Here are a few interesting new studies.
Link - Barefoot increased jump height and peak power.
Link - At high speed, the rearfoot runners in a RF pattern, and the forefoot runners in a FF pattern, did not differ significantly in economy. But the FF runners in an RF pattern were more economical still, meaning they were more economical than the RF runners in an RF pattern! The FF runners also had a somewhat higher average preferred speed, suggesting those in the FF group were better runners in absolute terms. At slow and medium speeds, groups did not differ significantly in economy. This study had many flaws, the shoes were not zero heel drop which favors heel strikers. This may explain why the FF runners performed better in a RF pattern. Also, FF runners can easily revert back to a RF stride, but RF runners need training to adjust to a FF pattern.
Link - This study indicates that running performance improves with shoes 300g or under. So, it's good that tennis shoe companies are trying to lower the weight of shoes.
Link - Toe strike running increases the risk of injury in the early stages.