Microgel Extreme Pro vs Youtek IG Extreme Pro 2.0

Joun S.

New User
Hey i currently play with my APD 2013 with some lead at 9-3 oclock.This week i took my friends Microgel Extreme Pro and i felt amazing with this racquet.i couldnt believe how stable racquet is this and i feel like can hit groundstorke all day long with full of my power without any doubt.
Now i want to buy Microgel Extreme Pro but i cant find that..too old model to find..I only can buy new version extreme pro 2.0 but i dont know is there any diffrences between them.
My priorities are stability and groundstrokes with topspin.My forehand grip is between semiwestern and western.
If there is anyone who used theese racquets,welcomes to write his/her experiences.


Youtek IG Extreme Pro 2.0 is what the APD wants to be when it grows up. Great racquet if the grip shape works for you.


Hey i currently play with my APD 2013 with some lead at 9-3 oclock.This week i took my friends Microgel Extreme Pro and i felt amazing with this racquet.i couldnt believe how stable racquet is this and i feel like can hit groundstorke all day long with full of my power without any doubt.
Now i want to buy Microgel Extreme Pro but i cant find that..too old model to find..I only can buy new version extreme pro 2.0 but i dont know is there any diffrences between them.
My priorities are stability and groundstrokes with topspin.My forehand grip is between semiwestern and western.
If there is anyone who used theese racquets,welcomes to write his/her experiences.
So played both two generations of Microgel extreme pro, I played first generation no red in head. So the new extreme pro 2.0 I found more stable,power slightly less not a bad thing. Ground strokes on both excellent, return of serve fantastic. So head shape was a little funny on serve, but they both have same head shape, which made slice serves wicked, but flat so, at least for me. If you liked Microgel I believe the newer extreme pro 2.0 would serve you well.
I always like to compare on TWU, this is pure science ,which is what you want as comparing rkts not players. Of course demo

Joun S.

New User
Thanks for replies.I should get a couple of extreme pro 2.0s withouth any fear.
There is no significant differences between them in spec wise only
mirogel extreme pro swingweight:332
youtek ig extreme pro 2.0:326


New User
Hey i currently play with my APD 2013 with some lead at 9-3 oclock.This week i took my friends Microgel Extreme Pro and i felt amazing with this racquet.i couldnt believe how stable racquet is this and i feel like can hit groundstorke all day long with full of my power without any doubt.
Now i want to buy Microgel Extreme Pro but i cant find that..too old model to find..I only can buy new version extreme pro 2.0 but i dont know is there any diffrences between them.
My priorities are stability and groundstrokes with topspin.My forehand grip is between semiwestern and western.
If there is anyone who used theese racquets,welcomes to write his/her experiences.

I have found the previous version of the extreme pro which is still on sale!



New User
Hey i currently play with my APD 2013 with some lead at 9-3 oclock.This week i took my friends Microgel Extreme Pro and i felt amazing with this racquet.i couldnt believe how stable racquet is this and i feel like can hit groundstorke all day long with full of my power without any doubt.
Now i want to buy Microgel Extreme Pro but i cant find that..too old model to find..I only can buy new version extreme pro 2.0 but i dont know is there any diffrences between them.
My priorities are stability and groundstrokes with topspin.My forehand grip is between semiwestern and western.
If there is anyone who used theese racquets,welcomes to write his/her experiences.

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If you're used to the APD 2013, you might want to demo an EP2.0 first to find the best matching weight/balance. Head is terrible in with the specs and QC.
I own 3 EP2.0 and my one heavier racquet feels much heavier even though it's only a 10grm difference. My 2 recent EP2.0s were bought with TW's matching request to be lighter and they're perfect for me. They still swing a bit heavier than the a stock APD13 so it might be perfect for you if you're leading yours up currently.
They are very similar btw. I loved the ADP13 but my elbow didn't appreciate it too much. The EP2.0 plays very similarly but with better feel and more power and my elbow doesn't complain at all.
Good luck.