


Definitely will give those a try was kinda hoping angell tc99 would have 16x20 pattern but not yet hopefully with v6 they do
I think this is very strong advice from me (so take it as you wish, I’m not you and I don’t have a great idea of what you’re working with) but I’d suggest more strings on the racquet. Just think the switch up 8-10 sq. inches on a racquet is gonna make everything feel less controlled, so you might want to make that up in extra mains. Even with the tension change, I don’t think it’ll be enough for what you’re looking for to stick with a 16x20.


16x20 in 89 is like 18x20 in 97/98 - string bed density wise. The RF & Princes have very open 16x19 and 16x18 respectively so I am not surprised you struggled. Never tried a TF 16m. Not all 16x19s have poor control that you are experiencing. The Ezone 98 for examples has 18x20 control despite the 16x19 pattern since its tighter than you would except. I moved from a tight pattern 20mm low flex 18x20 and never experienced any lack of control and I really really suck with most 16x19s. Also I would upgrade string gauge to 17 or 16Lg - 18g for me just loses tension too quick to be useful in 97+

Ezone 98: My choice.
Yonex Vcore 95 : You will enjoy this one and mentally an easy switch (for me if I was forced to)
Babolat Pure Aero 98 : Can work I guess but didnt enjoy it like the EZ98 or VC95
Diadem Elevate 98 V3 : Super Open String Pattern - You will struggle - STAY AWAY!!
Wilson Shift 99 : I found control lacking for my technique. You need a EXTRA-SPINNY-FLAT finishing shot with this one. So I stayed away.
Rest : No idea.
My backup racquet when having off days was the vcore pro hd from 2019 i think. 18x20 string pattern the launch angle was really low especially on returns. Definitely considering the ezone as well just waiting for the new line to drop and see what they have but the new paintjob doesn't look great.

Already purchased a diadem got it for 150 so even if i don't like it i can just sell it. Definitely might consider getting a thicker gauge as well ty


My backup racquet when having off days was the vcore pro hd from 2019 i think. 18x20 string pattern the launch angle was really low especially on returns. Definitely considering the ezone as well just waiting for the new line to drop and see what they have but the new paintjob doesn't look great.

Already purchased a diadem got it for 150 so even if i don't like it i can just sell it. Definitely might consider getting a thicker gauge as well ty
yeah well at least you hopped on the diadem sale, I got string and a leather grip from that


I think this is very strong advice from me (so take it as you wish, I’m not you and I don’t have a great idea of what you’re working with) but I’d suggest more strings on the racquet. Just think the switch up 8-10 sq. inches on a racquet is gonna make everything feel less controlled, so you might want to make that up in extra mains. Even with the tension change, I don’t think it’ll be enough for what you’re looking for to stick with a 16x20.
I get ur perspective given the info i have posted in the og however my backup racquet for the vcore tour was the vcore pro hd 97 18x20. I really enjoyed the frame however the low launch angle really bothered me especially on returns. I've tried to move on from the pattern but whenever i go back to the vcore tour it just fits my game so well. This demoing process is already a pain. Ty for ur advice i really appreciate it


I get ur perspective given the info i have posted in the og however my backup racquet for the vcore tour was the vcore pro hd 97 18x20. I really enjoyed the frame however the low launch angle really bothered me especially on returns. I've tried to move on from the pattern but whenever i go back to the vcore tour it just fits my game so well. This demoing process is already a pain. Ty for ur advice i really appreciate it
yeah no I can understand all that. If you really do wanna stick with a 16x20, maybe the strike 97 or the vcore 95
I figured might as well grab it before it goes back to regular price.
I mean, I’ve tried the elevate before and I wasn’t the biggest fan of it, but if I was I would be buying multiple (probably the teal one too) during that sale


yeah no I can understand all that. If you really do wanna stick with a 16x20, maybe the strike 97 or the vcore 95

I mean, I’ve tried the elevate before and I wasn’t the biggest fan of it, but if I was I would be buying multiple (probably the teal one too) during that sale
I got the blue one not a fan of teal i feel like the vcore will probably be the front runner but gotta try it and see ty for the advice

Pure strikes are definitely an option as well


Been playing with the Yonex Vcore Tour 89 for a long time now. Really love the pinpoint accuracy with access to spin and pop the frame offers. I especially love the 16x20 string pattern. It gives me tons of spin without losing any control.

