I have something similar going on. I've tried all sorts of things, but am currently working on hip mobility - doing strengthening, rolling, and flexibility work on the hip flexors, glutes, and lower abs. I'm doing it with a mobility specialist, so I may not be characterizing everything perfectly. There are a series of cascading issues from weakness and stiffness that cause feet to turn outwards and hips to lose mobility, which in turn create all sorts of downstream issues in posture, movement, and pain. Probably the big culprit is the amount of sitting we do as we get older. In my particular case, I was starting to develop a pooch belly. In doing the training, I am realizing that a lot of it is from muscle weakness in the abdominal floor and lower abs, and not necessarily from actual fat. Obviously that has huge implications for the hips and back. I suspect many people have similar issues, but of course I have no idea if it applies to you. I am having good progress, but it's too early to consider the battle won.