Matching Racquets: do same weights usually lead to same swingweights?

I'm doing my own search for matching racquets and would like to limit balance weights placed on a racquet. Does anybody have experience with newer racquets (2003 and on) having the same weight but different swingweight? Can you tell me the variations you've experienced in differing swingweights from new racquets with matching weights? I have a gram weighing scale but I don't have a swingweight meter and I don't want to make one. I'd like to think that the racquet manufacturing tolerances (and processes) of racquets today are more stringent than the standards used during the St. Vincent era but I just don't know if this is the case.


sloe_torture said:
I'm doing my own search for matching racquets and would like to limit balance weights placed on a racquet. Does anybody have experience with newer racquets (2003 and on) having the same weight but different swingweight? Can you tell me the variations you've experienced in differing swingweights from new racquets with matching weights? I have a gram weighing scale but I don't have a swingweight meter and I don't want to make one. I'd like to think that the racquet manufacturing tolerances (and processes) of racquets today are more stringent than the standards used during the St. Vincent era but I just don't know if this is the case.
I didn't read your post in full but to the question, yeah if you apply the same amount of tape to the same racquet with everything being equal in the racquets. Many racquets of the same weight, balance etc. are still different SW's because of Weight distribution


I think that if you get same model frames that are the same weight and balance then they should be very close in swing weight. If they are different weights or balances, then it's pretty certain they will be different swing weights.