Unfortunately due to injury (not from tennis) Im looking for something with a bigger head just to give me more margin for error but still provides what yonex Vcore Tour 89 offers.

I'm an all court aggressive style player with one handed backhand with eastern grip and strong eastern forehand. I like to attack as soon as the point begins. I'm relatively a flatter hitter but can add spin for those angle fh & bh.

My go 2 string is Tourna Blackzone 18g 44/40lbs will definitely go up in tension since I'm going bigger in headsize.

I have picked out 8 racquets so far that i wish to try. Is there any other frames you'd guys recommend before i make a decision on what will be the successor?

Here is the list so far
Babolat Pure Aero 98
Diadem Elevate 98 V3
Nordicdots Model 99
Yonex Vcore 95
Angell K Seven 98
Wilson Shift 99
Babolat Pure Strike 100 16x20
Babolat Pure Strike 97

You like a 16/20 racquet and don't have Wilson Clash on your list?


@Romix - First, I'll profile the VCT89, then important info I've found here and elsewhere about you, then get to recommendations.


In addition to the above specs, sweet spot is 17" (huge for an 89" head size), strung twist weight is a fairly low/maneuverable 13.3, handle Hz vibration is 140, and TWU-listed SW was 331 (vs 335 on RacquetFinder).

For those who might need a bit more clueing in, here the original TW review:

Overall, we're dealing with Yonex's last great mid – a 330g all-court 89" player's "scalpel" that's just about as playable as one could expect an 89 to be in the modern game. Very maneuverable (89" + 20.5mm beam + 11pt unstrung balance + fairly low 13.3tw strung), very precise (16x20 with 8-throat mains in 89"), and stock 330+sw strung offers good plow-through-based power in stock form. And the layup of just micro core + X-fullerene also gave it a solid, direct, connected feel, with pretty much zero muting – something that is sorely lacking in most of today's frames.

Pertinent info on Romix:
- Really like the combo of 16x20 + 8 throat mains + 89"
- Specs his VCT89's around 365g, so ~20g more static weight added after strings (I would guess most in/around the handle?)
- String/tension: Black Zone @ 44/40 in the VCT89; needed 60-ish to find adequate control with an EZ98, so definitely a flatter hitter
- Has progressed away from larger-headed, thicker-beamed, higher-powered frames (Hyper Hammer > EZ100 > EZ98)
- Also has the VCore Pro 97HD and enjoys that as well, but finds the 97" 18x20 too low in launch angle
- Tried the VCP 97D, but felt it had a little too much hoop weight
- On his 1HBH, he drives it 95% of the time, only hits slice maybe 5% of the time

So I think first off, I can see how one might latch onto the 16x20 pattern as a key spec, but you need to also consider cell sizing of the pattern. Example: as @thenewbig3 said, I'm fairly certain you won't get along with the Elevate, as the 16x20 mains and crosses are super open over the entire face, and when making purely flatter contact, that much open-ness can/will lead to over/under launching with even just the slightest bit of face angle variation. Frames with patterns that open are really best used by those with newer-school technique, ie. a SW or more Western forehand, who use spin and resulting shot curvature as a good portion of control/precision.

Overall, I think you'd be best served by sticking closer to what you're are used to: boxier-beamed 95-100" player/pleener frames, 305-320g unstrung static weight, centrally-dense 16-main patterns (be they with 19 or 20 crosses), 17"+ sweet spot, stock strung SW of low-mid 320's to 330-ish (so you don't have to go monkeying with too much lead, if any), stock strung twist weight of <= mid 14's (for enough maneuverability on your 1HBH). Finding all of that together can be a bit tough, but here are all of the options that I think would fit the bill (alphabetical by brand/model):

