My Favorite Sports drink, what is yours?


I have tried all kinds of sports drink and I am a firm believer in the drink I drink most often. Either lemon lime Gatorade or Powerade, mainly because I have found this is a little lighter then other flavors. Then I do a 50/50 mix of the Gatorade with water. I really hate how normal sports drink make your mouth really sticky, usually makes me more thirsty. When you have that water in it, it makes it more smooth and go down easier, plus you are getting all the other stuff that water doesn't have.

What do you guys drink?


Lucozade Sport.

I usually drink some and then wash it down with water. Mixed Berry flavour is my favourite, but I can't always find some, so I have to drink Orange most of the time.

Having thought of it, I'm not sure I've ever lost when drinking the Mixed Berry flavour. Perhaps they put magic berries in?


The taste of Lemon/Lime Gatorade (original) is pretty boring but all of the other flavors have such outrageous coloring in them that dye your mouth red or blue of purple or whatever that it is the only one that I use.

Could someone sell those Gatorade formula people a clue, (use lighter, or no, coloring)??


The taste of Lemon/Lime Gatorade (original) is pretty boring but all of the other flavors have such outrageous coloring in them that dye your mouth red or blue of purple or whatever that it is the only one that I use.

Could someone sell those Gatorade formula people a clue, (use lighter, or no, coloring)??

Try Gatorade Rain. I absolutely love this stuff.


New User
i dont know if its classified as a sports drink, but i like either strawberry-kiwi or berry Propel.



Hall of Fame
red bull or coke.

j/k :p

I just drink water with a little mixture of gatorade in it so its not so strong but not tasteless. And it has to be cold. :D

Bottle Rocket

Hall of Fame
I make my own gatorade with the little .50 cent packets from Wal-Mart. The berry flavor is my favorite. Each packet makes a quart and I drink about 1/4 of a quart everytime I play, then some after. Its cheap and taste extremely good. Fruit punch and orange are also good.

I have some of those Propel packs you put in a 16.9 ounce bottle as well, but that stuff is sort of worthless. It tastes good, but has no real benefits.

edit: I have recently discovered the little tubs of Gatorade that comes with a scooper thingie in it. It makes 3 gallons and costs about 3.50... A little more than 1.5 scoop per 16.9 ounces bottle. It will last a very long time and it is about as cheapas these drinks can get. They make even bigger tubs, but I don't want to get stuck with the wrong flavor.
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New User
Gatorade Fierce Strawberry, Propel Kiwi-Strawberry
but I usually drink water, even when I have Gatorade


I ingest my micro nutrients in the form of supplements prior to the workout. No need to wait until your body needs them to ingest them during the workout. My "sports drink" is a blend of whey protien and creatine in a shaker bottle. Although not as efficient an energy source as a carb drink, the body will convert some of the protien to energy (glycogen). The whey also minimizes the catabolic effects of cardio type exercise while also promoting muscle growth (of "tennis muscles"). Since I've been in fat burn mode lately, I tend to avoid the carb drinks most of the time.

One final thing to consider about carb drinks. I've noticed in MY case that the carb drinks can cause an insulin body has lots of energy...but now, the tennis play is kind of crappy... for a short while. On the other hand, with my protien "stack", energy availabiity appears to be more constant.

Finally, within 30 mins of the completion of any kind of workout, I take another protein drink.


I like to mix salt and light salt (which is 1/2 salt and 1/2 potasium chloride) with either tea or sometimes Crystal Light.

I'd rather get carbs from a Clif bar or some nuts instead of all the corn syrup in a sports drink.