Mid-Atlantic Breaking away from USTA like ALTA


Hall of Fame
Mid-Atlantic Northern VA Leagues Breaking away from USTA like ALTA

Its happening. Thoughts?


Dear Captains, Friends and Players,

I have some important news to share with you all. After 18 years of organizing and administering tennis leagues for the USTA, I have decided that because of the unrelenting politics, reorganization, interference, increased costs, and micro-management of our leagues by the Mid-Atlantic Section that it will be in the best interests of our players, tennis in Northern Virginia, and Home Court Tennis Leagues to discontinue associating our leagues with the USTA and to organize along the lines of other immensely successful and competitive programs like ALTA in Atlanta (over 80,000 members) and World Team Tennis across the country.So that you understand the necessity for this move, I’d like to share some of the most recent “drama” with the Mid-Atlantic Section (which earlier this year acted to eliminate its largest and most successful district, the Virginia District ). Many of you have been asking me where the schedules for the USTA 18 & over league are., especially since this year I asked for teams to register so much earlier than in the past. I worked diligently day and night (12 to 14 hour days) from April 7 (last day to register a team) to the day the schedules were completed on April 15, 2014. In the past, I have always sent the schedules directly to you, the captains so you could begin to get your line-ups together for the matches.

But, for the first year in the 18 years that I have coordinated leagues (with hundreds of levels, thousands of teams, and tens of thousands of matches and players) I was required to submit my schedules to the hyper-political Mid-Atlantic Section for approval. My schedules were not approved, for the most part because play in our leagues was scheduled to end, in accordance with the Section rules, by June 25. After completion of my schedules, the Section arbitrarily decided that league play in Nova (one of the biggest leagues in Virginia with 83 teams registered) must end on June 15 (10 days earlier than any other area in Virginia and Maryland). They asked that levels be broken into flights and or levels with only 10 matches; Play-offs in levels of 18 teams would only allow 4 teams to participate in those play-offs. Teams that could send 2 teams to the next level would not have a play-off at all. Just send team #1 and team #2; basically reducing or eliminating play-offs all together. All these schedule changes were non-negotiable and were to be provided within 48 hours.

As far as I know, there will still be USTA 18 & over leagues in Maryland and Washington, D.C. this year. If the Section intends to create new 18 & over leagues in Northern Virginia they will have to do it at different locations and/or times than those reserved for Home Court Tennis Leagues. If you have questions about the availability of these leagues or any USTA leagues, please contact *** or *** at the MAS Section.

Here are my plans:

Since we are right around the corner from beginning a new league, I plan to proceed with playing tennis, having fun, being competitive and guaranteeing that tennis league play is consistent and reliable here in Northern Virginia. But we will free ourselves from the politics and whims of the Mid-Atlantic Section. We will use the same format 2 singles and 3 doubles for levels 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 & 4.5 and 1 singles and 2 doubles for 2.5 & 5.0 as we did last year. We’ll use the same local league rules as well.

In the mean time, I will work with ALTA, ACTA, GWTA, World Team Tennis and other non-USTA leagues to see if we can organize some exciting and fun-filled post-season championship. If post-season play does not work for this year, I will offer prizes of gift certificates or cash broken down as following.

Levels with 2 teams: Prize $150.00
Levels with 3-9 teams: Prize $350.00 1st place and $200.00 to the runner-up
Levels with 10+ teams: Prize $500.00 for 1st place and $350.00 to the runner-up

Tennis should be about fun, friends, and a healthy lifestyle. The number one complaint I have heard from players this year is that the changes being enforced by the Mid-Atlantic Section are driving a wedge in long-term friendships. Sportsmanship and fun are simply no longer valued.

Short Term Goals

• We will still offer high quality league play in Northern Virginia at a much lower cost to your teams and your players. There will be no need to pay for USTA membership or league fees to join a team. The only fees involved would be the per-person, per-match participation fee. There may be a minimal fee associated with a new scoring system.

• We will implement an effective and alternative scoring system to TennisLink.

• I will work to extend the current schedules through June 30, 2014. This will create a better schedule for you with matches that are more spread out.