- Babolat Pure Strike 98 16x19 with leather grip + butt cap weight - Probably going to feel more meat-mallet -ish than you might ideally like, but still worth a try, just to check it off if nothing else.
- Head Boom Pro - Similarly isometric, more forgiveness than either the Radical or Prestige. The most "hot" string bed with the least amount of precision and feel, though, so a good outward-bounds test in those areas.
- Head Radical Pro - Sweet spot might feel a bit small relative to hoop size, and beam might feel a bit too elliptical/variable, but a very composed "do it all" stick nonetheless.
- Head Prestige Tour - Probably Head's best purely-flatter-hitter's attacking stick, and comes with the amount of swing weight you're used to. Add a leather grip to go 2-3pts more head light, and good to go.
- Prince ATS Tour 95 or 98 - The 95 will feel more like home, but the 98 may offer a better level of forgiveness while still being precise enough. Worth trying both.
- Wilson Blade 98 16x19 with leather grip + butt cap weight - The Blade will probably be a love it or hate it experience, but you probably should at least try it.
- Wilson Blade Pro 16x19 with leather + butt cap weight - Harder to get moving than the regular Blade, but even more solid and WAY better feel. With a head-light-enough balance, it might work.
- Wilson Pro Staff 97 v14 - Could very much be the frame you're looking for, more so than the Blade if you truly are a more all-court attacker.

If you don't mind a bit more customization, you could also consider:
- Babolat Strike 97, with moderate hoop lead, possible handle weight as well.
- Dunlop CX 200 Tour 16x19, with handle + hoop weight.
- Tecnifibre TF40 305 16x19, with handle weight, maybe some hoop weight.
- Tecnifibre TF40 315 16x19, with hoop weight.
- Wilson Ultra Pro v4 16x19, with handle + multi-area hoop weight.
- Yonex Percept 97, with handle and hoop weight.
- Yonex VCore 95, with handle and hoop weight.

100's (not sure if you need to go this forgiving, but if so, here's what I think you should look at):
- Head Gravity MP, customized up - I'm on the fence with the GMP, being potentially a bit too anemic/uncontrolled for what you're looking for, even with a 16x20. But possibly worth a try.
- Head Gravity Pro and/or Tour, with handle weight - There are various proponents of either options, versus each other. Probably worth trying at least the Pro, just to rule it out if nothing else.
- ProKennex Ki Q+ 5 Pro - Quite a heavy-hitting stick, with a nice sized sweet spot simply from the sheer level of hoop mass. Maybe more hoop mass than you want, though (ala the 97D experience).
- WIlson Blade 100, with leather grip - Not quite as maneuverable/quick as the 98, but much more forgiving and more free bailout power. Has to be in the mix.
- Wilson Pro Staff X - Could feel more kludgy and high in twist weight than you want, but absolutely worth trying, even so.

Some 18-main sticks that could be worth a try:
- Prince ATS Tour 100P - Like the WhiteOut, it lifts and spins more like a 16-main stick than an 18-main. Good blend of precision, forgiveness and low-medium power for an all-court game.
- Solinco WhiteOut 18x20 - Like an even more controlled Tour 100P with even higher predictability from the constant-width 21.7mm beam. Could certainly be worth a try.
- 2025 Tecnifibre TFight 305 - Rumored to be lighter in swing weight and possibly more head-light in balance than the current ISO 305. With handle weight added, it could be optimal.

Racquets I left out and why:
- All spin/power tweeners - Think it's fairly obvious as to why, ie. you've consciously moved away from them already.
- Angell - Beautiful sticks for sure, but I'd look to try some more easily-accessible mainstream options first, then perhaps revisit Angell if you still can't find anything.
- Babolat Aero 98 - Despite the attacking nature and ability to flatten out with it, it won't do either as well together as a more pure flatter-hitter's attacking frame.
- Babolat Strike 100 16x20 - Many/most upper-spec ones will be too high in recoil weight and low in MGR/i for true all-court effectiveness. And the under-spec ones too anemic for how low their MGR/i still is. Just not the right fit, IMHO. (BTW, this comes from experience, of having been on the play test with an over-spec sample, and having also bought a slightly under-spec retail version)
- Nordicdots Model 99 - Don't think it will maneuver freely enough for what you're used to, nor will the string pattern be consistent enough.
- Wilson RF series - I just don't see the frame being enough of a bump up in overall forgiveness to make it worth the adjustments you'd probably need to make to ensure it plays well enough for you.
- Yonex EZone 98 / Tour - Despite the more centrally dense pattern and flatter-ish compatibility, it's really best operated by those who hit with more swipe and/or close the racquet face more on contact.
- Yonex Percept 97D - If you thought the VCP 97D had too much hoop weight, I'm not sure the P97D will be enough of a difference. Besides, even the improved 18x20 (from the 97HD) may still not give you enough lift.
- Yonex VCore 98 / Tour - Not enough control from the string bed for purely-flatter eastern hitters, not even from the VCT
- Tecnifibre TFights - The 98/16x19's (300 and 315) will be too centrally open, 300 too anemic in stock and finicky overall, 315 too clubby. 305 too cumbersome a stock weighting.

