Mispronunciations of Player's names


Hall of Fame
A couple of tennis commentators are atrocious in pronouncing names.

Cliff Drysdale and Chris Fowler phonetically pronounce Nadal's first name as "Raffy-el" vs. "Rafa-el".

Most commentators pronounce Aggie Radswanska's last name the way it is spelled but there is a vid by the Rad sisters where Aggie states that their last name should actually be pronounced "Rad-wiens-ka".

Any other names you can think of?


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I guess almost all those south slavic names in Serbia, Croatia are pronounced wrong by the commentators.

Also the Czech ones like Berdych and some Russian ones.


Hall of Fame
Raonic was having his name mispronounced all the time when he came onto the scene, I think there were about four different types, can't remember them all. Ray-o-nich is one.


From another thread....

One of my requests: do a ten second interview with every player. It would go something like this.

Interviewer: "Hi, I'm _____. Please look into the camera and say your name."

Player: "I am ____________ _____________"

Interviewer: "Thanks."


Hall of Fame
One match I saw Murphy Jensen was consistently pronouncing Tipsarevic as "Tisparevic."


Radwanska's first and last name are ALWAYS mispronounced. It's definitely not an easy one to say if you're not Polish (I'm Polish), but I think they could do a bit better job.

Spelled phonetically with an English pronunciation, it's Ag-n-yesh-ka Rad-van-ska. And the n is a soft n but I don't know how to describe that without saying it.

Also, I can't stand it when the ESPN announcers say Caroline Wozniacki's last name with the typical English (mis)prononciation. Phonetically spellid it's Voz-n-ya-ts-ka.

And being that I've spent some time in Germany, I'll just clarify that Sabine Lisicki's first name is pronounced, again spelled phonetically with an English pronunciation, Za-bee-ne.


I think a lot of commentators have trouble pronouncing Jack Sock's name correctly.


I don't remember who the commentator was, but back when Maria was first coming on tour, someone kept calling her ShaPaRova instead of ShaRaPova for about an hour until they realized the other announcer was saying it differently.

The McEnroes say "Nuh-Dowl" instead of "Nah-Dahl."

Though I like him as a commentator, Brad Gilbert consistently mispronounces names, seemingly without any care to correct himself. "Sci-mun" instead of "See-mone" is an example.


Bionic Poster
Raonic was having his name mispronounced all the time when he came onto the scene, I think there were about four different types, can't remember them all. Ray-o-nich is one.
haha, that's how Vijay Amritraj pronounces his name.

The funniest is the Ivanisevic case, there's a video on that somewhere. The chair ump kept calling him "ivan-in-evich" during the game.


Hall of Fame
Berdych - BerDIC.K/BerdITCH
Del Potro - Del P"OH"tro/Del POTro
Djokovic - Djok"OH"vic/Djok"OH"vITCH/D"JOCK"ovic

basically a lot of the "O" vowel is pronounced either open or closed based on usually what country the commentator is from


Hall of Fame
jim courier was a classic example from the 90´s. i must have heard at least 5 different ways to pronounce his family name, often all during one match:)


Hall of Fame
Here's the thing. People only bring up the mispronunciation of players' names by people who speak English as a first languate (Americans, Brits, Aussies, etc.). When someone is broadcasting in Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, etc., do you think they pronounce everyone's names correctly? NO. It's just not an English speaking thing. Furthermore, commentators in non-English speaking countries sometimes have trouble pronouncing names of Americans, Brits, etc. You have to look at it both ways.

These players go around the world all year long, and have their names pronounced all sorts of ways by umpires, broadcasters, and fans. 99% of them don't really care. Some of them only get their name pronounced correctly in their home country.

It's just the same old people on discussion forums that make such a big deal about it. Ideally, everyone would be able to pronounce every name 100% correct in every language possible. But, it's never going to happen.


Hall of Fame
Some European players have actually given up and often pronounce their names in an Americanized way.

