Carlos Alcaraz beat Casper Ruud 6-4, 2-6, 7-6(1), 6-3 in the US Open final, 2022 on hard court
It was the 19-year old Alcaraz’ maiden Slam title and he would finish the year ranked #1. Ruud had been runner-up at the French Open earlier in the year. Earlier in the year, the two had contested the final in Miami, with Alcaraz winning his maiden Masters title on that occasion
Alcaraz won 127 points, Ruud 122
Serve Stats
- 1st serve percentage (85/132) 64%
- 1st serve points won (63/85) 74%
- 2nd serve points won (24/47) 52%
- Aces 14, Service Winners 1
- Double Faults 3
- Unreturned Serve Percentage (35/132) 27%
- 1st serve percentage (71/117) 61%
- 1st serve points won (47/71) 66%
- 2nd serve points won (30/46) 65%
- Aces 4, Service Winners 2
- Double Faults 2
- Unreturned Serve Percentage (29/117) 25%
Serve Pattern
Alcaraz served...
- to FH 49%
- to BH 47%
- to Body 4%
Ruud served...
- to FH 50%
- to BH 45%
- to Body 5%
Return Stats
Alcaraz made...
- 86 (49 FH, 37 BH), including 6 runaround FHs
- 23 Errors, comprising...
- 12 Unforced (5 FH, 7 BH)
- 11 Forced (7 FH, 4 BH)
- Return Rate (86/115) 75%
Ruud made...
- 94 (54 FH, 40 BH), including 8 runaround FHs
- 2 Winners (1 FH, 1 BH)
- 20 Errors, comprising...
- 11 Unforced (6 FH, 5 BH), including 1 runaround FH
- 9 Forced (4 FH, 5 BH)
- Return Rate (94/129) 73%
Break Points
Alcaraz 3/11 (7 games)
Ruud 3/10 (6 games)
Winners (including returns, excluding aces)
Alcaraz 39 (15 FH, 5 BH, 10 FHV, 1 FH1/2V, 4 BHV, 4 OH)
Ruud 25 (10 FH, 4 BH, 5 FHV, 2 BHV, 1 BH1/2V, 2 OH, 1 BHOH)
Alcaraz' FHs - 3 cc, 1 cc/down-the-middle, 3 dtl (1 pass), 2 inside-out, 4 inside-in, 1 lob
- BHs - 2 cc (1 pass), 2 dtl, 1 inside-out
- 10 from serve-volley points -
- 8 first 'volleys' (4 FHV, 1 FH1/2V, 2 BHV, 1 FH at net)
- 1 second volley (1 OH)
- 1 third volley (1 OH)
- 1 other FHV was a longline pass from the baseline
Ruud's FHs - 3 cc (1 return pass), 2 dtl, 1 inside-out, 2 inside-in, 1 longline, 1 longline/down-the-middle
- BHs - 1 cc at net, 3 dtl (1 return, 1 pass)
- 1 FHV was a swinging inside-in & 1 OH was on the bounce
Errors (excluding returns and serves)
Alcaraz 65
- 41 Unforced (22 FH, 14 BH, 2 FHV, 2 BHV, 1 OH)... with 1 swinging FHV
- 24 Forced (13 FH, 6 BH, 1 FHV, 1 FH1/2V, 1 BHV, 1 BH1/2V, 1 Back-to-Net)... with 1 BH running-down-drop-shot at net
Unforced Error Forcefulness Index 49.8
Ruud 51
- 29 Unforced (12 FH, 15 BH, 1 FHV, 1 OH)... with 1 non-net swinging FHV
- 22 Forced (11 FH, 8 BH, 1 FHV, 1 BHV, 1 Between-Legs)... with 1 FH running-down-drop-shot at net & 1 BH running-down-drop-shot at net
Unforced Error Forcefulness Index 46.6
(Note 1: all half-volleys refer to such shots played at net. Half -volleys played from other parts of the court are included within relevant groundstroke counts)
(Note 2: the Unforced Error Forcefulness Index is an indicator of how aggressive the average UE was. The numbers presented are keyed on 4 categories - 20 defensive, 40 neutral, 50 attacking and 60 winner attempt)
Net Points & Serve-Volley
Alcaraz was...