All things considered, I think one of the sub-100's is probably what you'll end up landing on, but I also think you shouldn't arbitrarily exclude frames with 16x19 patterns. As I said before, with the right drill density, one of them could very much be controlled enough for what you're looking for. Still, if you absolutely had to stick with a 16x20, then I think the Babolat Strike 97 with some light-moderate customization would probably be your best bet, as I think you'll find it to have a more consistent string bed and consistent response than the VCore 95, while still also being maneuverable and whippy enough.

Hope some of that helps! Any questions, feel free.
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@Romix - First, I'll profile the VCT89, then important info I've found here and elsewhere about you, then get to recommendations.


In addition to the above specs, sweet spot is 17" (huge for an 89" head size), strung twist weight is a fairly low/maneuverable 13.3, handle Hz vibration is 140, and TWU-listed SW was 331 (vs 335 on RacquetFinder).

For those who might need a bit more clueing in, here the original TW review:

Overall, we're dealing with Yonex's last great mid – a 330g all-court 89" player's "scalpel" that's just about as playable as one could expect an 89 to be in the modern game. Very maneuverable (89" + 20.5mm beam + 11pt unstrung balance + fairly low 13.3tw strung), very precise (16x20 with 8-throat mains in 89"), and stock 330+sw strung offers good plow-through-based power in stock form. And the layup of just micro core + X-fullerene also gave it a solid, direct, connected feel, with pretty much zero muting – something that is sorely lacking in most of today's frames.

Pertinent info on Romix:
- Really like the combo of 16x20 + 8 throat mains + 89"
- Specs his VCT89's around 365g, so ~20g more static weight added after strings (I would guess most in/around the handle?)
- String/tension: Black Zone @ 44/40 in the VCT89; needed 60-ish to find adequate control with an EZ98, so definitely a flatter hitter
- Has progressed away from larger-headed, thicker-beamed, higher-powered frames (Hyper Hammer > EZ100 > EZ98)
- Also has the VCore Pro 97HD and enjoys that as well, but finds the 97" 18x20 too low in launch angle
- Tried the VCP 97D, but felt it had a little too much hoop weight
- On his 1HBH, he drives it 95% of the time, only hits slice maybe 5% of the time

So I think first off, I can see how one might latch onto the 16x20 pattern as a key spec, but you need to also consider cell sizing of the pattern. Example: as @thenewbig3 said, I'm fairly certain you won't get along with the Elevate, as the 16x20 mains and crosses are super open over the entire face, and when making purely flatter contact, that much open-ness can/will lead to over/under launching with even just the slightest bit of face angle variation. Frames with patterns that open are really best used by those with newer-school technique, ie. a SW or more Western forehand, who use spin and resulting shot curvature as a good portion of control/precision.

Overall, I think you'd be best served by sticking closer to what you're are used to: boxier-beamed 95-100" player/pleener frames, 305-320g unstrung static weight, centrally-dense 16-main patterns (be they with 19 or 20 crosses), 17"+ sweet spot, stock strung SW of low-mid 320's to 330-ish (so you don't have to go monkeying with too much lead, if any), stock strung twist weight of <= mid 14's (for enough maneuverability on your 1HBH). Finding all of that together can be a bit tough, but here are all of the options that I think would fit the bill (alphabetical by brand/model):

Man thats a lot of info and makes sense I'll definitely considered those frames as well.

Ill do some research on those frames as well and add to the list what i think will work for me personally.

When i was with the dr 98 definitely high 50s low 60s full bed 16 g poly but definitely evolved as a player. Recently tried the 97HD model i strung at low 50s and felt very comfortable in terms of control.

