Mole removal with 2 stitches and tennis 36 hours later?


So I went to the skin doctor and I asked about getting a small mole removed without thinking about an important match I needed to play the next day. The spot is like right in between my neck and shoulder right above the clavicle on my left side which is the side of my off hand. So basically it's like a 1 or 2 cm cut with 2 stitches I think. He said within about a week I'd be back to normal and I can probably exercise within just a couple days because it isn't a major wound. I'm wondering if anyone could give me an opinion on whether it would be safe to play tennis 36 hours after the procedure. It doesn't seem like an area that would experience any stress as far as stretching. Could someone give me an opinion (and fast because my match is in like 5 hours). Just FYI I use a 1 handed backhand.
