I figured I'd start a thread to journal my recovery from recent right L4/L5 microdiscectomy surgery.
Background: 42 years old, 6'0", 185lbs, no history of back problems, reasonably high level of physical fitness. Some results during last 5-6 years ... backdoor brag ... (running: sub 18' 5k, sub 5' mile; rowing: sub 39' 10k, sub 17' 5k, 15k meters in 60'; assault bike 921 calories in 60'; lifting: 405 max deadlift, 230 C&J, 325x5 squat, 215 bench, 165 overhead press).
Injury: I "tweaked" something in my right lower back July 2, 2017 during my second set of 2 reps with around 80% of max deadlift which at the time was 405. I recognize I didn't respect the weight and lowered the bar too far in front. Over the next few weeks the condition never really got worse and didn't prevent me from maintaining my indoor rowing meters (75k per week) or assault bike sessions (2x 30-60' threshold sessions), so I continued to workout as usual under the impression it was just muscular and would resolve on its own. Nope. Sometime in November I woke up and the nerve root had finally decided enough was enough. Since then I could find no lasting sanctuary from the pain. I saw and tried everything (PT, dry needling, chiro, mckenzie extensions, massage, Quell, TENS, mobic/nsaids, ESI) I could to avoid the knife, but nothing proved fruitful. MRI in December showed disc minor bulge at L4/L5. I continued conservative treatment under the care of my surgeon who advised me to continue exercise and try to slowly reincorporate my old routine and back at the first of April I stepped weird and boom I was down for the count. Pain went from 3/4/5 to 8/9/10. Doc suggested we try a couple of ESI, and after two of these with zero relief, surgery was the last resort.
Surgery: As of right now (5/5/18) I'm 18 hours post op. Prior to surgery I could only sit, and, even still, pain was 4/5. Standing for longer than a couple of minutes was 8/9 and walking more than 100yds was out of the question. Walking and standing are now 1/10 pain. Getting into bed is difficult but I can find positions that are pain free. The leg pain seems to have been replace with quite a bit of numbness in my right foot / calf. Coming out of anesthesia was rough going. I was in tons of leg pain and the meds they pushed just made nauseous so the meds the pushed to combat the nausea knocked me out and slowed my respiratory rate.
Goals: My short terms goals are to return to pain-freeelite level yawning, pooping, and sneezing. Long term I would like to be able to go for a walk, ride a spin bike again and feed balls to my 15 year old.
Purpose of Journal: I plan to use this journal as a way to track my recovery, get input from fellow back surgerized folks, and most importantly to keep myself honest and not overdo things.
TL;DR In shape middle aged dude, herniated a disc being lazy, tried everything to resolve pain and let disc reabsorb to no avail, had surgery on 5/4/18, within 18 hours already noticing some definite improvement, goals are to get back to life, writing this journal to stay true.
Thanks for reading!
Background: 42 years old, 6'0", 185lbs, no history of back problems, reasonably high level of physical fitness. Some results during last 5-6 years ... backdoor brag ... (running: sub 18' 5k, sub 5' mile; rowing: sub 39' 10k, sub 17' 5k, 15k meters in 60'; assault bike 921 calories in 60'; lifting: 405 max deadlift, 230 C&J, 325x5 squat, 215 bench, 165 overhead press).
Injury: I "tweaked" something in my right lower back July 2, 2017 during my second set of 2 reps with around 80% of max deadlift which at the time was 405. I recognize I didn't respect the weight and lowered the bar too far in front. Over the next few weeks the condition never really got worse and didn't prevent me from maintaining my indoor rowing meters (75k per week) or assault bike sessions (2x 30-60' threshold sessions), so I continued to workout as usual under the impression it was just muscular and would resolve on its own. Nope. Sometime in November I woke up and the nerve root had finally decided enough was enough. Since then I could find no lasting sanctuary from the pain. I saw and tried everything (PT, dry needling, chiro, mckenzie extensions, massage, Quell, TENS, mobic/nsaids, ESI) I could to avoid the knife, but nothing proved fruitful. MRI in December showed disc minor bulge at L4/L5. I continued conservative treatment under the care of my surgeon who advised me to continue exercise and try to slowly reincorporate my old routine and back at the first of April I stepped weird and boom I was down for the count. Pain went from 3/4/5 to 8/9/10. Doc suggested we try a couple of ESI, and after two of these with zero relief, surgery was the last resort.
Surgery: As of right now (5/5/18) I'm 18 hours post op. Prior to surgery I could only sit, and, even still, pain was 4/5. Standing for longer than a couple of minutes was 8/9 and walking more than 100yds was out of the question. Walking and standing are now 1/10 pain. Getting into bed is difficult but I can find positions that are pain free. The leg pain seems to have been replace with quite a bit of numbness in my right foot / calf. Coming out of anesthesia was rough going. I was in tons of leg pain and the meds they pushed just made nauseous so the meds the pushed to combat the nausea knocked me out and slowed my respiratory rate.
Goals: My short terms goals are to return to pain-freeelite level yawning, pooping, and sneezing. Long term I would like to be able to go for a walk, ride a spin bike again and feed balls to my 15 year old.
Purpose of Journal: I plan to use this journal as a way to track my recovery, get input from fellow back surgerized folks, and most importantly to keep myself honest and not overdo things.
TL;DR In shape middle aged dude, herniated a disc being lazy, tried everything to resolve pain and let disc reabsorb to no avail, had surgery on 5/4/18, within 18 hours already noticing some definite improvement, goals are to get back to life, writing this journal to stay true.
Thanks for reading!