So if i need to go up in tension that's fine for me. Ty for the very informative post really helped me understand what i may be truly after for the successor.


I should probably state im looking to go down in weight as well since vct 89 are 362-365g with leather grip on them. So i do expect to customize the frames in terms of overall weight as well. Sorry i didn't mention that.

My vct 89 with leather grip are 10pts HL with leather grip on them.


Been playing with the Yonex Vcore Tour 89 for a long time now. Really love the pinpoint accuracy with access to spin and pop the frame offers. I especially love the 16x20 string pattern. It gives me tons of spin without losing any control.

Unfortunately due to injury (not from tennis) Im looking for something with a bigger head just to give me more margin for error but still provides what yonex Vcore Tour 89 offers.

I'm an all court aggressive style player with one handed backhand with eastern grip and strong eastern forehand. I like to attack as soon as the point begins. I'm relatively a flatter hitter but can add spin for those angle fh & bh.

My go 2 string is Tourna Blackzone 18g 44/40lbs will definitely go up in tension since I'm going bigger in headsize.

I have picked out 8 racquets so far that i wish to try. Is there any other frames you'd guys recommend before i make a decision on what will be the successor?

Here is the list so far
Babolat Pure Aero 98
Diadem Elevate 98 V3
Nordicdots Model 99
Yonex Vcore 95
Angell K Seven 98
Wilson Shift 99
Babolat Pure Strike 100 16x20
Babolat Pure Strike 97
Well, none of those really have the same characteristics as the VCT89.

I can tell you I've been rotating between my Blade Pro 16x19 and a VCT89 and K90 that I have on an extended demo. It's pretty easy to switch between the Blade Pro and the VCT89. The VCT is a little more suited to flatter hitting IMHO and you can get those laser precise shots with it where I go for more spin with my BP.

I do think the Blade Pro could be a really good option for you even if it isn't the 16x20 pattern.


Well, none of those really have the same characteristics as the VCT89.

I can tell you I've been rotating between my Blade Pro 16x19 and a VCT89 and K90 that I have on an extended demo. It's pretty easy to switch between the Blade Pro and the VCT89. The VCT is a little more suited to flatter hitting IMHO and you can get those laser precise shots with it where I go for more spin with my BP.

I do think the Blade Pro could be a really good option for you even if it isn't the 16x20 pattern.
I agree that they certainly are different from my current vct 89 but because of an injury i gotta move on from it which sux.


@Romix - Glad you found my post useful and sorry for the text wall. Just wanted to get it all out. As you can see, you've got options, and plenty of them. And you'll notice most of my suggestions are 315g static or lighter, so an automatic 10-15+ gram weight savings, as I remember seeing you say you were looking for that before.

I would say perhaps order a demo 3-pack, one frame from the more ready-to-play sub-100 list, like maybe the Strike 98, one of the Heads, or a Prince ATS, then one from the "customization-needed" sub-100's, like the Strike 97 perhaps, and then maybe one of the 100's, just as an upper-bounds test on forgiveness and power vs control, and have an initial playoff to get a rough feel for how each behaves (the Strike 97 with and without weight as well). Then based on your initial experience, you could hone in on the sub-group that you think makes the most sense, and try a few more from that group.


@Romix - Glad you found my post useful and sorry for the text wall. Just wanted to get it all out. As you can see, you've got options, and plenty of them. And you'll notice most of my suggestions are 315g static or lighter, so an automatic 10-15+ gram weight savings, as I remember seeing you say you were looking for that before.

I would say perhaps order a demo 3-pack, one frame from the more ready-to-play sub-100 list, like maybe the Strike 98, one of the Heads, or a Prince ATS, then one from the "customization-needed" sub-100's, like the Strike 97 perhaps, and then maybe one of the 100's, just as an upper-bounds test on forgiveness and power vs control, and have an initial playoff to get a rough feel for how each behaves (the Strike 97 with and without weight as well). Then based on your initial experience, you could hone in on the sub-group that you think makes the most sense, and try a few more from that group.
Don't worry about it. Yes compared to my vct 89 this is a huge weight drop but it'll allow me to customize if needed. Ive tried in the past going to bigger size and honestly just became a headache since none of the models back then felt right in my hands. Now with my injury ill definitely be forced to move on from these guys. I do have a couple brand new if interested?

