Modern Dunlop Revelation 200G 95


New User
Hi, first post here but long time lurker.

I really like playing the Dunlop Revelation 200 G, but it is 20+ years old and I'm thinking that it would be nice to have something similar, but slightly more "modern" in its playability. I've been checking out the Head Prestige 360+ MP, seems to be quite in the same vein as the REV200G. Does anyone have any other tips of frames to try?

All the best

mark b.

Try the Wilson Ultra Tour, 97". Can't buy on TW but if you are a resourceful online shopper they are out there and around $100. I bought mine from Canada (hint). OR you could but the new Ultra Pro directly from Wilson.


Hi, first post here but long time lurker.

I really like playing the Dunlop Revelation 200 G, but it is 20+ years old and I'm thinking that it would be nice to have something similar, but slightly more "modern" in its playability. I've been checking out the Head Prestige 360+ MP, seems to be quite in the same vein as the REV200G. Does anyone have any other tips of frames to try?

All the best

If the Revelation 200G is the same frame I'm thinking of, I would try the Pro Tour 2.0. I'm not sure if it is as modern as you are hoping for, but I'm really enjoying it. It feels like an updated Muscle Weave 200G in a way - more power but still plenty of plush comfort.


Hi, first post here but long time lurker.

I really like playing the Dunlop Revelation 200 G, but it is 20+ years old and I'm thinking that it would be nice to have something similar, but slightly more "modern" in its playability. I've been checking out the Head Prestige 360+ MP, seems to be quite in the same vein as the REV200G. Does anyone have any other tips of frames to try?

All the best
Try the dunlop SX 300 tour


Hi, first post here but long time lurker.

I really like playing the Dunlop Revelation 200 G, but it is 20+ years old and I'm thinking that it would be nice to have something similar, but slightly more "modern" in its playability. I've been checking out the Head Prestige 360+ MP, seems to be quite in the same vein as the REV200G. Does anyone have any other tips of frames to try?

All the best
Just curious as I've inherited a Rev 200G....what frame did you go for?