Mailing Racquets through USPS (or better suggestions please!)


Bionic Poster
ROTFLMAO!! I'm sorry but this line really made me laugh. :lol:

Anyway, I've used the two Priority Mail boxes taped together method tons of times here in NorCal and I've never had a problem with USPS accepting them. Once in a while, I'll get a funny look from the clerk but they always accept it without hesitation.

Careful - he may go postal on you


Hall of Fame
They are called mail carriers these days, because many of them are women :)

Also, the PO counter guys are usually not mail carriers.

His glee is a little worrisome - he may have taken the stick for a demo in the evening ...

And of course whenever I go to a PO, I am reminded of the fat guy in Seinfeld (what's his name?) and how Jerry explained to him that the postal service is not really needed :)

Newman! And it's Kramer, not Jerry, who goes to the PO to request he not receive any more mail.

But there is also the mail fraud episode:
Newman: Goods are rarely damaged during transit.
Seinfeld: Define rarely.
Newman (fuming): frequently!
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Hall of Fame
Forget racquets - I had to put two boxes (flat) together to mail my little niece her 24" x 18" colouring activity book. The PO worker at the counter actually helped me put the two boxes together. I suppose that's the friendliness you come to expect from a smaller town...


Bionic Poster
Newman! And it's Kramer, not Jerry, who goes to the PO to request he not receive any more mail.

But there is also the mail fraud episode:
Newman: Goods are rarely damaged during transit.
Seinfeld: Define rarely.
Newman (fuming): frequently!

The one with the postmaster general? I am not only a postmaster but also a general?

But I believe it was Jerry who listed all the ways one could avoid using the PO.


Bud, your best solution: drive an extra 5 minutes and find another post office and hope they are not on their rags.


Bionic Poster
Took it to another PO a bit ago and they didn't even bat an eye at the BOX. He took it and thanked me. Grrrrrrr :evil:


Hall of Fame
I received a box last week that was open at both ends, and the tennis racquet was still there!!!

It was fully open at both ends, absolutely amazing the racquet was still there:)


Forget racquets - I had to put two boxes (flat) together to mail my little niece her 24" x 18" colouring activity book. The PO worker at the counter actually helped me put the two boxes together. I suppose that's the friendliness you come to expect from a smaller town...

Here in Los Angeles I have no problems using the boxes taped together, which I received from other TTW members. My post office doesn't hesitate for a second.

Fearsome Forehand

With USPS, you have to use Priority Mail MAILING boxes to get the best rates. If you use two flat rate boxes, they will probably try to charge you twice the flat rate or just reject the taped together flat rate boxes outright. USPS flat rate service assumes a certain size box that is within a certain weight

I don't think there has been a change in USPS policy. It sounds like the OP ran into a not so knowledgeable clerk with an attitude. (There is one clerk at my local PO who is an idiot and I refuse to go to her. I let the person behind me in line go ahead and wait until one of the good clerks becomes available.)

Racket sized boxes that meet the non balloon rate size criteria are hard to find unless you have access to a pro shop. The taped together PM Mailing box thing is great and has made shipping rackets a breeze compared to the old days of searching for racket sized boxes.

I think Fed Ex Ground is more expensive than USPS but they have real time tracking instead of the truly lame delivery confirmation system of USPS. USPS is actually more convenient than Fed Ex for me so I tend to use USPS.

If you prepay postage and print your own mailing labels off paypal or the USPS site, I would also advise everyone to get an acceptance receipt from the USPS clerk. It will list the time and place of acceptance and the tracking number. Often the USPS clerk just takes the box and says thanks, no receipt. For instance, if you give the box directly to a carrier, no receipt. After having an expensive racket go cross country to a buyer point to point without ever being scanned once by USPS, I always go to the PO and get an acceptance receipt.
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Bionic Poster
I received a box last week that was open at both ends, and the tennis racquet was still there!!!

It was fully open at both ends, absolutely amazing the racquet was still there:)

Sounds like a curious postal worker :)

I think Customs checks the contents, occasionally, if you received it from outside the country. They should have taped it back up properly, though.

What kind of racquet was it?


Bionic Poster
With USPS, you have to use Priority Mail MAILING boxes to get the best rates. If you use two flat rate boxes, they will probably try to charge you twice the flat rate or just reject the taped together flat rate boxes outright. USPS flat rate service assumes a certain size box that is within a certain weight

I don't think there has been a change in USPS policy. It sounds like the OP ran into a not so knowledgeable clerk with an attitude. (There is one clerk at my local PO who is an idiot and I refuse to go to her. I let the person behind me in line go ahead and wait until one of the good clerks becomes available.)

Racket sized boxes that meet the non balloon rate size criteria are hard to find unless you have access to a pro shop. The taped together PM Mailing box thing is great and has made shipping rackets a breeze compared to the old days of searching for racket sized boxes.