- 33/50 (66%) at with, including...
- 15/20 (75%) serve-volleying, comprising...
- 12/16 (75%) off 1st serve and...
- 3/4 (75%) off 2nd serve
- 0/5 forced back
Ruud was...
- 21/32 (66%) at with, including...
- 0/1 serve-volleying, a 1st serve
- 1/2 forced back
Match Report
Good, fun, hard hitting, all-court match with two players playing similarly. Alcaraz is more powerful off the ground, more potent of offence, quicker in defence. Ruud is steadier. Court is quick
More powerful (hits harder off both wings) + more potent offence (shot-making, finishing, willingness to take net) + quicker in defence (Alcs is lightning fast, Ruud is merely very good), you’d think would tally up to clear and comfy superiority
Its not back cut by serve-return dynamics. Alcs leads aces 14-4 (that’s deceptive way of depicting extent of his superiority in this area, but it’s a fact), with Ruud consistently returning from further back, and thus being harder to ace
(Alcs leads unreturend serves 27% to 25% - better gauge of how the two stack up in serve-return matters than aces - more on that later)
If anything, its augmented by it, with Alcs drawing few more soft returns. And also more willing to attack such returns, flowing into his offensive superiority
And yet, match is tough
Ruud wins 5 more points than he serves, Alcs 5 less
Break points - Alcs 3/11, Ruud 3/10 (Alcs has them in 1 extra game)
Alcs wins 51.0% of points, but serving 53.0% of them
Ruud wins very impressive 65% second serve points - just 1 shy of his first serve points and a healthy 13% better than Alcs does on second serves
Its not weighed pattern either. His second serve winning rates across 4 sets are 64%, 78%, 58% and 75% respectively. Alcs’ range from 58% - 40% by contrast
Ruud has 27 ground UEs to Alcs’ 36. And difference is entirely due to the more aggressive misses, not neutral rallying consistency
It’s only a slight stretch to call it a coin flip match. It’s more a choice-game here and there to decide outcome. Ruud has better of the third set on whole and has two set/break points on cusp of tiebreak, but plays a poor ‘breaker. Making it a set he could readily have won, and with all things remaining the same, taking match to 5 sets
Action shaping feature of the match is both players well-back return positions, which allows server to get and stay on front foot of rally off the bat. Leading to lively, attacker-defender dynamics
If there’s a result determining aspect, its Alcs’ speed and defence. The offensive advantage he has numerically - he has14 more winners, while being forced into 2 more errors - would be a lot less, but for his absolutely whizzing about to defend. The fastest thing seen on a tennis court since Rafael Nadal broken onto scene
To be clear, this isn’t a Alcs attacks/ Ruud defends match, it’s a match where both players attack, starting with power hitting, flowing out of effective serving and moving onto other things from there (net play, shot-making, drop shots, serve-volley, persistent beat-down hitting etc.). Ruud delivers plenty to the attacking party too, though overshadowed by the the more vigorous offerings of his opponent and and it being curbed some by the cartoon’ish footspeed of Alcs is largely what keeps him from moving ahead to equality and possible, even gaining the win
Serve, Return & Serve-Volley
The serving is better than the returning, as tends to be case in lively matches
Both players return from well back position. Ruud virtually always and even further back to take second returns than firsts, while Alcs varies his position some, but is usually well back too (though not as far as Ruud). Both players at least swing at returns, not block, but from back there, aren’t able to neutralize or take initiative with return shot
