Grigor Dimitrov beat Nick Kyrgios 6-3, 7-5 in the Cincinnati final, 2017 on hard court
To date, it remains Dimitrov’s sole Masters title and he would go onto win the Year End Championship at the end of the season. To date, it is Kyrgios’ only Masters final
Dimitrov won 67 points, Kyrgios 52
Serve Stats
- 1st serve percentage (33/59) 56%
- 1st serve points won (28/33) 85%
- 2nd serve points won (18/26) 69%
- Aces 6
- Double Faults 5
- Unreturned Serve Percentage (19/59) 32%
- 1st serve percentage (42/60) 70%
- 1st serve points won (31/42) 74%
- 2nd serve points won (8/18) 44%
- Aces 16 (1 not clean, 3 second serves)
- Double Faults 4
- Unreturned Serve Percentage (28/60) 47%
Serve Pattern
Dimitrov served...
- to FH 39%
- to BH 61%
Kyrgios served...
- to FH 36%
- to BH 64%
Return Stats
Dimitrov made...
- 28 (9 FH, 19 BH)
- 1 Winner (1 FH)
- 12 Errors, comprising...
- 7 Unforced (3 FH, 4 BH)
- 5 Forced (3 FH, 2 BH)
- Return Rate (28/56) 50%
Kyrgios made...
- 35 (16 FH, 19 BH)
- 13 Errors, comprising...
- 9 Unforced (3 FH, 6 BH), including 1 return-approach attempt
- 4 Forced (1 FH, 3 BH)
- Return Rate (35/54) 65%
Break Points
Dimitrov 2/4 (3 games)
Kyrgios 0/2 (2 games)
Winners (including returns, excluding aces)
Dimitrov 13 (8 FH, 2 BH, 1 FHV, 1 BHV, 1 OH)
Kyrgios 5 (3 FH, 1 BH, 1 FHV)
Dimitrov's FHs - 1 cc pass, 3 dtl (2 passes - 1 return), 3 inside-out, 1 inside-in
- BHs - 1 cc pass, 1 drop shot
- the OH was on the bounce
Kyrgios' FHs - 2 inside-out (1 at net), 1 drop shot
- BH pass - 1 cc
Errors (excluding returns and serves)
Dimitrov 14
- 10 Unforced (5 FH, 5 BH)
- 4 Forced (1 FH, 3 BH)
Unforced Error Forcefulness Index 44
Kyrgios 31
- 29 Unforced (13 FH, 15 BH, 1 BHV)
- 2 Forced (2 FH)
Unforced Error Forcefulness Indexv 43.4
(Note 1: all half-volleys refer to such shots played at net. Half -volleys played from other parts of the court are included within relevant groundstroke counts)
(Note 2: the Unforced Error Forcefulness Index is an indicator of how aggressive the average UE was. The numbers presented are keyed on 4 categories - 20 defensive, 40 neutral, 50 attacking and 60 winner attempt)
Net Points & Serve-Volley
Dimitrov was 3/4 (75%) at net
Kyrgios was...
- 5/10 (50%) at net, including...
- 1/2 serve-volleying, both 1st serves
Match Report
Peculiarly effective serving but otherwise terrible showing from Kyrgios (not in that order) define a forgettable match and doesn’t leave fleet Dimitrov much room to shine. Court is normal
29 UEs from Kyrgios, nicely evenly across wings (13 FH, 15 BH, 1 volley) and 21 of them are neutral shots. Putting that in perspective -
- 2 players combined have 18 winners
- 2 players combined have 6 FEs
- Dimi has 10 UEs (also evenly distributed, 5 on each groundie)
- Dimi has 19 unreturned serves, Kyrg 28
5 winners, 29 UEs at UEFI of 43.4. Painfully poor stuff. Dimi has 13 and 10 to compare
With it, comes 47% unretured serves and 16 aces. Good to hold behind and he’s broken just twice while unable to keep ball in play for long off the ground
It’s a weird pot-pourri of serves from Kyrg. High 47% freebies is something like what one would expect to see a server of his calibre dish out 70% first serves in. Its not quite what what it looks. He mixes up his serve about thoroughly - normal or even weak first serves (or seconds for that matter - he’s got 3 aces, 4 doubles with those), big serves, moderate paced serves, slices, kickers, sliders. Big flat ones are just one of the varieties and uncommon, let alone staple
It works to get him 16 aces. Good lot of aces aren’t sure unretunable calibre serves. Dimi disarmed by all the variety to falter some returning?