I think Fed Ex Ground is more expensive than USPS but they have real time tracking instead of the truly lame delivery confirmation system of USPS. USPS is actually more convenient than Fed Ex for me so I tend to use USPS.

If you prepay postage and print your own mailing labels off paypal or the USPS site, I would also advise everyone to get an acceptance receipt from the USPS clerk. It will list the time and place of acceptance and the tracking number. Often the USPS clerk just takes the box and says thanks, no receipt. For instance, if you give the box directly to a carrier, no receipt. After having an expensive racket go cross country to a buyer point to point without ever being scanned once by USPS, I always go to the PO and get an acceptance receipt.

It was two Priority boxes taped together. I had just received it (via USPS) from another TT members a day or two earlier.

No, the clerks have been hassling me for months... each time going in the back to ask the supervisor. I mean, how many times do they repeat this behavior? It was the same clerk!

Finally, they said they weren't taking those 'modified boxes' any longer. So, I drove to another post office and they accepted it no questions asked.

... And they wonder why they have so many complaints and are constantly in the red.

BTW, if you sign up for the USPS email alerts (from the tracking webpage)... it's real-time tracking. It tracks the parcel from point to point.


Hall of Fame
Sounds like a curious postal worker :)

I think Customs checks the contents, occasionally, if you received it from outside the country. They should have taped it back up properly, though.

What kind of racquet was it?

It was an old Yamaha YCR124, nice racquet:) But seriously the box was open both ends???


Hall of Fame
It was two Priority boxes taped together. I had just received it (via USPS) from another TT members a day or two earlier.

No, the clerks have been hassling me for months... each time going in the back to ask the supervisor. I mean, how many times do they repeat this behavior? It was the same clerk!

Finally, they said they weren't taking those 'modified boxes' any longer. So, I drove to another post office and they accepted it no questions asked.

... And they wonder why they have so many complaints and are constantly in the red.

BTW, if you sign up for the USPS email alerts (from the tracking webpage)... it's real-time tracking. It tracks the parcel from point to point.

Even from US to UK, USPS Priority Mail International has tracking via the customs details. Lots of people don't know this, but it's really useful to find out when the package is going to arrive in the UK:)


Bionic Poster
Even from US to UK, USPS Priority Mail International has tracking via the customs details. Lots of people don't know this, but it's really useful to find out when the package is going to arrive in the UK:)

Yes... you're talking about the number on the customs form, correct?


I've always taped 2 Priority boxes together in the past with no problem. Then a new lady at my post office charged me double, so I don't deal with her anymore. UPS charged me big bucks to send 2 sets of grommets recently, so I might try FedEx next....


Hall of Fame
I was just turned down by my local Post Office yesterday when trying to ship in two boxes taped together. I was using the flat rate boxes and the guy told me that I would have to pay 2 times the flat rate price since there are 2 boxes. Then he said it still might get returned to me this way. All I had to do was get two regular non flat rate boxes and tape them together and no problem. Shipping was cheaper this way too. I explained to them that I had done this before no problem and they said I was lucky before and it should not have gone. I can't figure it out. Anyway after that I went to my local tennis shop and they gave me 4 racquet boxes. Said they usually just throw them away.


Hall of Fame
Whenever I deal with USPS, I print the postage online and then request a pickup for the next day. I use the same method when it comes to shipping a tennis racquet by using 2 priority mail boxes taped together and just recently I purchased a pack of priority mail boxes and shipping peel off labels from the USPS website. It's a lot easier using peel off labels then taping or gluing the label to the box.


Bionic Poster
I've mailed USPS numerous times with taping 2 boxes with no hassle at all, the clerk has even done it for me.

I wish we had your clerks here at this USPS branch. I bought some brown shipping paper for those times I need to mail from the local PO.


Reviving this old thread, all I can say is that the USPS is one of the most aggravating organizations I have ever dealt with.

To mail racquets I (used to) use a PO near work. Unfortunately, this post office was the home of the Mail N A Z I. If I printed my E-Bay mailing labels the night before, he would reject my package (at which time I would take it to another PO and it would be accepted). One day, I came in with two USPS boxes taped together for two tennis racquets, and he said, "You can't get the flat rate with that", and I replied that I had weighed it, measured it, and applied the appropriate Priority postage. He said okay. Two weeks later, I did the same thing, I was walking out as he was picking it up, and two days later it arrived at my house, rejected. I immediately covered up the rejected markings and successfully mailed it at another PO.

What is wrong with these people?
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If you have a tennis store near you, or maybe a chain sports store that sells racquets, check with them to see if they have any tennis racquet boxes they are going to toss.

I was able to do this twice with my local tennis store.