I was looking at the prince ast as well but not popular overhere so they always have limited stock.

I'm from canada so I can't the tenniswarehouse demo program. But i work in tennis shop over here so i get good deals thanks to my boss. So i generally buy frames and test them out for 1-4 months. If I don't like them ill just sell them. Just concerned about what tension i should do for all of them since i was 44/40 with the vct 89.


Gotcha. I would say if you're in the low-mid 40's with an 89" isometric, probably upper 40's to 50-ish with a 95, 50-ish to low 50's with a 97", then mid-50's with a 98 and mid-upper 50's to no more than 60-ish with a 100, aught to do it for tension on most full beds of poly. You really shouldn't need much more than that on any of those head sizes with 16-mains patterns. Hybrids, a bit higher obviously, but I think you get the gist.


Gotcha. I would say if you're in the low-mid 40's with an 89" isometric, probably upper 40's to 50-ish with a 95, 50-ish to low 50's with a 97", then mid-50's with a 98 and mid-upper 50's to no more than 60-ish with a 100, aught to do it for tension on most full beds of poly. You really shouldn't need much more than that on any of those head sizes with 16-mains patterns. Hybrids, a bit higher obviously, but I think you get the gist.
Trip ur a life saver the amount of info u have given me has helped me alot. Ur the goat


Gotcha. I would say if you're in the low-mid 40's with an 89" isometric, probably upper 40's to 50-ish with a 95, 50-ish to low 50's with a 97", then mid-50's with a 98 and mid-upper 50's to no more than 60-ish with a 100, aught to do it for tension on most full beds of poly. You really shouldn't need much more than that on any of those head sizes with 16-mains patterns. Hybrids, a bit higher obviously, but I think you get the gist.
So something like this for the frames i picked out.

Babolat Pure Aero 98 56/52lbs

Diadem Elevate 98 V3 55/51lbs

Nordicdots Model 99 54/50lbs

Yonex Vcore 95 53/49lbs

Angell K Seven 98 53/49lbs

Wilson Shift 99 56/52lbs

Babolat Pure Strike 100 16x20 57/53

Babolat Pure Strike 97 54/50lbs


Hall of Fame
Just adding my $0.02. I’d temper expectations (if you haven’t already) for the Shift and PS 100 16x20. The Shift is polarizing (as mentioned earlier) and probably one of the furthest things from what you’re looking for/have used in the past. Especially given you have flat strokes, I think you’ll find the non-pro Shift to be quite launchy. I love the Shifts, just tempering expectations with that.

The PS 100 16x20 is just a tough one for me to recommend. I know a lot of people swear by it, but I honestly think most would play better with the 98 16x19. You just lose so much stability going to the 100 sq in pure strikes and the forgiveness isn’t that much better IMO.

Can’t wait to hear how it goes!


Just adding my $0.02. I’d temper expectations (if you haven’t already) for the Shift and PS 100 16x20. The Shift is polarizing (as mentioned earlier) and probably one of the furthest things from what you’re looking for/have used in the past. Especially given you have flat strokes, I think you’ll find the non-pro Shift to be quite launchy. I love the Shifts, just tempering expectations with that.

The PS 100 16x20 is just a tough one for me to recommend. I know a lot of people swear by it, but I honestly think most would play better with the 98 16x19. You just lose so much stability going to the 100 sq in pure strikes and the forgiveness isn’t that much better IMO.

Can’t wait to hear how it goes!
Yep i agree out of all off them ive heard this about shift and aero that they perform better with a more vertical swing. Been playing with the vct 89 for so long now i wanna try a wide variety before i decide. These frames were selected mainly due to the 16x20 string pattern. Im excited to see how they perform. I currently have the nordicdots model 99 and diadem elevate 98 v3 playing next week. Ill grab the others during the early months of next year. Like i said ill be putting in a lot of time with each frame. I wanna give these frames a good chance and see how i perform with all of them.


Just strung the diadem elevate at 55/51 definitely the right call i can see the strings are really spread out but definitely excited to try


Hey guys at the store i work at i managed to try the yonex percept 97, diadem elevate v3 that i already have, nordicdots, blade 98 16x19 and wilson pro staff 97.