• Will be able to take Saturday, Sunday and Monday of Memorial weekend off so you can enjoy time with your families. Play will resume on Tuesday, May 27.

• It is my hope that the changes will allow us to avoid play on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Super Bowl Sunday. These days seem to have evolved into “National Holiday’s” on which no one likes to play. Under USTA rules, we simply cannot honor these personal preferences.

Long Term Goals:

It is the goal of Home Court Tennis Leagues to create a more family-friendly environment to play tennis not bound by strict rules, strict start and end dates, and arbitrary bureaucracy which tend to break up teams and friendships along and suck the fun out of the sport. Is it any surprise that player are flocking to sports like golf and bowling at the expense of tennis?

Look to extend competition to the growing and popular World TTeam Tennis (WTT).Expand HCATL’s “Fall Fun Leagues” in 2014 (early October to mid-December)

Expand HCATL’s “Fall Combo Mixed Leagues” in 2014 (early October to mid-December)

Expand HCATL’s “Winter Fun Leagues” in 2015 (early January to mid-April)

Expand the “Winter Mixed Doubles League” in the winter (early January to mid-April), with post-season competition.

Introduce “Singles Leagues” for those who really want “head-to-head,” high-level competition.

In Summary, I am saddened that it has become necessary to part ways with the USTA. But I have dedicated too much of my life to this great sport to see its positive values be overwhelmed by politics, incompetence, and policies that don’t support the players of the sport.

I hope you will support this move. Perhaps the Mid-Atlantic Section will realize that league play is about players, fun, friendships and a healthy lifestyle, not arbitrary rules. But I have concluded that the USTA will not listen to the teams and players that are the backbone of the sport unless and until we stand up for ourselves. We can always hope. But we cannot wait in vain.

So that we can get play started on time by April 30, please let me know by close of business on Tuesday, April 22, if you would like to withdraw from the leagues currently scheduled, otherwise I will release the schedules and the “game will be on.”

Let’s have fun!
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Hall of Fame
haha people will be scrambling to join set DC teams now. bahahaha

There are sooo many tennis options in this area.

ACTA is amazing http://www.actatennis.org/ for our doubles league and singles ladder

DC MD and VA(now breaking away) leagues

NVTL has great summer leagues for all levels http://www.nvtl.org/

Tournaments local and national

Tennis rocks in Northern Virginia
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Hall of Fame


Wait...is this for NOVA leagues, or all Virginia USTA? Our 4.5 league, which plays in the Shenandoah Valley District, is 2 matches in.


Oh, never mind, just noticed the title: Mid-Atlantic Northern VA Leagues Breaking away from USTA like ALTA

So this means no Big Shots or Colt 45s at the beach this year?


Hall of Fame
I'm not saying he or she is in the wrong at all, as I just don't know the details of the situation one way or the other, but it seems obvious to me that whoever wrote that letter in the OP is themselves a high maintenance, drama filled person.

Also, does this one person really have the authority to do this? I would have thought the recourse for being unhappy with working with the USTA would have been to quit their job, not to break away an entire section from the USTA.
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Hall of Fame
Oh, never mind, just noticed the title: Mid-Atlantic Northern VA Leagues Breaking away from USTA like ALTA

So this means no Big Shots or Colt 45s at the beach this year?

Big shots formed a super DC team. Check out the roster of the DC big shots team :)

I'm sure someone else will pick up where she left off anyway
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Hall of Fame
I'm not saying he or she is in the wrong at all, as I just don't know the details of the situation one way or the other, but it seems obvious to me that whoever wrote that letter in the OP is themselves a high maintenance, drama filled person.

Also, does this one person really have the authority to do this? I would have thought the recourse for being unhappy with working with the USTA would have been to quit their job, not to break away an entire section from the USTA.

you might be right, however ALTA is very successful


Hall of Fame
There will always be USTA VA, only someone else will get in charge of it, and I must say: I'm happy about it! USTA VA never even listened to players' complains and/or requests, and certainly never did anything to solve issues that players brought up. On the other hand, USTA Mid-Atlantic itself as well as other districts in Mid-Atlantic have tried to help players as much as possible. Every local league with exception of NOVA has rescheduled every match that was scheduled on Super Bowl Sunday, so it's not USTA rule that matches have to be played on this day. I can go on and on with incorrect statement listed above. I'm definitively happy that USTA VA (at least NOVA) will be given to someone else who will care about players!!!


