MG Extreme Pro w/no specs nor code on the throat, Pro stock?

Jim Beam

New User
Today I went to pick up a YT Prestige Pro to a store and saw a bunch of Microgel Extreme Pro without the specs nor anything painted on the inside of the throat, just plain yellow, no TGK code either. They looked *exactly* like mines except for that. Anyone else has seen some like that? I thought maybe they were some kind of pro stock but they looked exactly like retail ones, the same buttcap and the same "made in china" sticker. The other thing that caught my attention is that they had no barcode sticker over the plastic wrapping on the grip, unlike all other retail models.

Other thing I noticed, is my new YT Prestige Pro now has the words "Made In China" painted on the throat instead of the typical sticker on the buttcap.

Maybe anyone can comment on this, I'm intrigued and maybe I got lucky and found some pro stock extreme pros...

Jim Beam

New User
Buy one and post some pics here asap! ;)

hahaha I wish I was rich enough to buy one just to post pictures.

The absence of barcode would make sense if they are pro stock... I will unstring one of mines and take it there to compare the weight and balance, I suppose if they are lighter they could be meant for customization.

Jim Beam

New User
You have to weight it to find out, sorry

Yes I will try to weight it but they have no precision balance on the store, and I have not one myself either to bring in. Anyway I find it weird that the grip has the head sticker and the registration card, and is wrapped in plastic, like all retail MGs I have seen so far, just no bar code nor product description. Maybe they are only 2nd selection stock batch, and they don't print the specs on the throat because they are all out of spec... just a guess.

Jim Beam

New User
This is a picture of the Youtek Prestige Pro with and without the "Made in China" silkscreening on the throat (just below the Swing Style: L6). Anyone else has seen one like this?


Jim Beam

New User
Oops. sorry i posted the wrong link.
Btw, how do you edit posts on this forum? I have been unable to find it.


Jim Beam

New User
I confirmed these Microgel Extreme Pro were actually pro stock.

The seller got them from the official HEAD distributor here in Chile and they were meant to be for some sponsored players who didn't want them because they are longer and heavier, so they exchanged them for some retail standard 27" length.

Length is 27.5" and I weighted them at 330g unstrung (I weighted one of mine and it's 308g). The handle (grip) is 1/2" longer then retail and they have no serial code on the buttcap, only the grip size is marked (4 1/2 in this case). They are more head light than retail but I guess it's the 1/2 inch of extra handle makes that happen.

Shame they only had one left for sale so I didn't buy it, but I got a couple of pro stock Microgel Radical Pro instead, which also are 27.5" long and weighted them at around 325g unstrung. Also no serial code on the buttcap, only grip size, and no specs on the throat either. The beam is almost as thin as the Youtek Speed Pro, but not constant, it's a little bit thicker at the throat. They are not too well matched regarding balance, one is a little more head light than the other, but I guess nothing lead tape can't fix.

I'll post some pictures as soon as I take some.

Jim Beam

New User
Does anyone know the TGK code to these 27.5" MG Radical Pro?

I've been unable to find a single person who owns one :(


Is the headsize for the Pros actually bigger than the prestige you compared it to? I can't tell definitively, but it would be cool if you had pro's with a 98 headsize...

Jim Beam

New User
Is the headsize for the Pros actually bigger than the prestige you compared it to? I can't tell definitively, but it would be cool if you had pro's with a 98 headsize...

Yeah it's bigger by a small margin (wider), not round shaped like the Extremes but definitely not the same shape and size as the 98 sq.inch TY Prestige Pro.
I guess that depends on what do you mean by sample. I don't think they would make a sample racquet completely out of spec.

IMO, the sample racquet could be made in slightly different specs, then after some feed backs, they can decide which specs could be the best in the market !! ^^

Jim Beam

New User
IMO, the sample racquet could be made in slightly different specs, then after some feed backs, they can decide which specs could be the best in the market !! ^^

Oh now I get your point.

They didn't have any XL racquet offering in Microgel line, and the Extreme Pro which initiated this thread is also XL, that would indicate they were working on XL versions for more than one line, but Microgel line is over now and we don't see any Youtek XL either so I wouldn't think that was it.