On our 40+, we have two 3.5 women and two 3.5 guys. Both women will be bumped to 4.0 without question. One of the 3..5 guys is better than the bottom third of the 4.0 guys on our 4.0 team, and he should be bumped. He went unbeaten at men's State this year. The strongest 3.5 lady/guy mentioned above went unbeaten this year through playoffs losing an avg. of 4 games per match over 8 matches. They are considered our strongest team and play line 1 week in week out.
I played with a very quirky, weak 3.0 lady and a much stronger 3.0 lady. Another 4.0 on our team refused to play with weaker 3.0 in the playoffs. She was disappointed when she didn't play in the local playoffs, and my heart went out to her. It was clear she was upset. I don't enjoy playing with her either, and we haven't played much for the team, as she is seen as a liability. She was actually called that by a teammate
But to make her feel better, I volunteered to play a practice match two weeks after the playoffs vs our unbeaten 3.5/3.5 team when nobody else would accept their challenge match. I told her "we aren't supposed to win, but I hate losing. If you believe in yourself and listen to me, we have a chance. " Down 0-5 in the first set it looked grim as I began the sixth game. Hold, break them, hold, then they held.
We lost the first set 6-3. But we lost three deuce games and we were closer than they wanted. Up 4-2 in the second, they were perplexed. After they lost their first set of the year 6-4, they were not focused and we beat them 10-6 in a TB.
The other 3.5 lady on the team is one of the 3.5 ladies I have won with at 8.0 mixed. She is a great friend and one of just two teammates besides our opponents to acknowledge the win. I don't want accolades, but this quirky 3.0 lady wants to play at least one match at State. What was most disappointing to me was the comment by other 3.5 guy, who plays on my 7.5 team. He viewed their lost as some type of ladder where we jumped over a reliable strong team. I told him, "that's ridiculous, it was an anomaly. I know we aren't better, and would lose 9 out of 10 times to them."
Considering none of our 7.0 teammates have beaten us in practice matches, and the top two combos have lost to us in practice matches, hopefully she gets a chance to play just one match at State. That is all she wants. One match with her is as much as I can handle. Lol One of our 4.0 guys hated hitting at her as a teammate, which explains the win over him. Our non-team opponents won't be as kind.
Do I like playing with her? No. But I work with her husband and it is called being nice.