Men's Reebok Upset DMX Review


Hall of Fame
I was a little curious to try another pair of Reebok tennis specific shoes, since I haven't had any since the Hexecutors in the late 90's, which were pretty decent shoes, but had poor durability. I typically go for the Nikes, since they are very light and performance is great, not to mention the right amount of cushioning. THe main problem I have with Nikes, like everyone else has, is durability. The soles wear out WAAAAAAAAYYYYY too fast.
Trying the Upsets on, I was impressed by the fit. The uppers are very well-made and supportive. A mix of mesh, leather, and synth. leather cradled my foot just right. They also have the really tough synth. leather toe piece, which looks bullet proof to me. I don't usually wear through a toe-drag piece until my shoes are completely worn out, but this piece is very tough. I like the height that the soles come up on your toe in the front, they really protect against the severe toe-draggers. The cushioning/stability of these shoes are top notch, noticeably more supportive than the Nikes, while being low enough to the ground for agility. The cushioning feels ample, but not spongy, a very firm feel overall. These shoes are not the lightest I've worn, but they are also not the heaviest, and I don't mind giving up a few grams for extended outsole life, which it looks like I'll have. The outsole on these shoes seriously looks like it could last for several months, and the warranty is there if it doesn't last 6 months. THe traction is not quite as good as with my nikes, but for an outsole this durable, you give up a little in traction. I haven't found the traction to be an issue as yet. I thought the laces seemed to be placed appropriately, no problems there. The tongues slide outside a little after I've had them on, but not all the way to the side like others have, this is forgiveable. Overall, I haven't noticed too much of a difference between these shoes and past nikes, which is a good thing, because they should last much longer.
These Reebok's have impressed me as a great all-around shoe. I have used them only on hardcourts, but I have no reason to believe they would perform any worse on clay. The value is really high with the Upset DMX, I have paid more than tenniswarehouse sells this shoe for, and have gotten less from other shoes, I think Reebok has really hit the mark with this one. They are pretty easy on the eyes too!