7/12 Dimi return errors have been marked UEs, which in conjunction with being aced 16 times is weird combo. In no way due to Dimi bopping returns aggressively early (which tends to lead to damaging returns at low in rate, with high proportion of aces to errors drawn)
Good lot of routine and readily returnable serves from Kyrg, even the first. More than genuinely, untouchably good ones. 16 aces is either a little flattering to him, or he’s perfectly put demons in his opponents mind with randomness of his deliveries to score a good few with merely good serves. These would not be going for aces against someone like Andy Murray
Call it smartly done (or lucky). If you can get so many aces with relatively tame serves, with said tame serving allowing you to get 70% first serves in - fantastic
When Dimi can make the return or it’s a double fault, Kyrg wins just 11/32 service points. In no way due to Dimi returning with heat. If anything, Dimi’s returning is on passive side of run-of-the-mill blocking. The oohs and aahs he draws by firing a FH dtl return winner (with Kyrgo tokenly serve-volleying - he’s not even at service line when ball goes by him) is indicator of how rare a meaty return from Dimi is. Winning two-thirds points is down to how bad Kyrg is in court action
Nice mix of serves by Kyrg, but also a blackmark on Dimi’s returning. Both for allowing so many aces and missing good few routine returns. His return rate is 50%. 70% is doable against what he’s faced with and would say returner had done well for anything above that
Heavyweight server Nick Kyrgios, 70% first serves in, 16 aces (31% off first serves), including 3 second serves, 47% unreturned rate. Would think its simply a case of him serving superbly. There’s a lot more going on than that with it though. Whatever the take on it, its bloody effective
Also has 4 double faults or high 22% of second serves. Not bad, in light of 3 aces. Practically, the matter is different. 3 are in one game that’s as much a break donation as can be - and lose him second set (and with it, the match obviously). Just an off game. The crucial doubles are normal second serves, not attempted big and/or damaging ones
To date, it remains Dimitrov’s sole Masters title and he would go onto win the Year End Championship at the end of the season. To date, it is Kyrgios’ only Masters final
Dimitrov won 67 points, Kyrgios 52
Serve Stats
- 1st serve percentage (33/59) 56%
- 1st serve points won (28/33) 85%
- 2nd serve points won (18/26) 69%
- Aces 6
- Double Faults 5
- Unreturned Serve Percentage (19/59) 32%
- 1st serve percentage (42/60) 70%
- 1st serve points won (31/42) 74%
- 2nd serve points won (8/18) 44%
- Aces 16 (1 not clean, 3 second serves)
- Double Faults 4
- Unreturned Serve Percentage (28/60) 47%
Serve Pattern
Dimitrov served...
- to FH 39%
- to BH 61%
Kyrgios served...
- to FH 36%
- to BH 64%
Return Stats
Dimitrov made...
- 28 (9 FH, 19 BH)
- 1 Winner (1 FH)
- 12 Errors, comprising...
- 7 Unforced (3 FH, 4 BH)
- 5 Forced (3 FH, 2 BH)
- Return Rate (28/56) 50%
Kyrgios made...
- 35 (16 FH, 19 BH)
- 13 Errors, comprising...
