Main/Cross tensions and head warping


I string my own rackets. As I've noticed, sometimes the head comes out, say, rounder or more oval than it was before I strung it. I know I'm doing everything right, and as a result i always string the crosses two pounds tighter than the mains, since the shape gets the closest without a huge difference.

I see that some people are stringing their mains tighter, by like 4 pounds, than their crosses. Wouldn't that round out the head/shorten the racket? Are you fine with that? If it's not warping, you gotta tell me what you're doing.


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Your right. if the cross strings are strung at a lighter tension then your not pulling the sides in as much as if you were to have the mains and cross strings strung at the same tension. Its how the racket performs in the end that counts not how cosmetically sound it looks.


Whats the big deal if the racket warps, I play with a HEAD racket it warps on me and i like it when its warp it gives me some more length which i like