Monfils doesn't appear to be moving all that well.
Just got this feeling once Rafa breaks Monfils, he's going to run away very quickly with it.
Gael is just hitting back to the middle of the court with no speed, he is going to get killed unless it tries to shorten the points ASAP.
What's Monfils complaining about now?
^^^ Nadal's cheating.
nadal taking too long between points
^^^ Nadal's cheating.
Monfils not happy Rafa is taking so long between points. That's what he's complaining to the umpire about.
nadal taking too long between points
nadal taking too long between points
Current stats:
Nadal 28.2 seconds between points
Monfils 27.9 seconds
Tell him to shut up and play.
Was it actually? I know the commentators said so but I could swear I heard Monfils saying something about the crowd getting noisy before the points were over.
Monfils is a mental midget.