Minimum Self Rating Loophole?


The NTRP self rating guidelines seem to suggest that under 25 years old division III player (It says NAIA - is that the same as NCAA?) Should self rate at 5.0

I found a player that self rated at 4.0 and had pretty easy matches except for one in league (went to tie breaker) and another close one at states (He won it 6 & 4).

It looks like he may have registered as a 4.0 before signing with his Division III school and then played this year at the school. So far he's 3-0 at Singles line 4 as a freshman.

Is this an oversight of the self rating system?


Hall of Fame
technically the player should have re-rated upon going to college or when intended to play college. Otherwise unless a grievance is filed the USTA won't do squat


I had this come up before, and was told by USTA that as long as the self rating was valid at the time it is done, they do not require them to go back and do it again if something changes. In my case, it was a kid that self rated at 3.5 and then qualified for his state high school tournament, which requires a minimum 4.0 rating. This seems to be a similar issue.



Hall of Fame
I had this come up before, and was told by USTA that as long as the self rating was valid at the time it is done, they do not require them to go back and do it again if something changes. In my case, it was a kid that self rated at 3.5 and then qualified for his state high school tournament, which requires a minimum 4.0 rating. This seems to be a similar issue.


This is correct. There have been many instances around here of kids self-rating in high school and then later playing in college. Basically, once you have a computer rating, it doesn't matter what your self-rating guidelines say anymore.


Hall of Fame
That's why you get in the 40 and over leagues and that will solve that issue for us 40 and over

This is correct. There have been many instances around here of kids self-rating in high school and then later playing in college. Basically, once you have a computer rating, it doesn't matter what your self-rating guidelines say anymore.