bumping this thread, to continue the discussion.
The last time I used Luxilon Natural Gut was back in 2020. It was recently brought to my attention, that Luxilon now makes the NG in Ireland. I see some posters comment that NG was never made in Belgium, that it was Ireland from the beginning, and others post the contrary. Has anyone been able to confirm this yet?
So I recently put in an order for the Lux NG with the recent sale. When it arrived, I noticed the packaging was different from before, having a more matte finish, and Made in Ireland on the back. The old packaging was a glossy shiny finish, and Made in Belgium on the back. While stringing the NG, i noticed the new Ireland gut had a softer touch to it, bended more easily, and less sticky of a coating. The old Belgium gut was more stiff and had a much stickier coating, making moving the crosses around while string more difficult. For reference, I strung my rackets with Lux Gut main, and Lux ALU Rough cross. When hitting, the new gut had a more plush feel, and the less sticky coating resulted in more string movement. The main strings had move all out of place, and did not snap back, in just the first session. The old gut was more crisp, slightly harsher. I felt the sticky coating made it hard to pull the ball up for spin. Much less string movement with this string.
Has anyone else noticed any differences between the Belgium and Ireland gut? Or is there absolutely no difference, and I am just making things up in my head?
Also, has the Wilson Gut changed their formula as well? I always thought the red packaging of Wilson gut to be horrible.