- 9 Unforced (3 FH, 6 BH), including 1 return-approach attempt
- 4 Forced (1 FH, 3 BH)
- Return Rate (35/54) 65%
Break Points
Dimitrov 2/4 (3 games)
Kyrgios 0/2 (2 games)
Winners (including returns, excluding aces)
Dimitrov 13 (8 FH, 2 BH, 1 FHV, 1 BHV, 1 OH)
Kyrgios 5 (3 FH, 1 BH, 1 FHV)
Dimitrov's FHs - 1 cc pass, 3 dtl (2 passes - 1 return), 3 inside-out, 1 inside-in
- BHs - 1 cc pass, 1 drop shot
- the OH was on the bounce
Kyrgios' FHs - 2 inside-out (1 at net), 1 drop shot
- BH pass - 1 cc
Errors (excluding returns and serves)
Dimitrov 14
- 10 Unforced (5 FH, 5 BH)
- 4 Forced (1 FH, 3 BH)
Unforced Error Forcefulness Index 44
Kyrgios 31
- 29 Unforced (13 FH, 15 BH, 1 BHV)
- 2 Forced (2 FH)
Unforced Error Forcefulness Indexv 43.4
(Note 1: all half-volleys refer to such shots played at net. Half -volleys played from other parts of the court are included within relevant groundstroke counts)
(Note 2: the Unforced Error Forcefulness Index is an indicator of how aggressive the average UE was. The numbers presented are keyed on 4 categories - 20 defensive, 40 neutral, 50 attacking and 60 winner attempt)
Net Points & Serve-Volley
Dimitrov was 3/4 (75%) at net
Kyrgios was...
- 5/10 (50%) at net, including...
- 1/2 serve-volleying, both 1st serves
Match Report
Peculiarly effective serving but otherwise terrible showing from Kyrgios (not in that order) define a forgettable match and doesn’t leave fleet Dimitrov much room to shine. Court is normal
29 UEs from Kyrgios, nicely evenly across wings (13 FH, 15 BH, 1 volley) and 21 of them are neutral shots. Putting that in perspective -
- 2 players combined have 18 winners
- 2 players combined have 6 FEs
- Dimi has 10 UEs (also evenly distributed, 5 on each groundie)
- Dimi has 19 unreturned serves, Kyrg 28
5 winners, 29 UEs at UEFI of 43.4. Painfully poor stuff. Dimi has 13 and 10 to compare
With it, comes 47% unretured serves and 16 aces. Good to hold behind and he’s broken just twice while unable to keep ball in play for long off the ground
It’s a weird pot-pourri of serves from Kyrg. High 47% freebies is something like what one would expect to see a server of his calibre dish out 70% first serves in. Its not quite what what it looks. He mixes up his serve about thoroughly - normal or even weak first serves (or seconds for that matter - he’s got 3 aces, 4 doubles with those), big serves, moderate paced serves, slices, kickers, sliders. Big flat ones are just one of the varieties and uncommon, let alone staple
It works to get him 16 aces. Good lot of aces aren’t sure unretunable calibre serves. Dimi disarmed by all the variety to falter some returning?
7/12 Dimi return errors have been marked UEs, which in conjunction with being aced 16 times is weird combo. In no way due to Dimi bopping returns aggressively early (which tends to lead to damaging returns at low in rate, with high proportion of aces to errors drawn)
Good lot of routine and readily returnable serves from Kyrg, even the first. More than genuinely, untouchably good ones. 16 aces is either a little flattering to him, or he’s perfectly put demons in his opponents mind with randomness of his deliveries to score a good few with merely good serves. These would not be going for aces against someone like Andy Murray
Call it smartly done (or lucky). If you can get so many aces with relatively tame serves, with said tame serving allowing you to get 70% first serves in - fantastic
When Dimi can make the return or it’s a double fault, Kyrg wins just 11/32 service points. In no way due to Dimi returning with heat. If anything, Dimi’s returning is on passive side of run-of-the-mill blocking. The oohs and aahs he draws by firing a FH dtl return winner (with Kyrgo tokenly serve-volleying - he’s not even at service line when ball goes by him) is indicator of how rare a meaty return from Dimi is. Winning two-thirds points is down to how bad Kyrg is in court action
Nice mix of serves by Kyrg, but also a blackmark on Dimi’s returning. Both for allowing so many aces and missing good few routine returns. His return rate is 50%. 70% is doable against what he’s faced with and would say returner had done well for anything above that
Heavyweight server Nick Kyrgios, 70% first serves in, 16 aces (31% off first serves), including 3 second serves, 47% unreturned rate. Would think its simply a case of him serving superbly. There’s a lot more going on than that with it though. Whatever the take on it, its bloody effective
Also has 4 double faults or high 22% of second serves. Not bad, in light of 3 aces. Practically, the matter is different. 3 are in one game that’s as much a break donation as can be - and lose him second set (and with it, the match obviously). Just an off game. The crucial doubles are normal second serves, not attempted big and/or damaging ones