Most guys posting here could lose to a woman that's been playing serioulsy.
Most guys here could lose to a
girl who has been playing seriously. There are plenty of 14-16 year old girls who are legitimate 4.5s and 5.0s out there, and by legitimate I mean equal-scale to guys. Many seriously playing teenage girls reach this level (and often never go higher, but still), and would destroy 80%+ of the guys on here, whether they'd like to admit it or not.
(Look at the rating-polls on here when they happen, 80%+ of posters are 4.5 or below, and that's with probably half of them self-rating at that).
Before you argue, remember that many of these girls play 6-7 days a week, many hit 100s of balls each session or 1000s of balls a day, many play mixed against the guys in high divisions. They hit a harder rally ball than you, have a mid-court put-away that will make you think you're playing Agassi, and sure, maybe you can serve 10% harder, but their serves go in, and often, and your second serve will be toast served on a platter to them.
Let's get over the gender thing, shall we?
(For the sake of it, I'm a guy. I'm just realistic.)