First impressions i really enjoyed the nordicdots and percept 97 it looks like isometric head shapes just work with me. I do wish that nordicdots would have go thinner with the beam even if it meant to go stiffer in the frame in general. But besides that both performed very similar in my opinion good control with access to power when needed. I do feel i could customize the percept 97 with ease while the nordicdots i could only customize the handle just to make it more head light.

For the diadem definitely the most spin friendly and power happy racquet I've tried in a long time which isn't necessarily a bad thing since i did adjust to it going for more spin rather than just driving it as i did with my vct. Ill definitely play with it more and see.

Both the Blade and Pro Staff just don't suit me i felt the blade was uncomfortable for me in my elbow. This has been a recurring issue with whatever blade i have tried so i didn't play too long with it. However Pro Staff 97 the old school red and black when roger debuted with the bigger head was my racquet before i switched to yonex frames. But sadly it just doesn't feel like the right fit for me i felt it was similar to the percept however it felt that percept did everything just a tad better and just personally I'm not a fan of the cosmetic.

Generally the matte finish for all the frames just feels weird in the fingertips but thats just me. Ill probably reduce my list after this short trial run with these frames


@Romix - Nice update. E v3 is a nice stick, but as you've now found out, a very open pattern that requires more new school technique in order to find the same level of control that you get with denser-patterned sticks even when when hitting flatter. On the opposite end you have the M99 with it's fairly dense upper string bed, much more of a flatter-hitter's frame, and more in the middle would probably be the P97, though it's definitely closer to the M99 than the E v3. The P97 is fairly under-powered in stock form, but that's mostly solvable with a bit of added swing weight (and unlike the previous '21 VCore Pro 97, the Percept 97 has much more of a linear power output, without the power-sucking plateau at the top end).

As for the Wilsons, fair enough. If you can sense they're not for you, then they're not for you. Is what it is.

Interested to hear how more sticks test for you. Then hopefully you can isolate on a final grouping, having a playoff with a few, pick one and commit.


Hey guys at the store i work at i managed to try the yonex percept 97, diadem elevate v3 that i already have, nordicdots, blade 98 16x19 and wilson pro staff 97.

First impressions i really enjoyed the nordicdots and percept 97 it looks like isometric head shapes just work with me. I do wish that nordicdots would have go thinner with the beam even if it meant to go stiffer in the frame in general. But besides that both performed very similar in my opinion good control with access to power when needed. I do feel i could customize the percept 97 with ease while the nordicdots i could only customize the handle just to make it more head light.

For the diadem definitely the most spin friendly and power happy racquet I've tried in a long time which isn't necessarily a bad thing since i did adjust to it going for more spin rather than just driving it as i did with my vct. Ill definitely play with it more and see.

Both the Blade and Pro Staff just don't suit me i felt the blade was uncomfortable for me in my elbow. This has been a recurring issue with whatever blade i have tried so i didn't play too long with it. However Pro Staff 97 the old school red and black when roger debuted with the bigger head was my racquet before i switched to yonex frames. But sadly it just doesn't feel like the right fit for me i felt it was similar to the percept however it felt that percept did everything just a tad better and just personally I'm not a fan of the cosmetic.

Generally the matte finish for all the frames just feels weird in the fingertips but thats just me. Ill probably reduce my list after this short trial run with these frames

Try the Clash if the Blade hurt your arm

I did get a little forearm pain from the Blade v8 but I think the grip was too small


Hey guys at the store i work at i managed to try the yonex percept 97, diadem elevate v3 that i already have, nordicdots, blade 98 16x19 and wilson pro staff 97.

First impressions i really enjoyed the nordicdots and percept 97 it looks like isometric head shapes just work with me. I do wish that nordicdots would have go thinner with the beam even if it meant to go stiffer in the frame in general. But besides that both performed very similar in my opinion good control with access to power when needed. I do feel i could customize the percept 97 with ease while the nordicdots i could only customize the handle just to make it more head light.

For the diadem definitely the most spin friendly and power happy racquet I've tried in a long time which isn't necessarily a bad thing since i did adjust to it going for more spin rather than just driving it as i did with my vct. Ill definitely play with it more and see.

