Does anyone have suggestions on what rackets in the market are fairly low powered? I feel like I'm someone who can generate my own pace, and a lot of the popular rackets seem difficult for me to play with, because they're stiff and crazy powerful. I think I'm looking for a more modern players frame in that I need something that offers a ton of control while still offering good spin potential (i.e. a 16x19 pattern), but at the end of the day, I want something that offers lots of control and won't have me hitting the back fence even on rally shots, like the Babolat Pure Drive/Head Radical did when I tried them.
Any ideas on a T4 that I should demo?
For a few years I had been playing with the Volkl C10 and really liked its feel and the extra control it gave me around the baseline compared with my previous frames. Those previous racquets were similarly heavy and head-light, but were also much more stiff than these Volkls. Although the C10's gave me improved control, they also still had enough heft to produce PLENTY of power for me when I wanted to really thump the ball.
Eventually I inherited a pair of Volkl's Organix 10 325g's, which offered a similar layout (98" head, 16x19 pattern) with a bit less weight and inherently less power for me compared with my C10's. The upside was that these racquets (the O10's) gave me all the control and spin that I wished I also had with my C10's. I string with basic syn. gut and these racquets literally give me more spin than I know what to do with.
I did add weight to both the hoops and handles of my O10's for improved stability and comfortable HL balance, but these racquets are still the lower powered "control" option I keep in my bag along with the C10's. The current V-Sense 10 325g is the latest generation of my O10, so I'd recommend a look at that one.
A few years ago I had a couple of Fischer M Speed Pro 1's, which were also frames more in keeping with what you seem to be looking for. Fischer is now Pacific and I know that they have retained some designs from the Fischer label, so you may want to check them out, too. One other possibility is the ProKennex Ki Q+ Tour 300. I haven't tried that racquet, but it's flexible with the open pattern you want. Note the static weight, which may be a little lighter than you prefer, but that's something that can be addressed with some lead tape, etc.