Lost to a 4.0 will my rating suffer?


New User
I am a 3.5 female player. I recently startd my spring league play in a ladies 3.5 league. Lost Doubles 2 pretty bad , 0-6, 1-6 ( my partner was probably close to 3.0 and our opponents were solid 3.5), next match lost doubles 1, 2-6, 4-6. The next match lost doubles 1 again 7-5, 4-5 ( timed second set tie break) ,0-1 ( sudden death point to decide winner).

So due to my not so favorable USTA performance this year so far, also because I wanted to play singles since I am a good baseline, i signed up to play a local USTA tournament and was put in the 4.0 singles draw. We had just one match, my opponent was a 4.0 who plays 4.0 and 4.5 leagues usually. I lost 4-6, 4-6.

My concern is i am worried if I will get bumped down. What do you all think?


All depends.

With respect to the tournament results, what section are you in? In many sections (like Southern), tournament results don't mean a thing for your rating unless you play ONLY tournaments and therefore get a tournament rating. Getting 8 games off a good 4.0 who often plays 4.5 is probably a "good" loss and if anything you'd actually want that match to count.

As far as the other matches, if they were very good 3.5s it might not hurt you, especially if your partners were very bad. It's not the win or loss that affects you, it's the difference between how many games the computer thought you should win and how many you actually did win.

The USTA computer looks at everyone's dynamic rating in each match and says "Team A should beat Team B 12 games to 4" and you win more than 4 games, your rating will go up. If you win fewer than 4 games, your rating will go down.


The league results may or may not cause your rating to drop, depends on the specifics of who you play and play with.

The tournament result sounds good, but whether or not it will count depends on what section you are in. Some sections include tournaments in year-end ratings, others do not.

Send me a private message here or e-mail me (ratings@teravation.net) for more info.


Hall of Fame
I am a 3.5 female player. I recently startd my spring league play in a ladies 3.5 league. Lost Doubles 2 pretty bad , 0-6, 1-6 ( my partner was probably close to 3.0 and our opponents were solid 3.5), next match lost doubles 1, 2-6, 4-6. The next match lost doubles 1 again 7-5, 4-5 ( timed second set tie break) ,0-1 ( sudden death point to decide winner).

So due to my not so favorable USTA performance this year so far, also because I wanted to play singles since I am a good baseline, i signed up to play a local USTA tournament and was put in the 4.0 singles draw. We had just one match, my opponent was a 4.0 who plays 4.0 and 4.5 leagues usually. I lost 4-6, 4-6.

My concern is i am worried if I will get bumped down. What do you all think?
Sounds like the 4.0 you played in the tournament was trying to manipulate their own rating.