Murray's new head logo butt cap on his I-Radical


Murray's new head logo butt cap on his I-Radical [Pic]

Murray don't have the typical oval intelligence series butt cap on his racquets. i wonder if it make any difference...

People always said Agassi' racquet butt cap give away its identity of a paintjob, since he always have the old Radical tour butt cap instead of the black intelligence series or silver LM series. So can we said Murray's racquet is a new head racquet with a backdated paintjob? LOL

notice unlike Wilson or Volkl, Head don't have it's arrow point logo anywhere on its racquets, except the stencil and butt cap, and Murray is having the new logo on both the Stencil and butt cap.

your thoughts?
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Hall of Fame
they probably just changed the buttcaps to go along with the new company logo. i seriously doubt he changed racquets and is still using his old pj. that makes no sense.
Head sent a survey around about a year ago asking for USPTA members opinions on new logos. I guess that was the one that got the most votes.
they probably just changed the buttcaps to go along with the new company logo. i seriously doubt he changed racquets and is still using his old pj. that makes no sense.

a rumor has been going around that murray was trying out the new microgel prestige
i don't know if this is true or not :confused:
Good eye.
Probably the same LM frame, but I bet when they customize his handles, they reach for the new buttcaps, that's all.

My teaching pro buds had a demo of the new microgel Prestige and Prestige Pro. Nice. The grip shape felt tiny and thin and the cosmetics look busy, but it is a good-feeling frame.


Hall of Fame
The racquets the HEAD pros use do not have the same two piece butt caps that the retail versions do. Instead they have one piece black butt caps. One reason for this is to save some money. The butt cap tells you nothing what-so-ever about the racquet itself.


Hall of Fame
Well Thomas Martinez has said that he uses a head TK57 mold (custom mold) and he has lead all around the head in addition to the CAPS he has, he has a GIGANTIC SW and his racket is apparently 35-g unstrung (that's 350 something haha) . This is a possible attributing factor to his wrist injury. After hamburg he has apparently altered his racket specs in an attempt to calm down the wrist problems.