Missed the middle cross


I string my son’s gravity mp lite with full Wilson synthetic gut power 16g at 55lbs . It was strung around the world . I missed the middle cross and didn’t weave the cross properly through the mains . What I have is the middle cross bumping up away from the middle section of the stringbed .


Cut it out and string it correctly. It is nothing more than a cheap syn gut, that Wilson markets as "Wilson Synthetic Gut Power"

String it two-piece until you are comfortable doing it one-piece. There is no reason to leave that string in the frame unless can't get more cheap syn gut caught in some supply chain vortex. :unsure:



Thanks I will this weekend. The son playing it is in his clinic today and tomorrow. I work nights and play in the morning. I’ll have more chances to restring on the weekend. The son playing the frame likes the way it plays coming from my older son, whose frame he is using . He doesn’t wish to use a demo frame from the teaching pro’s supply . Lucky it doesn’t effect his strokes until I get a chance to fix the string .


Thank you but I learned from my mistake and re string around the world 1 string . It’s done correctly now in time for his morning clinic .


Consider that misweave on the cross a partial rite of passage. Using the wrong holes for mains or crosses; using a wrong pattern; cutting too short a piece of string from the reel; tying the frame to the stringing machine accidentally; forgetting to lock down the 6/12 bullocks; tying a knot too tight thereby breaking the anchor string or the last cross/main; mixing up the strings on a hybrid or use wrong tension; etc. are other potential mishaps looking you in the face. I am not saying you will do what I have listed nor said I did all of them, just stating …..:eek::happydevil:


Hall of Fame
I won't even begin to talk about some of my screwups...some of ya'll would just shake your damn head and put me on ignore. :confused::D