Me hitting, what is my NTRP


you guys can play!

I like your BH and your friend's FH..... you FH looks slightly tight and doesn't release was well as his... I think if you loosen up a bit, it will have more juice.

I am also surprised to see you messing up both overheads considering your serves aint bad.

ntrp - I say 4.5 minimum.


Hall of Fame
I'm very very impressed. This is more entertaining than college tennis. I wished I had someone like you guys to hit with on a daily basis.

I would say 5.0 but 4.5 min like dozu


Bionic Poster
Very experienced soft hitting 5.0 to 4.5, lots of years under the belt....good hitting, good tactics, almost all misses are close, and lines are targets.
You only need to lose 20 years, and your games would be solid A/Opens.


New User
you guys are good and I'd like to play with either of you guys anyday. Some things I noticed, majority of BH's were slice.. and you guys get loud after good points, lol.. Additionally, as I, something to work on are overheads and the footwork they require.. lots of spin, and I didn't see too many flat shots


New User
Thanks for the response guys, yeah my overhead is dreadful! I presume this is a footwork issue? about to upload some more points from the second set which shows some more errors

thanks again


Bionic Poster
Most older accomplished players tend to hit at least 70% of their backhands with slice. The reason is ...less energy expended.
Both those guys can hit solid 1hbh's, and usually save them for passing shots or open court looks.
Both those guys are smart and have lots of tennis years left.


Hall of Fame
Thanks for the response guys, yeah my overhead is dreadful! I presume this is a footwork issue? about to upload some more points from the second set which shows some more errors

thanks again
Your footwork isn't bad but I see a reluctance when someone throws a lob up. Please upload the second set. :)


Bionic Poster
I see the poor overheads as something that is purely mental. Both of you like to play strategic points, both rely on consistency to move and wear out the opponent, and neither of you really hit a good serve ....FOR YOUR LEVEL!
And both of you sorta pancake your serves, using arm, but not the whole kinetic chain.
I think both of you are VERY good players, much better than possible to pick up at any playground or tennis courts except college level courts.


Very nice hitting.....looks like you guys have almost all the shots....also looks like you guys have very nice court craft ....looks very relaxed, I enjoyed the video, thanks for posting! Cheers!


Not bad at all, although while consistency, placement and shot selection was quite good, pace seemed a tad slow? might just be the video

Good show....better than 4.0 imo


New User

Thanks for the last two posts, yeah hopefully its the video that makes the pace look slow ha, my partner actually hits pretty hard. Consistency wise I missed a few too many returns and he actually won 4 and 4


george - nice to watch. would say at least 4.5 but could be higher. good movement and shot selection.

how old are u and your friend?


New User

ha we were having fun, we are both outrageously competitive and hate loosing to each other! ha its weird hearing that about my backhand, i used to only hit slice up until about 2 years ago


hi, im 19 and my friend is 21

very doubtful... first of all, what's with the grey hair if you are 19.... 2ndly, nobody 19 I know hits like that... I mean a 19 and a 21 going at each other, both using 1hbh... if it were true, frogs can fly.
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Definitely great potential on both sides!!

You need figure out your overheads (as stated before) . they don't fit in with the rest of your game.


Hall of Fame
lol the hair definitley looks grey. Sort of like wilander grey. Anyway, if you're really 19, there's a chance we'll see you among the pros in the next few years. Just work on that overhead. And maybe hit the bh a bit earlier for better control.


Bionic Poster
I think, for your real age, both you guys have topped out.
The reason? Your net clearance on almost all hard shots is VERY high, and not hit with heavy topspin, so the ball is barely hit. Unfortunately, this is shown in both your serves. Weak, but very good for 4.0, but you are much better than 4.0. I'd think you're 5.0, but both of you hit very softly.
As you face better players, solid 5's and 5.5's, they would eat up your groundstrokes and serves, so you'd have a hard time always needing to break their serves (the 5.5's).
Both of you are very good players right now, but the only way to improve is to start hitting a little bigger.


You guys are good! Thanks for posting that vid, i enjoyed it. I'd say 5.0 minimum. Nice ballstriking, accuracy, and tactics. Love the quality forehand slice on the run. Good tennis.


5.0 at least. you guys looked like you were goofing around and just having fun. in a tournament or team setting, i wouldn't be surprised if you guys are even better.


very doubtful... first of all, what's with the grey hair if you are 19.... 2ndly, nobody 19 I know hits like that... I mean a 19 and a 21 going at each other, both using 1hbh... if it were true, frogs can fly.

