The Impossible Whopper Estrogen Burger: Helping Men Grow Boobies Since 2019
Burger King’s new plant-based protein burger, called the Impossible Whopper, is reportedly so popular that it has brought in more than $250 million from investors, including Bill Gates, and e…
Far out.
“Regenerative Times” concludes: “We are particularly concerned that a single patty of Impossible burger very likely contains a clinically active level of an estrogen booster designed for post-menopausal women.”
But even for post-menopausal women, this much estrogen regularly is problematic.
The Impossible Whopper has 44 mg of estrogen, and a regular Whopper has 2.5 ng of estrogen. Now, let me refresh your metric system. There are 1 million nanograms (ng) in one milligram (mg). That means an Impossible Whopper has 18 million times as much estrogen as a regular whopper, according to Tri-State Livestock News.
Forty-four milligrams of estrogen! By comparison, an entire month of estrogen tablets for transsexuals transitioning from male to female is 60 mg, and a year or so of that hormone regimen causes them to grow breasts, the penis and testicles to shrivel, and makes them infertile. So, in reality, this is a depopulation burger.
Just six glasses of soy milk per day provides enough estrogen for a man to grow boobies. That’s the equivalent of eating four Impossible Whoppers per day. You would have to eat 880 pounds of beef from an implanted steer to equal the amount of estrogen in one birth control pill.
The Impossible Whopper patty is made from 24 ingredients. The most important ingredient is soy protein. The Whopper patty has just one ingredient: beef.