My Dual Reality

Jay Winzenz

New User
Bought a used racquet about a year ago that was strung with Weiss Cannon Dual Reality and I really liked the feel. This is a pre-packaged hybrid with co-poly mains and synthetic gut crosses. It's somewhat unique in that they recommend stringing the crosses about 6 lbs higher than the mains. I ordered a few sets but then kinda forgot I had them. Fast forward, I recently bought a Head Pro Tour 2.0. Wasn't thrilled with the Head Hawk strings so I restrung with Dual Reality. WOW...great feel, good power, and adequate spin. Really arm friendly in the PT 2.0 and if you like to hear a nice THWACK when you hit the ball...

Deleted member 768841

Seems like an interesting setup, poly mains syn. gut crosses. Plus the packaging is cool.


Yeah I can see why they recommend stringing the crosses 6 lbs higher. The sun gut would be too floppy so you're trying to equalize for the material difference.

Do we know what main they are using for this? Or is it exclusive to this hybrid package?