Do you have indisputable proof that this guy is an outright liar?
More than anything, I like these clips because you looked like you were having fun.

It is real tennis, a wide variety of shots and nice consistency, and well thought out points.

If everyone could play tennis like you do, the sport would be many times as popular as it is.
weak 5.0 good 4.5, nice play, you two are the type of players that drive me apeshit crazy...spin, shot placement close to the lines, off speed shots. all good.


Your BH is legit 5.0. But over all I would say self rate 4.5 and see how it goes.

There was something about the match which made me feel like the players were much older. 38-45 I think it was the use of squash forehands and some of the footwook.

Loved the expressiveness on the tight points.

Edit: I read the other posts and saw your age. What are people at your level and age doing hitting 1hbh ?!?. Very very unusual.
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New User

I think, for your real age, both you guys have topped out.
The reason? Your net clearance on almost all hard shots is VERY high, and not hit with heavy topspin, so the ball is barely hit. Unfortunately, this is shown in both your serves. Weak, but very good for 4.0, but you are much better than 4.0. I'd think you're 5.0, but both of you hit very softly.
As you face better players, solid 5's and 5.5's, they would eat up your groundstrokes and serves, so you'd have a hard time always needing to break their serves (the 5.5's).
Both of you are very good players right now, but the only way to improve is to start hitting a little bigger.

Thanks for the post, I think this is really accurate. I think my return and serve are the reasons why I'm not a better player, when I get into a rally with a better player I feel relatively confident although I could hit heavier.


I enjoyed this video!
But you both look older than 19 and 21?


Wow! That was an intense but fun highlights vid. Thanks for sharing.


Hall of Fame
George are you UK based? I seem to remember you are. You have an LTA rating? Just wanted to see how they compare. The ITF have a conversion chart but I think it's rubbish.




New User

Yes I am based in the uk, my rating is 6.2 atm but should be going upto 6.1 in this ratings run. I have seen the conversion chart before its a pile of rubbish. My partner is a 6.1 but he plays better than that


Hall of Fame
Interesting, thanks George, makes for a good comparison. Personally I think that chart is rubbish also. That said the ratings are pretty wide I find here.




I'd say 4.5, some nice shot placement and entertaining points. It looks slow on the video, but in real life may be faster.

You need more variety on your serve and better placement around the box. Also, you need to work on your footwork, and keeping you slice lower with more bite on it (if you are going to slice so often).

It looks like you guys play together often, which makes for a good watch :)

You can play 5.0 tournaments, and if you guys are 19, then you can definitely improve, win them and move onto open tournaments e.t.c ..

It's hard to say without seeing the unedited version, but good luck!


Entertaining videos. You guys are both consistent and have good placement and move well. That’s a big part to being successful even at higher levels. I’ve seen 5.5-6.0 matches between two grinders that had extremely soft hitting rallies that lasted forever. The winner then played an aggressive player and it looks totally different because the soft hitter will adjust to the harder hitter. So I can’t say I’d make a rating decision based on how hard they’re hitting the ball. The only difference is that soft hitting 5.5 will use tons more spin on their shots. Good play and good mechanics, it’s one of those situations where only tournament results will be able to tell the story.


New User
Entertaining videos. You guys are both consistent and have good placement and move well. That’s a big part to being successful even at higher levels. I’ve seen 5.5-6.0 matches between two grinders that had extremely soft hitting rallies that lasted forever. The winner then played an aggressive player and it looks totally different because the soft hitter will adjust to the harder hitter. So I can’t say I’d make a rating decision based on how hard they’re hitting the ball. The only difference is that soft hitting 5.5 will use tons more spin on their shots. Good play and good mechanics, it’s one of those situations where only tournament results will be able to tell the story.

Yeah I think that it is hard to base a rating on one video, some of the feedback is really interesting, especially all the comments about us looking 40! But yeah looking at the averages it looks like I'm probably a 4.5 or maybe a 5.0, but my serve and weight of groundstroke has to improve


Yeah I think that it is hard to base a rating on one video, some of the feedback is really interesting, especially all the comments about us looking 40! But yeah looking at the averages it looks like I'm probably a 4.5 or maybe a 5.0, but my serve and weight of groundstroke has to improve

i thought you guys were young form the get-go. IDK where some people got this 40 year old thing from lol