1) Sharapova is one of these who has "given up" by her own admission. Her name is correctly pronounced


(sounds like shut-UP-ova, which is what I wish she'd do during a match).

2) Dolgopolov is another one. His name is correctly pronounced


...where the stressed syllable's vowel is more like the New Yorker's vowel in COF-fee.

3) Björn Borg is correctly said something like "b-yearn boary."

4) Stefan Edberg's last name should be pronouced "Eeyid-barry" (glossing quickly over the "ee" at the beginning.

5)...let me think. I'll be back. ;-)


Hall of Fame
Ideally, everyone would be able to pronounce every name 100% correct in every language possible. But, it's never going to happen.

Disagree. Industry people in particular ought to make an effort to correctly pronounce the names of at least the biggest players (say, players in the top 50 or so). Worldwide. It's just gross disrespect to the players not to even make the effort.
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Hall of Fame
Disagree. Industry people in particular ought to make an effort to correctly pronounce the names of at least the biggest players (say, players in the top 50 or so). Worldwide. It's just gross disrespect to the players not to even make the effort.

I never said they shouldn't make the effort. What I said is that it's never going to happen that every broadcaster, umpire, etc. can pronounce every name exactly correct in every language.


Hall of Fame
I never said they shouldn't make the effort. What I said is that it's never going to happen that every broadcaster, umpire, etc. can pronounce every name exactly correct in every language.

Well, so what if utter perfection is never going to happen? That's not the point. Commentators and officials should certainly at least try to pronounce names correctly, and their superiors (network bosses, ATP brass, etc.) should correct them when they screw up.

The tone of your original post sounded dismissive of the issue to me. Perhaps that isn't how you meant to come across though.


Hall of Fame
Well, so what if utter perfection is never going to happen? That's not the point. Commentators and officials should certainly at least try to pronounce names correctly, and their superiors (network bosses, ATP brass, etc.) should correct them when they screw up.

The tone of your original post sounded dismissive of the issue to me. Perhaps that isn't how you meant to come across though.

That's not how it was meant to come across. Believe me, the officials do make an effort. I can't speak for the commentators, because they are usually way farther off with the names. It is a joke how bad they are sometimes. But, I am sure you know that there are many sounds in many languages that are natural to those who don't speak that language, and it is very hard to know them all.

When I go out on court and there is a player with a name I am not sure about, I will ask them before the coin toss. If I'm way off, they will say it their way, and I will repeat it as best as I can. Usually, they say, "close enough" and smile about it. But it's not always going to be great.

The players don't make a big deal about it, and if the umpire/broadcaster is at least trying, I don't think it's disrespectful if they don't get everyone right.


Hall of Fame
That's not how it was meant to come across. Believe me, the officials do make an effort. I can't speak for the commentators, because they are usually way farther off with the names. It is a joke how bad they are sometimes. But, I am sure you know that there are many sounds in many languages that are natural to those who don't speak that language, and it is very hard to know them all.

When I go out on court and there is a player with a name I am not sure about, I will ask them before the coin toss. If I'm way off, they will say it their way, and I will repeat it as best as I can. Usually, they say, "close enough" and smile about it. But it's not always going to be great.

The players don't make a big deal about it, and if the umpire/broadcaster is at least trying, I don't think it's disrespectful if they don't get everyone right.

That's excellent that you ask the players and do the best you can. That's how it should be. I'm sure the players appreciate your consideration.

I have often thought that the ATP and WTA should put out pronunciation guides to the players' names. Televised umpires and on-air commentators in particular should be required to review the names of the relevant players before each match.

Ideally the umps and commentators would know IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), as it is true that some sounds are difficult (or even impossible) to represent in other languages.

Think that's a ridiculous requirement? I don't think so--not in this changing international world. It only makes sense.


It's just the same old people on discussion forums that make such a big deal about it. Ideally, everyone would be able to pronounce every name 100% correct in every language possible. But, it's never going to happen.

I alway pronounce "Woodrow" like "GOAT".