Big shots formed a super DC team. Check out the roster of the DC big shots team :)
Yeah, looks like a strong lineup, although who knows how long Vaughn's back will hold out.

LOL @ the lone 4.0. Given the lineup, I'm guessing he'll only play if it means defaulting a court?


New User
You really have to understand the way that USTA leagues are run in order to understand what is going on here. I for one plan on learning all of the facts before joining another league.
I don't know about you...but the carrot that she is dangling isn't as big as being able to Nationals!!!


Yeah, looks like a strong lineup, although who knows how long Vaughn's back will hold out.

LOL @ the lone 4.0. Given the lineup, I'm guessing he'll only play if it means defaulting a court?

i'm assuming it's the captain? haha, i was on that super team last year, and we had no availability at sectionals...oh well

i still can't believe there's no NOVA usta tennis league...haha


Hall of Fame
I'll just say that I think the ALTA league model is far superior to the USTA model. Team formation is dramatically easier and a group of players can play together for years. In USTA getting bumped up is a traumatic event because you either have to find a new team or move the entire team up to a level where they may not belong.


None of my Northern Virginia players seem the slightest bit alarmed. They seem to be playing tennis via USTA as per usual.

Whoever wrote that message sounds like a trouble-maker who thrives on drama. I don't know if that is in fact the case, but it sure looks unprofessional to me.


Hall of Fame
You really have to understand the way that USTA leagues are run in order to understand what is going on here. I for one plan on learning all of the facts before joining another league.
I don't know about you...but the carrot that she is dangling isn't as big as being able to Nationals!!!

I think not having nationals is a good thing in the long run. Just causes too much cheating when you plan on spending lots of cash for a tennis trip. It promotes sandbagging, and I know all 2 well.


Hall of Fame
I think not having nationals is a good thing in the long run. Just causes too much cheating when you plan on spending lots of cash for a tennis trip. It promotes sandbagging, and I know all 2 well.

Yeah, and a cash prize will cause much less sandbagging!


Oh Gut, I wondered if this would be brought up here!

First, for some of you wondering about the person who wrote the posted email. This person is a coordinator, and has been for many, many years. Among other leagues, she coordinates the 18+ NOVA adult evening league, which is by far the biggest league for 18+ in this area. Like the email says...83 teams. Figure each team has roughly 15 people (a gross underestimate), that's 1245 players. *eyebrow*

This isn't just some nobody creating drama. If you had been doing the same (tough) job you have been for 18 years and you finally just got fed up with increasing micromanaging (can we say "Nationals rule") and complaints from players (did I mention the Nationals rule? Plus the new rules for how many teams advance to districts. Plus new rules every single freaking year.), can you not say you might not also throw in the towel?

So do not doubt the validity of the person who wrote this. You might not like this person, or agree with what they have chosen to do, but this person has a clue.

As a USTA player in NOVA who is under 18 and also branded with a scarlet N, my first reaction was 'well f*ck it all, what was left of tennis for me this year is gone'.

However, this person has run non-USTA leagues along with USTA for years. I know the ladies on my team have so far (even though we are past the deadline) voted to play. Because, we want to play tennis!

Now, I agree with Gut that someone will just take over. The fight here, as far as I can see it, will be over the already very valuable and scarce court time. IMO, I don't think there will be 18+ evening NOVA leagues this year. Districts will be a joke. IMO.

I also agree that many people will be flocking to DC and MD to play. I think my own reaction to this mess is somewhat tempered by the fact that I have already registered for NOVA daytime team, a DC team, and a MD team; with the first two probably going to be my main teams just due to how my own schedule works.