Sure is a lot easier than taping boxes together.
I've sold some big items on **** and had to find ways to ship them. Similar story where I taped multiple boxes together AFTER the manager of the PO said I could. I took it back the next day and they had changed their mind.

I have serveral other horrible stories but i'll keep them to myself. If I start typing them out i'll just get furious and ruin my day :evil:

I did want to respond and let people know: UPS WILL SHIP ITEMS IN USPS BOXES. YMMV I'm not sure if its just the ups stores here in southern CA but on multiple occasions 5+ i've gone to usps taken their free flat rate boxes and shipped them at UPS.


Hall of Fame
I don't use the USPS flat rate boxes, but instead the free large Priority Mail boxes taped together. I would expect to get rejected if I used the flat rate boxes.


Hall of Fame
Unfortunately, this post office was the home of the Mail N A Z I. If I printed my E-Bay mailing labels the night before, he would reject my package (at which time I would take it to another PO and it would be accepted).

When you create the shipping label online, you have the option of changing the shipment date to as late as a few days from the current date.


If you have a tennis store near you, or maybe a chain sports store that sells racquets, check with them to see if they have any tennis racquet boxes they are going to toss.

I was able to do this twice with my local tennis store.

Sure is a lot easier than taping boxes together.

I will probably do that. The boxes are easy to put together, though. They have their own adhesive strips, and I can do a great job in five minutes.


Hall of Fame
Use the "bay" and PayPal for all your racquet transactions, print your own labels, tape the boxes together NEATLY (that is why most get rejected, take the damn time to do it right...I've gotten racquets that look like a 3 year old packaged them..WTF?) and snub your nose at USPS **** when you arrive and just drop it off completely ready and with postage.

At that point when you come in completely ready and just to drop it off you blatantly point out that their job is not needed and as always in jeopardy so they silently accept it and move on!

If they give you any grief say something like "damn, can't wait to they get this easy shipping thing down to the point where we don't even have to deal with you...oh well SOON ENOUGH!"

Most of the PO Offices I use are fine...less work for them.


Hall of Fame
For some reason when I prepare and print the USPS mailing forms from the bay, it's a couple of dollars more expensive than if I bring it to a PO and have them do it.

I just use two priority mail boxes taped together as well. But I always have to stuff some newspaper to make sure the racquet doesn't shift around in the box.


I don't use the USPS flat rate boxes, but instead the free large Priority Mail boxes taped together. I would expect to get rejected if I used the flat rate boxes.

This is the answer. You have to use the Priority boxes and not the flat rate boxes. I have never had any problems using this method. In fact, I think the USPS service is great because I never have to go to the post office. I pay and print shipping from home, and they pick it up at my house. Honestly, it couldn't be easier.


Hall of Fame
This is the answer. You have to use the Priority boxes and not the flat rate boxes. I have never had any problems using this method. In fact, I think the USPS service is great because I never have to go to the post office. I pay and print shipping from home, and they pick it up at my house. Honestly, it couldn't be easier.

Cool story bro, read the thread where he posted like six times that this is EXACTLY what he did.

Bud, I have had issues like yours, and I find it depends on the worker or the kind of day they're having. I always try to start with a smile, but sometimes leaving with one is nearly impossible. I wish USPS wasn't the best answer but its worth dealing with the hassle for the cheap fast shipment. UPS is bad and FedEx takes forever.

Thank you whoever mentioned the postmaster General Seinfeld episode. I also love when Newman is depressed in another episode because he is supposed to get the "most sought after route" in the US, Hawaii hahahha


Hall of Fame
For some reason when I prepare and print the USPS mailing forms from the bay, it's a couple of dollars more expensive than if I bring it to a PO and have them do it.

I just use two priority mail boxes taped together as well. But I always have to stuff some newspaper to make sure the racquet doesn't shift around in the box.

They call that "some reason" convenience!!! Not having to stand in line and dealing with a grumpy postal worker, just running in a dropping it off...well worth it!


(Resurrecting an old thread instead of creating a new one)

Lots of chat here about sending racquets.

What is the most cost effective way to send grommets?

Any option I choose media mail, large envelope, boxes etc starts at $9.9

I'm sure there are much cheaper options. Shouldn't sending bumpers and grommets cost like a couple of bucks!!


You bozos ever hear of racket boxes that the things come in? I use those and have shipped dozen usps with no problems!
I think they charge you more if the length is over 27" as the original racquet boxes are, so taping two together, to make it shorter is worh one's time.

Deleted member 775108

(Resurrecting an old thread instead of creating a new one)

Lots of chat here about sending racquets.

What is the most cost effective way to send grommets?

Any option I choose media mail, large envelope, boxes etc starts at $9.9

I'm sure there are much cheaper options. Shouldn't sending bumpers and grommets cost like a couple of bucks!!

USPS First Class Mail Package under 13oz