Thus, both servers are in good attacking position to start rallies. Alcs in particular, makes most of it. Ruud isn’t too far behind, though not having the same range of weapons. Action almost has feel of a serve-volley match in extent to which server attacks, returner is put on defensive (Alcs does in fact serve-volley plenty)
1st serve in - Alcs 64%, Ruud 61%
Aces/Service Winners - Alcs 15, Ruud 6
1st serve Ace/SW rate - Alcs 18%, Ruud 8%
Unreturned serves - Alcs 27%, Ruud 25%
Court is quick, both players serving lustily and with good rhythm. Given far back return positions, freebies aren’t low
14 aces (and 1 service winner) from Als is remarkable, given Ruud’s position. Its not too important practically. Return error, ace, service winner… practically, its all the same. The discrepancy does speak to Alcs serving particularly well. Other possible explanation would be Alcs being moving better for returns. That’s true too, but is lesser factor than quality of serves, and his unreturnables are concentrated in last set, where he delivers 8 of the 15
Even then, actual freebies are all but a wash. And Alcs’ slender lead is supported by his serve-volleying (he does so nearly quarter of time off first serves, Ruud does so just once), sans which, Ruud would probably even lead in this area
Return Errors -
- Alcs 12 UEs, 11 FEs
- Ruud 11 UEs, 9 FEs
Relatively tough UEs against pacey serves, but from where they’re standing, not too difficult returns to make. Virtual same proportion of UEs to FEs by both players
Similar serving patterns too, a little unusually, both serving more to FH than BH. Serving pattern -
- to FH - Alcs 49%, Ruud 50%
- to BH - Alcs 47%, Ruud 45%
- to body - Alcs 4%, Ruud 5%
… with errors drawn in proportion to where serves directed. Both players running around to hit FH returns at similar rates too (Alcs has 6 runaround FHs against 52 serves to his BH, Ruud 8 against 61)
Gist - similar styles and quality of serving and returning. Ruud consistently a little further back to return, Alcs occasionally moving up half way and rarely, close to baseline but also from far-back base. Given Alcs with slightly more powerful serve, Ruud’s probably returned a shade better to keep freebies about even. Alcs’ returns a little heftier than Ruud’s, but neither player is neutralizing, let alone damaging, with the second shot
It was the 19-year old Alcaraz’ maiden Slam title and he would finish the year ranked #1. Ruud had been runner-up at the French Open earlier in the year. Earlier in the year, the two had contested the final in Miami, with Alcaraz winning his maiden Masters title on that occasion
Alcaraz won 127 points, Ruud 122
Serve Stats
- 1st serve percentage (85/132) 64%
- 1st serve points won (63/85) 74%
- 2nd serve points won (24/47) 52%
- Aces 14, Service Winners 1
- Double Faults 3
- Unreturned Serve Percentage (35/132) 27%
- 1st serve percentage (71/117) 61%
- 1st serve points won (47/71) 66%
- 2nd serve points won (30/46) 65%
- Aces 4, Service Winners 2
- Double Faults 2
- Unreturned Serve Percentage (29/117) 25%
Serve Pattern
Alcaraz served...
- to FH 49%
- to BH 47%
- to Body 4%
Ruud served...
- to FH 50%
- to BH 45%
- to Body 5%
Return Stats
Alcaraz made...
- 86 (49 FH, 37 BH), including 6 runaround FHs
- 23 Errors, comprising...
- 12 Unforced (5 FH, 7 BH)
- 11 Forced (7 FH, 4 BH)
- Return Rate (86/115) 75%
Ruud made...
- 94 (54 FH, 40 BH), including 8 runaround FHs
- 2 Winners (1 FH, 1 BH)
- 20 Errors, comprising...