McLovin, there are other NOVA leagues that this person does not run. For instead, mens weekend and womens daytime. Some of those have already started and since they are run by different coordinators, I would assume those will continue.

I can sympathize with what she is saying. USTA has gotten more and more regulated and it has become harder to just play tennis on a team with your friends. The 40+ leagues have almost destroyed 18+ already, pulling players and court time. Last year our season was crammed into about 6 weeks. Meanwhile there were multiple seasons for the 40+ players. I also agree that there is plenty of room (maybe moreso outdoors) for non-USTA tennis. ACTA has gotten a lot more popular lately. WTT is popular in MD, and it would be nice to start up in VA. NVTL, however, isn't as easy, as play is during the daytime. So if you have a job, you're kinda out of luck.

What I disagree with is her making this decision for all 83 teams. If she didn't want to coordinate any further because she disagrees with the regulations, fine...but hand it over to someone else and give them the change to redo the schedule (though I know I wouldn't be happy with only ten matches).

Sounds like she's going to hang onto the court time with all her might. Without that court time, nobody else will be able to schedule anything indoors. And we can't accommodate 83 teams outdoors.

It will be interesting to see the fallout.

But, at the end of the day, these are all first world problems.


I think not having nationals is a good thing in the long run. Just causes too much cheating when you plan on spending lots of cash for a tennis trip. It promotes sandbagging, and I know all 2 well.

Ironic coming from you, don't you think!!!! Get yer butt back up to 5.0+ where it belongs!!!! :twisted:


There will always be USTA VA, only someone else will get in charge of it, and I must say: I'm happy about it! USTA VA never even listened to players' complains and/or requests, and certainly never did anything to solve issues that players brought up. On the other hand, USTA Mid-Atlantic itself as well as other districts in Mid-Atlantic have tried to help players as much as possible. Every local league with exception of NOVA has rescheduled every match that was scheduled on Super Bowl Sunday, so it's not USTA rule that matches have to be played on this day. I can go on and on with incorrect statement listed above. I'm definitively happy that USTA VA (at least NOVA) will be given to someone else who will care about players!!!

Forgot to mention (hard to believe in my long post)...yes, in my dealings with this coordinator, I did find it frustrating that I never got replies to emails or calls. In my very first season, I ended up captaining because nobody else would. I did get support that season, but since then, I've been much happier working with a few other coordinators just because of their willingness to be flexible (canceling courts if you know you have a default, rescheduling if both teams agree) and the quickness of their response.



MAS officials have been in meetings all day today, and have sent a letter to captains stating that NOVA 18+ will go on!

(someone please post the popcorn gif?)



MAS officials have been in meetings all day today, and have sent a letter to captains stating that NOVA 18+ will go on!

(someone please post the popcorn gif?)

oh nice!! is anything changing? or what's going on with that?


oh nice!! is anything changing? or what's going on with that?

My captain just said that MAS peeps (heard from PL) have been in meetings all day, that the resignation was a blindside, they didn't see it coming, and didn't have anything in place. However, they have stated that 18+ leagues will go on! And captains should be receiving a letter from USTA officials later today.

I wonder if AP might have more insight???

What could be an awesome fallout from this is having both! USTA leagues and more USTA leagues! We will have our cake, and eat it too, and then have seconds!


Sounds like she's going to hang onto the court time with all her might. Without that court time, nobody else will be able to schedule anything indoors. And we can't accommodate 83 teams outdoors.

Just curious... who actually has the rights over the court time?
Presumably some entity has contracted with the clubs/facilities for the court time, and probably had to make some form of up-front financial commitment/deposit.


Hall of Fame
Just curious... who actually has the rights over the court time?
Presumably some entity has contracted with the clubs/facilities for the court time, and probably had to make some form of up-front financial commitment/deposit.

I think the coordinator pays out of pocket in advance for the court time either haft or all, so its in her name.

She is making over 100k a year for this job, and its not like its pulling teeth. She must be kicking herself for letting the pressure get the best of her. She built a cash cow of coordinating over the years, and now she is tossing it all away. I guess she has other quality income or its a major brain fart


Hall of Fame
WHOA!!!! Who send out that email? Was that from Home Court Tennis?