Is that wrong :)


Bionic Poster
Berdych - BerDIC.K/BerdITCH
Del Potro - Del P"OH"tro/Del POTro
Djokovic - Djok"OH"vic/Djok"OH"vITCH/D"JOCK"ovic

basically a lot of the "O" vowel is pronounced either open or closed based on usually what country the commentator is from
Cilic has various variations.

In another thread, the pron of Federer was discussed. We use an Americanized pronunciation, i think.


Hall of Fame
Can't expect complete accuracy in pronunciation. Some sounds are hard for non-native speakers to pronounce, and they can sound silly or pretentious when they try. For example, I don't really want to hear Anglophone umpires or announcers trying to do the trilled double R in "Ferrer": http://www.forvo.com/word/david_ferrer/#es

Here are native speaker pronunciations for a few other player names. They sound pretty different from what I'm used to-- most often because of where the accent falls:

Navratilova: http://www.forvo.com/word/martina_navrátilová/

Borg: http://www.forvo.com/word/björn_borg/#sv

Nishikori: http://www.forvo.com/search/nishikori/ja/

Wilander: http://www.forvo.com/word/mats_wilander/#sv

Stepanek: http://www.forvo.com/word/radek_štěpánek/#cs


I never said they shouldn't make the effort. What I said is that it's never going to happen that every broadcaster, umpire, etc. can pronounce every name exactly correct in every language.

At least Bud Collins never butchered Matina Navratilovas name.


Hall of Fame
Can't expect complete accuracy in pronunciation. Some sounds are hard for non-native speakers to pronounce, and they can sound silly or pretentious when they try. For example, I don't really want to hear Anglophone umpires or announcers trying to do the trilled double R in "Ferrer": http://www.forvo.com/word/david_ferrer/#es

Here are native speaker pronunciations for a few other player names. They sound pretty different from what I'm used to-- most often because of where the accent falls:

Navratilova: http://www.forvo.com/word/martina_navrátilová/

Borg: http://www.forvo.com/word/björn_borg/#sv

Nishikori: http://www.forvo.com/search/nishikori/ja/

Wilander: http://www.forvo.com/word/mats_wilander/#sv

Stepanek: http://www.forvo.com/word/radek_štěpánek/#cs

Hey, that forvo site is pretty cool. The Borg and Wilander pronunciations are excellent and sound like native speakers to me.


Hall of Fame
The pronunciation of most names is wrong. Take Belgian names:
Clijsters - not Cl-aye-sters!
Xavier Malisse - not Savior Malees!
Rochus - not Rogue-cuss!
Darcis - not Dar- siss!


Hall of Fame
A sportscaster in my hometown used to pronounce Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario's name like "uh-RAN-cha SANchez" instead of the more Spanish sounding "uh-RON-cha SONchez" (he also used to call golfer Chi Chi Rodriguez "Chai Chai") Drove me crazy!!!! When I was in elementary school there was a girl from Poland in my class with the same first name as A. Radwanska. We called her Ag-NESH-ka.

Also that Tomas Berdych guy from Czechoslovakia-I've heard him called "beard-itch", "bird-itch", I say "bird-ike"
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Hall of Fame
A sportscaster in my hometown used to pronounce Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario's name like "uh-RAN-cha SANchez" instead of the more Spanish sounding "uh-RON-cha SONchez" (

Neither is correct. The A is not as short as your first example, and not as broad as your second. It is more like the A in "father."


Hall of Fame
The guy commentating for Casablanca is botching consonants left and right: Fogg-nini, Kipolla, Guilermo (Garcia Lopez). Most commentators do better than this with Spanish and Italian.


Hall of Fame
I couldn't believe he was saying Kipolla. That was just really bad.

Yeah, I think it's fine for announcers to use an agreed-on Anglicized version of a difficult foreign name (like Borg, Ferrer or Navratilova).

But it sounds bad when they make errors that are all their own, with names that wouldn't be hard to pronounce more correctly (I think that's why "Tisparevic" bothered me).