- 11 Unforced (6 FH, 5 BH), including 1 runaround FH
- 9 Forced (4 FH, 5 BH)
- Return Rate (94/129) 73%
Break Points
Alcaraz 3/11 (7 games)
Ruud 3/10 (6 games)
Winners (including returns, excluding aces)
Alcaraz 39 (15 FH, 5 BH, 10 FHV, 1 FH1/2V, 4 BHV, 4 OH)
Ruud 25 (10 FH, 4 BH, 5 FHV, 2 BHV, 1 BH1/2V, 2 OH, 1 BHOH)
Alcaraz' FHs - 3 cc, 1 cc/down-the-middle, 3 dtl (1 pass), 2 inside-out, 4 inside-in, 1 lob
- BHs - 2 cc (1 pass), 2 dtl, 1 inside-out
- 10 from serve-volley points -
- 8 first 'volleys' (4 FHV, 1 FH1/2V, 2 BHV, 1 FH at net)
- 1 second volley (1 OH)
- 1 third volley (1 OH)
- 1 other FHV was a longline pass from the baseline
Ruud's FHs - 3 cc (1 return pass), 2 dtl, 1 inside-out, 2 inside-in, 1 longline, 1 longline/down-the-middle
- BHs - 1 cc at net, 3 dtl (1 return, 1 pass)
- 1 FHV was a swinging inside-in & 1 OH was on the bounce
Errors (excluding returns and serves)
Alcaraz 65
- 41 Unforced (22 FH, 14 BH, 2 FHV, 2 BHV, 1 OH)... with 1 swinging FHV
- 24 Forced (13 FH, 6 BH, 1 FHV, 1 FH1/2V, 1 BHV, 1 BH1/2V, 1 Back-to-Net)... with 1 BH running-down-drop-shot at net
Unforced Error Forcefulness Index 49.8
Ruud 51
- 29 Unforced (12 FH, 15 BH, 1 FHV, 1 OH)... with 1 non-net swinging FHV
- 22 Forced (11 FH, 8 BH, 1 FHV, 1 BHV, 1 Between-Legs)... with 1 FH running-down-drop-shot at net & 1 BH running-down-drop-shot at net
Unforced Error Forcefulness Index 46.6
(Note 1: all half-volleys refer to such shots played at net. Half -volleys played from other parts of the court are included within relevant groundstroke counts)
(Note 2: the Unforced Error Forcefulness Index is an indicator of how aggressive the average UE was. The numbers presented are keyed on 4 categories - 20 defensive, 40 neutral, 50 attacking and 60 winner attempt)
Net Points & Serve-Volley
Alcaraz was...
- 33/50 (66%) at with, including...
- 15/20 (75%) serve-volleying, comprising...
- 12/16 (75%) off 1st serve and...
- 3/4 (75%) off 2nd serve
- 0/5 forced back
Ruud was...
- 21/32 (66%) at with, including...
- 0/1 serve-volleying, a 1st serve
- 1/2 forced back
Match Report
Good, fun, hard hitting, all-court match with two players playing similarly. Alcaraz is more powerful off the ground, more potent of offence, quicker in defence. Ruud is steadier. Court is quick
More powerful (hits harder off both wings) + more potent offence (shot-making, finishing, willingness to take net) + quicker in defence (Alcs is lightning fast, Ruud is merely very good), you’d think would tally up to clear and comfy superiority
Its not back cut by serve-return dynamics. Alcs leads aces 14-4 (that’s deceptive way of depicting extent of his superiority in this area, but it’s a fact), with Ruud consistently returning from further back, and thus being harder to ace
(Alcs leads unreturend serves 27% to 25% - better gauge of how the two stack up in serve-return matters than aces - more on that later)
If anything, its augmented by it, with Alcs drawing few more soft returns. And also more willing to attack such returns, flowing into his offensive superiority
And yet, match is tough
Ruud wins 5 more points than he serves, Alcs 5 less
Break points - Alcs 3/11, Ruud 3/10 (Alcs has them in 1 extra game)
Alcs wins 51.0% of points, but serving 53.0% of them
Ruud wins very impressive 65% second serve points - just 1 shy of his first serve points and a healthy 13% better than Alcs does on second serves
Its not weighed pattern either. His second serve winning rates across 4 sets are 64%, 78%, 58% and 75% respectively. Alcs’ range from 58% - 40% by contrast
Ruud has 27 ground UEs to Alcs’ 36. And difference is entirely due to the more aggressive misses, not neutral rallying consistency
It’s only a slight stretch to call it a coin flip match. It’s more a choice-game here and there to decide outcome. Ruud has better of the third set on whole and has two set/break points on cusp of tiebreak, but plays a poor ‘breaker. Making it a set he could readily have won, and with all things remaining the same, taking match to 5 sets