Tennis is so strong in this area. I could see an Atlanta like breakaway league.

Though I hope they don't do a World Team Tennis format. I played that out in Reston and prefered the USTA format better.

Unfortunately I won't be playing leagues this year anyway. But it will be interesting to see how things shake out.


Hall of Fame
WHOA!!!! Who send out that email? Was that from Home Court Tennis?

Tennis is so strong in this area. I could see an Atlanta like breakaway league.

Though I hope they don't do a World Team Tennis format. I played that out in Reston and prefered the USTA format better.

Unfortunately I won't be playing leagues this year anyway. But it will be interesting to see how things shake out.

yes home court tennis, sent at 2am ish last night or today actually!!


Hall of Fame
I think not having nationals is a good thing in the long run. Just causes too much cheating when you plan on spending lots of cash for a tennis trip. It promotes sandbagging, and I know all 2 well.

I'm a bit cautious when someone puts cash on the line as a prize. Nationals are one thing but things can go really wrong with cash prizes. I'd also most prefer "paperweights and t-shirts."


Hall of Fame
The weird thing to me is that this straw that broke the coordinators back is just the USTA trying to enforce things in NOVA that are already the way things work in our local districts. There usually aren't more than 10 teams per flight, and I've never heard of 4 or more team playoffs, the #1 and maybe #2 teams at the end of the regular season just go on to the next level without the playoffs. But apparently in NOVA these things are unacceptable even though that's how other parts of the country already do things.

So, I"m still kinda wondering what the big deal is honestly.


Hall of Fame
Sounds like she's going to hang onto the court time with all her might. Without that court time, nobody else will be able to schedule anything indoors. And we can't accommodate 83 teams outdoors.

It will be interesting to see the fallout.

But, at the end of the day, these are all first world problems.


Question - does she have the teams and cash to hold onto that court time? I assume the clubs will want some payment and may not be happy if lack of teams / players means empty courts they could have charged other player for. I know matches are generally at crappy times, but when I was at one club I for "night owl tennis" I would have gladly taken the courts.


Hall of Fame
The weird thing to me is that this straw that broke the coordinators back is just the USTA trying to enforce things in NOVA that are already the way things work in our local districts. There usually aren't more than 10 teams per flight, and I've never heard of 4 or more team playoffs, the #1 and maybe #2 teams at the end of the regular season just go on to the next level without the playoffs. But apparently in NOVA these things are unacceptable even though that's how other parts of the country already do things.

So, I"m still kinda wondering what the big deal is honestly.

My guess is...these were things that made her lots of extra cash, and the usta wanting to charge the rules she had going for awhile would of hurt her bottom line more then she was willing to allow without a fight. Just my opinion, but I know very little about what the numbers really are.

She had to pull the cash prize route as that would be the only thing that would get the attention of people, if the winning team gets a rebate on the cash paid.

Cash is king


The weird thing to me is that this straw that broke the coordinators back is just the USTA trying to enforce things in NOVA that are already the way things work in our local districts. There usually aren't more than 10 teams per flight, and I've never heard of 4 or more team playoffs, the #1 and maybe #2 teams at the end of the regular season just go on to the next level without the playoffs. But apparently in NOVA these things are unacceptable even though that's how other parts of the country already do things.

So, I"m still kinda wondering what the big deal is honestly.

The big deal is 83 teams suddenly not being able to play.

This area is *flush* with tennis. People want to play and want matches. So, playing 3-4 matches out of 10 for a few weeks once a year isn't going to cut it in this area. Your area may be different. That's fine.


Question - does she have the teams and cash to hold onto that court time? I assume the clubs will want some payment and may not be happy if lack of teams / players means empty courts they could have charged other player for. I know matches are generally at crappy times, but when I was at one club I for "night owl tennis" I would have gladly taken the courts.

I believe the courts are booked by HCTL. Perhaps using the deposit that captains pay up front.

Yeah, if nobody is using all those courts, then the clubs lose a lot of $ too.

It will all come down to the $.


