My game sucks and I have no power, no spin, and lack consistency.


New User
I am a high school sophomore and have been playing for about 5 years now. I used to take group classes, and even a few private lessons, but have played primarily for school or with other people for the past 2 years. I played a lot of USTA last year and won a lot (I play in the Chicago area, it's pretty competitive here), and even made the varsity team last year (but didn't get to play any matches because covid) and was playing really well. I was pretty consistent and my shots had a lot of pace and spin, and I was able to control the ball really well. Ever since then, I have been playing 3-4 times per week, and my performance has drastically dropped. My footwork is all over the place, My shots are weak and flat, and I can barely put the ball where I want it. I have tried watching this dude in order to improve, and it kind of helped, but I still am far below what I used to be. I tried taking a week off and just focusing on working out and improving my strength and flexibility, but to no avail. Here is a video of me playing that you guys can critique. I am the person closest to the camera. I guess my main issue is just consistency, and from there I can improve the other stuff.
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Looks like too much is happening on that Tiafoe forehand. A lot of wrist, head spinning changes in the racket face angle throughput the stroke. Why not change it to something nice and simple?


Bionic Poster
Against a good 4.5, you have no power.
Against a 3.5, you have great power and control.


New User
Against a good 4.5, you have no power.
Against a 3.5, you have great power and control.
I agree that I am not bad compared to a 3.0 or 3.5, but what could I improve in order to take my game to the next level? How can I improve my consistency? I know I can play a lot better than this, I was doing it last year.
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Only watched a minute or so, but from what I can see:
  1. Lack of split step
  2. I noticed that on balls that bounce twice / dead incoming balls, your takeback actually becomes more elaborate with more unnecessary wrist motion, which may explain your inconsistency; same thing with your backhand
  3. Your partner isn't helping and is robbing you of rhythm because he doesn't appear to make any effort to get a rally going with you
  4. Based on your OP: restring your racquet
  5. Based on other comments: use newer balls


I'd also suggest focusing on clean striking for some time. Watch the ball, keep your head still as contact happens and some fraction of time after. Strive to meet sweetspot (definitely not close to the tip) and the ball every time. Hit through the ball every time. Think of consistent ball striking first, consistent ball trajectory will return naturally. With your basis and training - in no time.

Chas Tennis

Compare single frame in this post. Single Frame on Youtube use the period & comma keys. Always select the video with Alt + Left Mouse Click , otherwise the videos starts playing. Go to impacts and compare all of the stroke leading to impact. You can go full frame and back down again an the video stays on the same frame.

It does not look like much forearm separation.
Off arm not used like ATP pros on hard forehands.
Do you adjust the height of your racket head like the ATP pros?

Look for separation and height adjustment issues for two hand backhand. (I have not studied the 2HBH very much.)

Search on forum: forehand separation Chas
separation angle Chas
forehand off arm Chas
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