Posted in another thread that I am experimenting w. polarizing one of my Becker11Lights. I realize that many of the TW forum members are far too good to even think about using a racquet containing the word 'Light' and this thread will be ignored by many because i didnt lead up to SW2 <whatever that is>, but perhaps this will be meaningful to some members. Not sure if I northpolarized, southpolarized, repolarized, underpolarized, depolarized or what, but had an interesting experiment. ;O
racquet = Becker11Light, leather gripped, regular string setup at regular tension. racquet weighted and balanced to match other customized b11Lights for balance and swingweight, but with weight relocated to 12 and the buttcap instead of 3 and 9 and above the grip collar cuff. swingweight about 315 <not less> and balanced a few points headlight. did this by feel rather than measurement. took 4 pieces of lead about 3-3.5" long at 12 and perhaps a total of 20" of lead temporarily added to the buttcap...not sure on this
changes in performance were several;
basic ralley ball was less spinny and more penetrating and with a lower trajectory (less time in the air). so lost some spin but gained some court penetration and ball carry. a good trradeoff
volleys - no change to speak of. volleyed great.
ROS - this is where the additional carry really came in. my majour weakness is that sometimes my return of serve lands too short in the court even though it seems to have enough pace. also happens less frequently from the backcourt. guys i play with eat that stuff up....First Strike Tennis. I am talking singles here, as that type of service return can be very effective in dubs. this setup made it easier for me to get the ball deep in the court and to start out at least in a neutral position. other racquets which I could get the carry with would often carry but with too much net clearance and not enough pace...not this setup.
Serves/Overheads - The polarized setup made the racquet a little more sluggish on the serve <and a little less effective> whereas there was no discerned diff in the groundstroking. would take some time to dial this in or maybe this is something that would be a deal breaker for me, or perhaps removing a little bit of lead from 12 would do the trick.
All up, there was a def change in the dynamics of my strokes and game by this change. Additionally, the sweetzone seems to be expanded a bit to the North which is where many better players seem to hit.
I think racquets like these which start out light are perfect as a blank canvas for customization..seems to be the way many of the pros racquets start out before they get sent off to a Bosworth or whomever to get customized.
Am happy to respond to anything reasonable
racquet = Becker11Light, leather gripped, regular string setup at regular tension. racquet weighted and balanced to match other customized b11Lights for balance and swingweight, but with weight relocated to 12 and the buttcap instead of 3 and 9 and above the grip collar cuff. swingweight about 315 <not less> and balanced a few points headlight. did this by feel rather than measurement. took 4 pieces of lead about 3-3.5" long at 12 and perhaps a total of 20" of lead temporarily added to the buttcap...not sure on this
changes in performance were several;
basic ralley ball was less spinny and more penetrating and with a lower trajectory (less time in the air). so lost some spin but gained some court penetration and ball carry. a good trradeoff
volleys - no change to speak of. volleyed great.
ROS - this is where the additional carry really came in. my majour weakness is that sometimes my return of serve lands too short in the court even though it seems to have enough pace. also happens less frequently from the backcourt. guys i play with eat that stuff up....First Strike Tennis. I am talking singles here, as that type of service return can be very effective in dubs. this setup made it easier for me to get the ball deep in the court and to start out at least in a neutral position. other racquets which I could get the carry with would often carry but with too much net clearance and not enough pace...not this setup.
Serves/Overheads - The polarized setup made the racquet a little more sluggish on the serve <and a little less effective> whereas there was no discerned diff in the groundstroking. would take some time to dial this in or maybe this is something that would be a deal breaker for me, or perhaps removing a little bit of lead from 12 would do the trick.
All up, there was a def change in the dynamics of my strokes and game by this change. Additionally, the sweetzone seems to be expanded a bit to the North which is where many better players seem to hit.
I think racquets like these which start out light are perfect as a blank canvas for customization..seems to be the way many of the pros racquets start out before they get sent off to a Bosworth or whomever to get customized.
Am happy to respond to anything reasonable
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