Pretty sure that the BLX Blade 98 doesn't have a lot of head-light balance. Even though it's not a 12+ oz. frame, it may feel a little more sluggish for you with only what I'd consider to be moderate HL balance. The upside there is that this Blade puts a little beef behind the ball. That's great as long as you deliver it on time.
If you want to feel quicker, you could consider getting into the Six.One 95L and tuning it to your liking. A dude that I work with is a very serious player - a true 5.0 - and he just switched into that racquet this year from the heavier Six.One 95 16x18. He only added a couple grams of lead tape to his hoops at 3/9 o'clock to steady them up a little bit and he's loving them.
I find that I get a lot more ease of handling and "whippiness" when my frame has enough HL balance for my liking - one of those things where I know it when I feel it. My already hefty Volkl C10's and O10's have lead on their handles for more HL balance and I've compared them against the same frames without leaded handles (I own a couple of each). Although the tuned racquets are heavier, the hoops are certainly more maneuverable for me, especially around the net.
Blah-blah-blah... Just saying pay attention to both the weight and the balance of whatever you sample. With enough HL balance, even a 12.4 oz. racquet can be very easy to handle.