Just so you teenyboppers know Borg dominated RG more than anyone before or since (in the OE), yes including Rafa. Here's what the carnage looked like in terms of games won:
1974 - 61.7%
1975 - 68.8% (
10th highest of OE, though Rafa might have topped it this year)
1978 - 79.9% (#1, at any major)
1979 - 64.7%
1980 - 76.8% (2nd highest, again at all majors)
1981 - 71.1% (6th at RG, 8th overall)
Average - 69.7%
Suffice it to say no combo of Fedalovic's best six runs anywhere comes even close to 69.7%. Something for you jokers to think about when you comically crow that Borg would be lucky to steal one FO from Rafa.
Ah but the guy never reached anywhere near that peak elsewhere, you say? That's technically true as the margin for error on hard and grass is lower and thus not so conducive to such dominance, but this isn't quite the slam dunk in favor of your hero you think it is.
Here's Borg in his Wimbledon runs (I'm adding his '81 % to
my earlier list for a more comprehensive overview):
1976 - 65.5% (3rd highest at SW19)
1977 - 58.5%
1978 - 61.3%
1979 - 59.8%
1980 - 61.4%
1981 - 58.8%
Average - 60.7%
Years won - 61.1%
So he actually won a higher % than Pistol, and just barely less than Fed (61.6% in all runs to the final, 62.3% in title runs). This despite S&Ving on almost all 1st serves which is another low(er)-margin tactic that most likely brought down his %s. And as a refresher Wimbledon was his
second best major. I've yet to look closely at Pete's or Fed's USO/AO runs but given that '04 Fed barely makes the AO top 10 in OE GW% I'm pretty sure neither bested Borg's %s by much, if at all.
Now we come to the USO, Borg's "worst" major though as you'll see that term is quite relative in his case. Before I start, though, the guy had all of four chances to win a Slam on HC. Give Fedalovic four years to win a Slam on their weakest surface against a Connors or McEnroe and chances are they come up short as well.
But we still have to go by what actually happened, right? Here's what Borg actually did on USO HCs:
1978 - 61.6%
1979 - 61.9% (lost to Tanner in QF but included due to small sample)
1980 - 58.8%
1981 - 59.5%
Career - 60.1%
So Borg's career Slam average on his worst surface equals
Sampras' on his strongest in his title runs. And I can tell you even Novak managed no more than 61.5% in his five RG finals. That's from his very best results; take out his win in '16 and you get 60.7%.
And take all of Borg's runs to Slam finals (so his '79 USO #s are excluded while '75 #s are in) and you get a stupendous career 63.2%. Which one of you wants to bet Fed, Rafa or Novak comes within a passing distance of this milestone even if you take only their best 6, 6 and 4 runs from their 1st, 2nd and 3rd best majors respectively? I thought not, which means, at least when it comes to surface versatility, Borg is the king of the OE, quite possibly ever.
Of course versatility can mean many things, so I'll save y'all the trouble and give each of the answers:
You're welcome.