Action shaping feature of the match is both players well-back return positions, which allows server to get and stay on front foot of rally off the bat. Leading to lively, attacker-defender dynamics
If there’s a result determining aspect, its Alcs’ speed and defence. The offensive advantage he has numerically - he has14 more winners, while being forced into 2 more errors - would be a lot less, but for his absolutely whizzing about to defend. The fastest thing seen on a tennis court since Rafael Nadal broken onto scene
To be clear, this isn’t a Alcs attacks/ Ruud defends match, it’s a match where both players attack, starting with power hitting, flowing out of effective serving and moving onto other things from there (net play, shot-making, drop shots, serve-volley, persistent beat-down hitting etc.). Ruud delivers plenty to the attacking party too, though overshadowed by the the more vigorous offerings of his opponent and and it being curbed some by the cartoon’ish footspeed of Alcs is largely what keeps him from moving ahead to equality and possible, even gaining the win
Serve, Return & Serve-Volley
The serving is better than the returning, as tends to be case in lively matches
Both players return from well back position. Ruud virtually always and even further back to take second returns than firsts, while Alcs varies his position some, but is usually well back too (though not as far as Ruud). Both players at least swing at returns, not block, but from back there, aren’t able to neutralize or take initiative with return shot
Thus, both servers are in good attacking position to start rallies. Alcs in particular, makes most of it. Ruud isn’t too far behind, though not having the same range of weapons. Action almost has feel of a serve-volley match in extent to which server attacks, returner is put on defensive (Alcs does in fact serve-volley plenty)
1st serve in - Alcs 64%, Ruud 61%
Aces/Service Winners - Alcs 15, Ruud 6
1st serve Ace/SW rate - Alcs 18%, Ruud 8%
Unreturned serves - Alcs 27%, Ruud 25%
Court is quick, both players serving lustily and with good rhythm. Given far back return positions, freebies aren’t low
14 aces (and 1 service winner) from Als is remarkable, given Ruud’s position. Its not too important practically. Return error, ace, service winner… practically, its all the same. The discrepancy does speak to Alcs serving particularly well. Other possible explanation would be Alcs being moving better for returns. That’s true too, but is lesser factor than quality of serves, and his unreturnables are concentrated in last set, where he delivers 8 of the 15
Even then, actual freebies are all but a wash. And Alcs’ slender lead is supported by his serve-volleying (he does so nearly quarter of time off first serves, Ruud does so just once), sans which, Ruud would probably even lead in this area
Return Errors -
- Alcs 12 UEs, 11 FEs
- Ruud 11 UEs, 9 FEs
Relatively tough UEs against pacey serves, but from where they’re standing, not too difficult returns to make. Virtual same proportion of UEs to FEs by both players
Similar serving patterns too, a little unusually, both serving more to FH than BH. Serving pattern -
- to FH - Alcs 49%, Ruud 50%
- to BH - Alcs 47%, Ruud 45%
- to body - Alcs 4%, Ruud 5%
… with errors drawn in proportion to where serves directed. Both players running around to hit FH returns at similar rates too (Alcs has 6 runaround FHs against 52 serves to his BH, Ruud 8 against 61)
Gist - similar styles and quality of serving and returning. Ruud consistently a little further back to return, Alcs occasionally moving up half way and rarely, close to baseline but also from far-back base. Given Alcs with slightly more powerful serve, Ruud’s probably returned a shade better to keep freebies about even. Alcs’ returns a little heftier than Ruud’s, but neither player is neutralizing, let alone damaging, with the second shot