Hall of Fame
I'm also wondering what this resigned coordinator plans to do if a team/captian says:

"I signed up for a USTA league and reserved courts to play in that USTA league and I intend use the court time that has been reserved to play in the USTA league that I signed up for. I don't have interest in your other non-USTA startup leagues."

Is she really going to continue to hold that court time hostage? Does she have the power to do that?


I'm also wondering what this resigned coordinator plans to do if a team/captian says:

"I signed up for a USTA league and reserved courts to play in that USTA league and I intend use the court time that has been reserved to play in the USTA league that I signed up for. I don't have interest in your other non-USTA startup leagues."

Is she really going to continue to hold that court time hostage? Does she have the power to do that?

That raises a good point, and I imagine many people have weighed in with both the coordinator and MAS officials. So if MAS can pull something together quickly, and go to the clubs and get them on board (benefits the clubs, so they don't lose money), I would imagine those people would be pacified.

We never received schedules though, so while someone could say that, they wouldn't have any idea when/where that court time is that they are 'owed'.

GT is my guess. Ok cool :)

You just might be right!

I thought you had it figure out after the mixed match you posted about.

Listen to Topaz.. for your own "tennis USTA knowledge" good.

Really, everyone should!


I can't even process this. I can't.

As a captain, I pay a deposit to USTA/Mid-Atlantic/MDDistrict each season. This is so the league doesn't have to chase me for any defaults my players cause.

Each player pays for 5 matches at registration, at $18 each. This money also goes to USTA/Mid-Atlantic/MDDistrict.

MdDistrict takes all that money and buys court time for all teams for all matches for the entire season.

One person cannot do a thing about that. The money doesn't flow to or through the league coordinator. MDDistrict contracts with the clubs. So a league coordinator can throw a fit and hold her breath until she turns blue and there is no way she can hold the league hostage.

I have never captained in VA, but I have "shadow" captained. In other words, I have babysit day teams run by other people. Each match, the players bring me cash, which I give to the captain who gives it to the coordinator.

Surely VA clubs require payment up front to reserve the necessary courts?

Topaz, is the person in question the same person who coordinated the day leagues? If so, I like her. She seems capable and nice and was always responsive.

Anyway . . .

I will be watching. I kind of hop another league forms. Maybe it would siphon off enough players to free up court time so VA could be 2-hours timed instead of 90-minutes timed. I have sworn off leagues with 90-minute timed matches.


New User
Cindy - I believe that the day league is run by a different coordinator, who I agree is great! There are a few different people who run leagues in nova, of course this just happens to be the one who runs the largest ones.

The different nova coordinators also do things differently. The others I've seen have been run how you describe, players pay court fees at each match which are mailed to the coordinator after each match. Unfortunately, this coordinator does things differently. At least for the mixed leagues she had each team captain pay the full deposit upfront or you could opt to pay in installments. That was in addition to the refundable deposit to guarantee we didn't default courts and not pay. I am not sure if the teams have paid this amount to the coordinator yet.
The issue is less about her holding the money hostage though as it is about her holding the court time hostage. It's great that MAS hopes to put the league on as planned, but it's going to be a logistical nightmare if it's even possible at all. The coordinator has already reserved courts for all of the matches, which is about 500 matches as a conservative estimate. If she really does refuse to release those courts (as she threatened to), I don't know how MAS could possibly scrounge up enough court time for this to go on. Ideally they'd move much of it outside, but even that will be tricky with ACTA and the men's outdoor nova league using many wknd hours and not all courts having lights or enough courts per location.

I wish the new league would siphon off players like you suggest but unfortunately I think it would end up having the opposite effect as topaz mentioned that people would be able to play in both leagues...so even more competition for court time!

I have often wondered why the Alexandria coordinator hasn't tried to offer an adult league as well. They have enough courts to offer at least a small league and if there was a rule that people could only play nova or nova-Alexandria (not the case for mixed) then that could help some to lessen court time demand.



Thank you for that insight.

Um . . . Let's just say I hope this coordinator has a lawyer. A good one.

