TW Staff
Jo Ann Thomas Kemp, the Global Line Product Manager at Wilson Racquet Sports, and Thierry Beyltiens, the Product Innovation Director at Luxilon join us in this episode to talk all about strings, string trends and the newest Luxilon strings: ECO Power & ECO Rough. Having just come back from the 2023 US Open, they also offer some cool insider info on the stringing trends with the pros.
We also learn:
- About the Wilson & Luxilon relationship
- How long did it take to get these strings from concept to market
- How efficient is Luxilon as a brand & what ways do they help daily be an environmental friendly brand
- Different materials used in creation; did you partner with someone to gain access to recycled materials?
- What materials is the string made from
- Explain the recycled packaging
- How many prototypes were there?
- Talk about Wilson/Luxilon view on recycled materials and reducing waste through the brand/line
- Do you expect competitors and other brands to jump in the trend?
- Any pros considering or using Luxilon Eco Power or Rough?
- Share some stories from the process - did you learn anything new using new materials?
- Is this string recyclable after it breaks?! Can it go in the recycle bin or will it break down?
- Who are these strings for?
- and more!
Happy Hitting!
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