Both the Blade and Pro Staff just don't suit me i felt the blade was uncomfortable for me in my elbow. This has been a recurring issue with whatever blade i have tried so i didn't play too long with it. However Pro Staff 97 the old school red and black when roger debuted with the bigger head was my racquet before i switched to yonex frames. But sadly it just doesn't feel like the right fit for me i felt it was similar to the percept however it felt that percept did everything just a tad better and just personally I'm not a fan of the cosmetic.

Generally the matte finish for all the frames just feels weird in the fingertips but thats just me. Ill probably reduce my list after this short trial run with these frames
How about Gravity Mp? 16x20, lighter weight, wide hoop. I would just add weight at 10 and 2 to reach your previous swingweight of 335. This way you wont need to worry about elbow pain, which might occur with stock low swingweight.


So something like this for the frames i picked out.

Babolat Pure Aero 98 56/52lbs

Diadem Elevate 98 V3 55/51lbs

Nordicdots Model 99 54/50lbs

Yonex Vcore 95 53/49lbs

Angell K Seven 98 53/49lbs

Wilson Shift 99 56/52lbs

Babolat Pure Strike 100 16x20 57/53

Babolat Pure Strike 97 54/50lbs
Those are pretty tight stringing recommendations. I would go about 3lbs less on each one if your dealing with an injury. Trip pretty much hit the nail on the head. I went from a Pro Staff 90 to a Babolat Aero Pro and had a blast. I would recommend trying a Yonex 100 or a Babolat Pure Drive.


@Romix - Nice update. E v3 is a nice stick, but as you've now found out, a very open pattern that requires more new school technique in order to find the same level of control that you get with denser-patterned sticks even when when hitting flatter. On the opposite end you have the M99 with it's fairly dense upper string bed, much more of a flatter-hitter's frame, and more in the middle would probably be the P97, though it's definitely closer to the M99 than the E v3. The P97 is fairly under-powered in stock form, but that's mostly solvable with a bit of added swing weight (and unlike the previous '21 VCore Pro 97, the Percept 97 has much more of a linear power output, without the power-sucking plateau at the top end).

As for the Wilsons, fair enough. If you can sense they're not for you, then they're not for you. Is what it is.

Interested to hear how more sticks test for you. Then hopefully you can isolate on a final grouping, having a playoff with a few, pick one and commit.
Yeah it seems like this search for new racquets might be tricky but excited too see what will be my next frame


Try the Clash if the Blade hurt your arm

I did get a little forearm pain from the Blade v8 but I think the grip was too small
It wasn't like an injury it just felt uncomfortable which sucks because specs wise the blade should be up my alley but its just uncomfortable around my elbow.

I've tried the clash and didn't like it. I may have said that earlier on this thread can't remember


Those are pretty tight stringing recommendations. I would go about 3lbs less on each one if your dealing with an injury. Trip pretty much hit the nail on the head. I went from a Pro Staff 90 to a Babolat Aero Pro and had a blast. I would recommend trying a Yonex 100 or a Babolat Pure Drive.
What was ur tension for w90 compared aero pro. Was there an adjustment in tension or have u worked it down to the same tension it was with the w90


How about Gravity Mp? 16x20, lighter weight, wide hoop. I would just add weight at 10 and 2 to reach your previous swingweight of 335. This way you wont need to worry about elbow pain, which might occur with stock low swingweight.
I was thinking of adding that to the group later on since head racquets in general haven't been the best option for me


What was ur tension for w90 compared aero pro. Was there an adjustment in tension or have u worked it down to the same tension it was with the w90
Hmm, pretty long ago (2013 - 2014 I think). Pretty sure my tension was too tight on the PS90 - about 53ish and about the same on the AeroPro.


Hmm, pretty long ago (2013 - 2014 I think). Pretty sure my tension was too tight on the PS90 - about 53ish and about the same on the AeroPro.
Interesting when i switch from vc pro 97hd to vct 89 i went from 59/57 to 44/40. But was definitely a different player with the hd model


Tecnifibre TF40 305 16x19

Tecnifibre TF40 315 16x19

Thinking about getting one of these but sure which since they are on sale in my area any with experience with these models.

Seems like the head light balance of the 315g would fit me better but swingweight and sweet zone appears to be bigger on the racquet comparison tool