Like I said, I don't know exactly how things are set up and what the various contract rights are. I would be shocked -- shocked, I tell ya! -- if USTA didn't have an iron clad contract stating that, in the event of dispute, they win and she loses.

In other words, surely there must be a contract stating that the courts belong to the league and not to the coordinator. And that's assuming a non-compete clause wasn't slipped into the contract.

Even if this was somehow left vague, I know what I would do if I were USTA: I would sue the coordinator immediately. I would seek an immediate injunction declaring that USTA has the right to the court, on the theory that letting the coordinator skip off with the courts would result in irreparable harm to the USTA players. I would throw my weight around, big time.

Smart money would be on USTA in that fight.


Hall of Fame

Thank you for that insight.

Um . . . Let's just say I hope this coordinator has a lawyer. A good one.

Like I said, I don't know exactly how things are set up and what the various contract rights are. I would be shocked -- shocked, I tell ya! -- if USTA didn't have an iron clad contract stating that, in the event of dispute, they win and she loses.

In other words, surely there must be a contract stating that the courts belong to the league and not to the coordinator. And that's assuming a non-compete clause wasn't slipped into the contract.

Even if this was somehow left vague, I know what I would do if I were USTA: I would sue the coordinator immediately. I would seek an immediate injunction declaring that USTA has the right to the court, on the theory that letting the coordinator skip off with the courts would result in irreparable harm to the USTA players. I would throw my weight around, big time.

Smart money would be on USTA in that fight.

i think her husband is a lawyer

and the plot thickens!!


New User
Gut is correct. Her husband (and co-owner/founder of HCTL) is a lawyer. I'm sure the USTA has bigger and more lawyers, but the fact that she is married to an attorney does make me think that she at least discussed/thought this through in terms of her legal rights/responsibilities.

This is the perfect suburbia drama though and I'm interested to watch it unfold more...


Gut is correct. Her husband (and co-owner/founder of HCTL) is a lawyer. I'm sure the USTA has bigger and more lawyers, but the fact that she is married to an attorney does make me think that she at least discussed/thought this through in terms of her legal rights/responsibilities.

This is the perfect suburbia drama though and I'm interested to watch it unfold more...

If her organization (this HCTL thing) is the holder of the contract for court time with the tennis facilities, then it seems she has the upper hand. Then it comes down to the terms of her contract with USTA and whether they can sue her for breach and damages.


New User
I believe that HCTL is the holder of the contract with the courts and it has nothing to do with usta. Honestly I don't know what kind of contract (if any) she has with usta. She's certainly not an employee. It's more like her HCTL leagues follow usta regulations just so that the winners can advance to districts/sectionals and not have to deal with some of the organizational aspects. I'm not sure what usta could sue her for but I'm interested to see how it turns out...


Bionic Poster
LOL look at these club hackers taking themselves seriously and filing lawsuits about recreational activities!

Focus on trying to improve yourself. It really doesn't matter what league you play or don't, you will still suck.


Hall of Fame
LOL look at these club hackers taking themselves seriously and filing lawsuits about recreational activities!

Focus on trying to improve yourself. It really doesn't matter what league you play or don't, you will still suck.

Ohh thank you mighty moral standard person for telling people to focus on ourselves and and adding we still suck.

I hope that made you feel better about your meaningful life by putting fellow humans down with personal insults on an internet chat forum, especially when nobody said anything at all to you. That in my opinion is what the scum of the earth does. Its basically a form of cyber bullying. If you think you're so great and better then people, then lets see a video of you playing. I'm sure I could beat you 60 60, but none of that really matters, since you will still be a jerk inside.


Ohh thank you mighty moral standard person for telling people to focus on ourselves and and adding we still suck.

I hope that made you feel better about your meaningful life by putting fellow humans down with personal insults on an internet chat forum, especially when nobody said anything at all to you. That in my opinion is what the scum of the earth does. Its basically a form of cyber bullying. If you think you're so great and better then people, then lets see a video of you playing. I'm sure I could beat you 60 60, but none of that really matters, since you will still be a jerk inside.

There is a video of him playing in rec players video thread in tips and instruction.